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Who does not like to feast on fragrant raspberries? It is a pity that only a short period in the summer allows it. Yes, and pests do not yawn. But there are such varieties that bear fruit when all the natural terms have already come out. For example, in August or even in September.
As many have guessed, today it will be a question of a repair raspberry. An amazing plant has time to grow shoots in one season, bloom and bestow hosts a generous portion of large sweet berries. True, care is needed appropriate. How to care for the repair raspberry? Let's figure it out together.
General rules
Some sources advise leaving last year's shoots of a repair raspberry next year to get two harvests over the summer. Strongly do not recommend this.Because the quality of the crop decreases markedly, the number of berries decreases greatly. Yes, and the taste is obtained bony dryish fruits. Still, it is better to grow such a berry on the annual shoots of the current year. At the same time and pests will not be a place for wintering. By the way, let's talk about correct pruning below.
In general, any raspberry is a very voracious plant, and even a remontant one. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the bushes with decent nutrition throughout the vegetative period of development. Otherwise, the harvest will be none. By the way, this is a common mistake of many gardeners. They do not feed remontant raspberries, but with some inadequate tenacity wait for delicious berries.
Many people do not grow this plant in their home, because ostensibly the berries are sour and do not have time to ripen. This is also a mistake. The whole secret lies in the fact that in order to get a sweet, timely harvest, you need to wake up the remontant raspberry in the spring as early as possible. And initially choose a good place for landing. The greatest sweetness of a berry is gained when the plant is in the sun all day. Allowed shading a maximum of 2 hours per day, no more.
And so that the raspberry quickly woke up after hibernation, the site is covered in early spring with black non-woven material. So the earth will warm up soon enough, and the plant will have more time for development. Just do not forget to take cover when shoots appear. By the way, instead of the material, you can use ash, earth or coal. They, too, the sun warms much more than snow. At the same time and feeding will be.
Cut or not?
We advise you to definitely cut. It has already been written above that it is necessary to cut off shoots every year to get a good harvest. This is a serious aspect in the care of the repair raspberry. But few people know how to do it right.
Some sources recommend leaving hemp about 3 cm, others suggest shortening the shoots to 20-22 cm. We advise cutting all the shoots to the very root, even going deeper into the soil by about 1-1.5 cm. The whole procedure should be carried out with the onset of resistant frost . For the middle band, this is about the beginning or middle of November. For regions where there is no frost in winter, in particular for the south, early spring pruning is recommended. Why so? Now we explain:
- If you leave at least a tiny stump, it is likely that new buds will wake up. After fruiting, the remontant raspberry is very depleted, and the shoots will be weak, ugly.
- In winter, the stems of a repair raspberry can crack from frost. From such damaged branches return of a crop will be poor.
- In the south, the growing season of bushes can last all winter. By the beginning of the season, the root system will be greatly weakened. What kind of berries are we talking about, if the roots are not able to provide nutrition even for branches?
By the way, root shoots also need to be removed. The repair raspberry does not sin with this, but some varieties produce an excessive amount of new young shoots. Ideally, one bush should consist of 7-9 branches. This figure is optimal without damage to the crop.
It is advisable not to cut the extra shoots, but to dig them up with a piece of the root and transplant. The planting material of the raspberry is very expensive. So why throw away good? Just do not wait for the shoot to grow up. Separate it from the mother bush at a height of 4-7 cm, when the top of the head is clearly marked with leaves.
Council Do not feel sorry for old shoots, cut them cleaned. The harvest of the next year depends on this procedure.
Feed or put on a diet?
If you need a generous harvest, then by all means feed! And from the belly. All fertilizers applied during planting are used by the repair raspberry during the first year of life. And there are very rather large doses. So how much and how to fertilize the bushes?
Some sources give an exact dosage of mineral dressings, but give them per square meter. m. But after all remontant raspberries are planted according to the scheme 70 for 130-150 cm! Why such waste? We recommend fertilizing with ... mulch. Moreover, it will be enough to have a thick layer in the circle of a circle at a distance of no more than 50 cm near the bush.
By the way, the mulch itself is not a fertilizer. And as it can be used:
- manure
- hay (straw)
- compost
- last year's leaf litter
- fatty humus
- chopped sod
- rotten sawdust (let lie on the street for at least 2 years)
- juicy grass from weeding
- finely chopped branches
All this stuff, together or separately, is poured with a thick layer (12-14 cm) around the bushes. It would be nice to add on top of ordinary garden land. As a result, near the remontant raspberry a decent pillow is obtained. It does not allow germination to weeds, perfectly retains moisture.And if this mulch is often watered properly, it will start to rot very quickly. The raspberry roots are in the top layer of soil. And such a treat goes right to the table.
Try at least once such an original disposal of plant residues. We assure you that every year you will feed your remontant raspberry in this way without the cost of buying mineral water.
The only thing that will have to spend is any inexpensive phosphate fertilizer. Without phosphorus, such raspberry blooms very little and develops poorly. The second vital trace element (potassium) can be applied by sprinkling earth under ash bushes. If such an additive is neglected, then the leaves of the remontant raspberry become shallow, the shoots grow curved and thin.
Council If you plan to water a mulch pad with a solution of bird droppings, then be sure to dilute it strongly with water. At least 1 to 20. Otherwise, burn the small feeding roots.
Water or enough rain?
Weird question. And if there is no rain for a long time? What to do? Water it! The repair raspberry is still that waterhlebk. For normal growth and development, it requires a decent amount of water. And it is necessary to soak the soil under the bushes at least to a depth of 25-30 cm.
Do not be mistaken that if you mulch the earth around, then you will have to water less often.Look under the pillow more often to get your bearings. And do not flood the plants so that the roots float in the swamp. From one extreme to another - it’s not good either.
Diseases and pests
An essential part of caring for ordinary raspberries is pest and disease control. In the case of raspberry remontant, virtually all such headaches can be avoided. After all, it begins to bear fruit after the decline of the activity of most pests. And after pruning, a bare area remains (mulch for the winter is desirable to be buried in the ground), the frosts will reach all the larvae and pupae.
As for the diseases inherent in ordinary raspberry, remontant is genetically resistant to most bacteria. And if a plant is full of strength, healthy, eats well, drinks enough, then it will cope with almost every infection.
Some hosts use prophylactic spraying with any systemic fungicide before flowering. Well, it will not bring harm, but there will be no special benefit either. Anyway, in the fall, the shoots are cut off, so why bother? The exception is unfavorable regions. If you know exactlythat in your area from year to year raging any disease of plants, it is better to err. Prevention on remontant raspberries is more effective than any treatment.
Council If an unbelievable thing happened, and your raspberry raspberry bush managed to get sick, then do not rush it up. Always have time. For starters, try onion or garlic infusion. Bactericidal action of these plants has long been the talk of the town.
Some useful recommendations
- The repair raspberry loves soil loosening. At the same time, its root system is too close to the surface. How to get out of the situation, if you can not loosen, but really need? Mulch will save you again. Under it is always a large number of earthworms. Here they will do your job completely voluntarily.
- Don't forget about the garter. Some varieties of remontant raspberries with good care give a decent harvest of berries. But often the shoots can not withstand the weight of the crop. To avoid such trouble (who wants to admire dirty berries and broken branches), you have to think in advance how to tie up the bushes. Some sources recommend special designs, tapestry systems and their ilk. But, in practice, remontant raspberries are often planted near the fence.So why not use it? It is enough to tie the shoots to the picket fence and the problem will be solved.
- Do not rush to get rid of the usual raspberries after planting remontant variety. Then you can enjoy two harvests over the summer. Just do not put them near. Common pests and diseases easily relocate from bush to bush.
- After pruning, do not leave shoots in the area. This is an excellent shelter for the wintering of many harmful insects. It is better to cut the branches into a compost pile or burn them. At least, the ash will bring much more benefits than a hotbed of pests.
- There are tips to mulch reparative raspberries with peat. We recommend to refrain from such occupation. Peat strongly acidifies the soil, and the plant does not like it. Moreover, such a mulch is not interesting for earthworms and does not hold moisture well. At the next watering there is a great risk that the peat will simply float and wash off if the water jet has a big pressure.
- Do not use food waste as mulch. Many hunters who are not averse to feasting on the juicy berries of remontant raspberries gather for such a treat. Remember, you are mulching, not creating a compost pile.
- If autumn was a dry one, then you should definitely water the raspberry even after harvesting. The stock of moisture in the ground will allow the root system to better prepare for wintering and gain strength for the growth and development of shoots next year.
How to care for the repair raspberry? As you can see, not much harder than usual. The specificity of agricultural technology is only pruning. Everything else has long been familiar to many gardeners. So feel free to plant a beauty in your garden. You will definitely not regret it.
Video: how to get a big harvest of repair raspberries
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