How to fill the lack of calcium in the body

Calcium is a very important trace element that is involved in many vital processes in the body. Currently, calcium deficiency is diagnosed in many people. Moreover, the usual dairy products do not fill this deficit, because for the absorption of calcium you need vitamin D. We will tell you how to recognize the lack of calcium, you will know what this deficiency is fraught with, as well as get acquainted with the main ways to solve this problem.

 How to fill the lack of calcium in the body

How to understand that the body does not have enough calcium

Here are some factors that speak about the deficiency of this trace element.

  1. First of all the nails suffer - with a lack of calcium, they become brittle, exfoliate, slowly grow.
  2. Calcium deficiency leads to increased sensitivity of teeth.This suggests that the protective shell (tooth enamel) began to break down. With a more pronounced lack of this element, the teeth begin to crumble, they are more susceptible to caries. In children, deficiency leads to late growth of teeth.
  3. Calcium deficiency affects the nervous system - a person becomes irritable, depressed, he sleeps a lot, his working capacity decreases.
  4. Serious calcium deficiency leads to various bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, when the bones become loose. Because of this, they are prone to frequent fractures and cracks.
  5. Calcium, or rather its deficiency, affects the hair, they begin to fall out, become dull and brittle. The scalp with a lack of calcium sweats heavily, this is especially noticeable in children. The skin on the hands becomes dry, often flakes.
  6. Often with a lack of calcium there is numbness in the fingers, cramps in the legs and arms may appear. This is often observed during pregnancy.
  7. Due to calcium deficiency, various problems develop in the cardiovascular system.
  8. With a serious lack of calcium, blood clotting decreases, the body is prone to bleeding. Cataracts may develop.
  9. People with low calcium in the blood often feel cold, shivering, experiencing aches, even with a slight cold.

More accurately determine the amount of calcium in the body can only be using a special analysis. If the deficit is confirmed, an urgent solution to this problem should be sought.

Nutrition for calcium

The main dose of beneficial calcium we get through food. It is very important to eat those foods that contain not only calcium, but also vitamin D, without which the trace element is not digested. To compensate for the lack of calcium in the body, you need cheese, beans, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, sesame seeds, almonds, dates, oatmeal, pistachios. It is useful to eat canned fish, because they have soft fish bones that can be eaten. Limit the amount of salt - it washes out calcium. You should also give up coffee and limit the amount of protein consumed (meat, fish).

Separately, I would like to say about dairy products. To get calcium from them, they must be consumed along with vitamin D (which is found in seafood) and magnesium (which is abundant in beans, seeds and nuts). Every day you need to eat something dairy, especially children.It is very useful to eat fresh milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese. To compensate for the lack of calcium in children in the first year of life, you can use the following recipe.

Calcium Curd

Cottage cheese is already a product with a high content of calcium. However, we will provide you with a recipe for active cottage cheese, in which the useful calcium is ten times more. It is absolutely safe, such cottage cheese can be given to children at the very beginning of the lure. Take two glasses of natural milk - not from the store, but from under the cow. Milk should be fresh. Next we need one ampoule of calcium chloride, which is also called a hot injection.

 Calcium Curd

Boil the milk for at least 10 minutes, let it cool. In a milk, add a tablespoon of kefir and one large ampoule (10 ml) of calcium chloride. It is better not to pour the liquid out of the ampoule, but use a syringe so that a piece of glass from the cut does not get into the milk. Mix the milk, kefir and the contents of the ampoule and put on a slow fire. Use a small enamel (not aluminum!) Saucepan. After heating the milk will begin to curl. Cook it for a while, and then fold it over the gauze.Wait 10-20 minutes to serum glass. The result will be a useful and very tasty cottage cheese, rich in calcium. It is not necessary to pour out the serum - airy pancakes are obtained from it. Many kids do not like to eat cottage cheese, but we know the secret recipe that they definitely will like. Blend the resulting cottage cheese, a little milk, half a banana and a couple of cookies. The resulting mass so like your little one, that he will certainly ask for supplements.

Calcium - in the shell!

A lot of natural calcium is found in the shell of eggs. If the eggs are homemade, you can just wash them with soap from the litter. If the store, they must be kept in the oven for 10 minutes at a high temperature. This will protect you from salmonellosis. Hold the shell in water to remove the inner film.

Prepared shells must be crushed in a mortar. If there is no mortar, just go for it with a rolling pin. Drinking medicine like this - half a teaspoon of shell should be quenched with lemon juice. Eat cooked composition and drink it with water. Next you need to drink fish oil to get the right dose of vitamin D, which allows calcium to be absorbed.Such a recipe before parents treated children for rickets.

How to fill the lack of calcium in the body

Fortunately, now in pharmacies simple vitamin complexes are available, containing the right dosage and combination of ingredients, which not only saturate the body with calcium, but also help it to digest. However, prolonged use of synthetic calcium can be dangerous for people who have problems with the veins. With varicose veins, the intake of natural calcium is recommended - that is, from food.

Calcium is very much washed out with nicotine. Therefore, to fill the deficit, you need to quit smoking. In addition, young girls who are on strict weight loss diets suffer from calcium deficiency. Vegetarians are also at risk. Very often, calcium deficiency is observed in people with lactose intolerance. Such groups of patients cannot drink milk and eat dairy products. In this case, you need to look for alternative sources of calcium.

Calcium is needed by all. However, there are groups of people who need it especially strongly. These are children in the period of growth, pregnant and lactating women, people of old age.Calcium is needed after chemotherapy, during the recovery of bone fractures, during menopause, as well as during the intake of diuretic drugs. If you fall into one of these categories, watch your health and avoid calcium deficiency in your body.

Video: perfect calcium without drugs

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