How to care for Scottish Fold kittens

The sweetest lop-eared cats were loved by everyone without exception. Compliant nature, unpretentious content, trouble-free care - all this attracts many adherents of the breed. Scottish kittens get along well with humans and quickly get along with other pets. But for correct development it is necessary to provide the baby with proper care and a place where he can feel comfortable. Today we look at everything that affects the content of Scottish Fold.

 How to care for Scottish Fold kittens

Conditions of detention

  1. Since the body of the kitten has not yet fully strengthened, immediately after the birth of the baby, he needs to ensure proper care. We are talking about the features of the content. Make sure that the temperature of the pet in the habitat of the pet is 30–31 degrees, and the humidity does not exceed 60–65%.
  2. To this end, you can use warm mats, heaters, electric heaters. But it’s not worth overheating the kittens, a special thermometer is put in the house-box. Over time, the temperature regime must be reduced. When the kitten is 20 days old, the temperature should be 25 degrees.
  3. In cases where there are several kittens, remember an important nuance. When they are trying to get into a ball or climb on each other, it means they are cold. If the animals are too far away, they are hot. This way you can adjust the temperature according to the needs of the kittens.
  4. You can learn that the mode is correctly selected, as it is possible. Kittens should lie near, sleep peacefully and not move from corner to corner. When babies are just born, their temperature is around 36 degrees. Later, it rises to 37.5–39 degrees (about a month).
  5. If the animal is frozen, you need to fill in the bottle with hot water and wrap the container with a towel or use a special heating pad. They take a kitten on their hands, apply a device to its body and gently warm it. You can not raise the temperature abruptly, do everything gradually.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to keep small pets in conditions of high humidity (basement, etc.), otherwise they will fall ill. However, air draining should also not be tolerated. Animals should be comfortable. At the bottom of the house (box), in which the kittens live, be sure to line a terry towel or other rag. But the fabric should not slide, otherwise the kids will be difficult to balance.
  7. If the little inhabitants are already free to move around the dwelling, take it a habit to look at your feet and not slam the door abruptly. Usually the kittens follow on the heels of the man, you can not notice and step on the baby or pin down him. With the younger generation, conduct an educational conversation so that they do not torture the kittens, do not pull them by the tail, do not cut their mustaches, etc.
  8. Already grown up kittens stick their nose everywhere, so in the hot season there should be a net on the windows. Otherwise, the baby will fall. In adult cats, the landing is carried out on the paws, but the kittens have no such agility.
  9. You can not allow a pet to play with what can harm him. This includes tinsel, ropes, tape, thread with buttons, plastic bags, foil, etc.
  10. Since kittens are inherently curious, and if we add to this even a small age, they should be protected from danger. Therefore, always keep the toilet lid closed, the cabinet door with the trash can, the washing machine, the water tank, the drawers, the cabinets. Keep household chemicals, cosmetics, and medicines away.

Kitten care

There are no special difficulties with care. It is enough to comb the coat once every 5-7 days with a special soft brush for kittens. Eyes are washed similarly, once a week. But ears need attention from you, because they are the hallmark of the breed.

 Scottish Fold Kitten Care

  1. Eyes. If the eyes are healthy, there is no need to wash them at frequent intervals. Enough to keep them clean. However, in the presence of inflammatory processes, washing is carried out three times a day. For this purpose, diluted chamomile decoction is used, a special therapeutic agent or purified water. It is enough to omit the cotton sponge from the composition and wipe the eyes. If the inflammation does not go away after a week, go to the vet.
  2. Ears. Manipulations for cleaning the ears are carried out 2-4 times a month, in some cases more often. Get a special cat cleaning ear lotion. Moisten a cotton swab or an ordinary cotton swab, carefully collect sulfur and dust. Care must be taken not to damage the ears. Do not pull the ears, do not twist them. If there is no discharge from the ears, they are healthy. Sulfur formation is normal. BUT, if suddenly you notice that there is a thin red-brownish crust in the cavity, the sign is disappointing. Perhaps the baby has ear pincers. Refer to the vet, he will apply for cleansing a special solution.
  3. Wool. Wool is a kitty's calling card too. It makes it fluffy and soft, so you need to take care of the cover. Get a soft brush or silicone glove with tips. During the molting, events are held as needed up to daily procedures. When the molt will pass, it is enough to comb a pet 1-2 times a week. If the pet lives in a private house and walks on the street, after each walk it is examined to identify ticks.
  4. Claws Be sure to purchase special nippers for animals. The kitten must regularly trim its sharp claws. Accessory can be purchased at any pet store.A professional tool will allow smooth and correct cutting of claws. This is very important, as they do not split and not folded. Keep in mind, when caring for claws, you only need to trim their tips. Otherwise, you risk injuring the animal's nerve endings. If you damage blood vessels, the kitten will experience extreme pain. This will negatively affect the psyche of the pet. Psychological trauma remains for life.
  5. The washing up. Kittens from an early age are accustomed to bathing. Begin by wiping the animal with a towel moistened with warm water. The dog should not be afraid of bathing procedures and water in particular. After a certain period of time, the pet is first bathed in a basin, then allowed to splash in the bathroom. Before washing, it is necessary to protect the ears by inserting cotton swabs into them. Or you can close the ears with your palms so that they do not get water. Also, shampoo and water should not fall on the eyes. With regard to water temperature, the indicators should be equal to 36-37 degrees. Cold water will cause hypothermia, a hot one will increase the heart rate and make breathing more difficult. Before washing, get a special cat shampoo, no other will not fit.

Schooling to the tray

  1. Often, most representatives of the cat independently understand where to go to the toilet. Kittens quickly get used to the tray and then begin to use it for its intended purpose without "surprises" in the middle of the room.
  2. If the animal has not coped with the task and continues to meet the need in the wrong place, in no case do not beat or scold the kitten. As soon as the pet wants to go to the toilet, immediately put it in the tray. Before you empty the cats start digging a hole, at this moment you need to seat your pet in the tray.
  3. Do not forget that cats are guided by smell. Therefore, the first 2 days should not wash the tray. Such a simple move will allow your pet to quickly get used to the new toilet. Make filler from sand or wood shavings. Alternatively, buy ready-made fillers. Composition can be purchased at the pet store.


 Scottish Fold kittens

  1. The Scottish cat breed differs from most relatives in a rather calm disposition. Such animals are very friendly and intelligent. After acquiring a kitten, he will quickly get used to a new place.
  2. Scottish cats quickly get used to the owner and all family members. Kittens get along well with other pets. As soon as the animal comes to your house for the first time, it must be given to understand what cannot be done.
  3. Forbid to climb on the cabinet or table. Teach him not to do things that you might not like. The cat should not tear the curtains or wallpaper. Stop such behavior. Consider, while it is forbidden to use physical force.
  4. Suffice it to say animal "You can not!" Strictly and loudly. When applying physical effects from a kitten can grow shy or very aggressive cat. The breed in question needs constant communication. Play with the cat and talk.

Features of the diet

  1. Separately, it should be noted that the diet of the breed in question must be approached with full responsibility. It is not necessary to sound the alarm ahead of time, if after purchasing a kitten he will have a bad appetite. The animal must take root and get used to the new place.
  2. It is forbidden to give your pet cold food. Products should warm up to room temperature. If the kitten is not more than 4 months old, it is necessary to feed him 5 times a day.Up to 8 months of age the pet should be given food up to 3 times a day.
  3. After that, transfer the cat to 2 meals a day. In the diet of the animal must be present beef, turkey, chicken. Meat is allowed to give only after heat treatment. Fried food is contraindicated.
  4. It is allowed to give exclusively boiled egg yolk. From vegetables, give grated carrots and cabbage. In order for an animal to develop fully, it should be regularly given fermented milk products.
  5. If you do not want to bother with the preparation of the correct diet, you can purchase a balanced premium food. In this product there is everything you need, which may be required by the cat's body.
  6. Consider, it is strictly forbidden for an animal to give food from the table. In no case do not treat the cat smoked and sausage. Sausages, salty and fried foods are prohibited. Any human food is contraindicated. Otherwise, the cat will not live long.

Scottish cats need proper care. Watch for mustache, claws, teeth and hair in a timely manner. Provide your cat with a balanced diet.If you are going to cook by yourself, discuss the menu with a veterinarian. Alternatively, purchase quality feed from a trusted manufacturer. Also, after purchasing a kitten, do not forget to get a full vaccination.

Video: Scottish cats - features and care

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