How to care for your eyes at home

Eyes need to be taken care of from an early age. If now vision serves you for good, then with improper eye care you risk facing its deterioration. This issue is especially relevant for people who spend a lot of time in the sun, traveling behind the wheel, working on a PC or taking pictures. Yes, yes, you heard right, the listed groups of persons are at risk of visual impairment more often than others. In order not to run into problems, let's consider the basic rules of eye care.

 How to care for the eyes

Visit an ophthalmologist

  1. Take the habit of visiting a doctor who is responsible for the health of the eyes. For this purpose, consult an optometrist (ophthalmologist) or optometrist.If there were flies in the eyes or eyes clouded, in a timely manner, go to the doctor.
  2. A systematic examination will prevent possible abnormalities, visual impairment, diseases of a serious type. If you have any questions, you can ask them to a specialist online on specialized sites.
  3. To control your own health, you need to have basic eye care skills.
  4. If you are at the age of 20-40 years, visit the doctor once in 5-10 years. People 40-60 years old should contact an oculist once in 2-5 years. After 60 years, the examination must be carried out every year.

Wear eye protection.

  1. When any activity you need to wear safety glasses. This is especially true of people who work with chemicals or power tools.
  2. At such production in the air contains harmful impurities that harm the eye shell. Eyeglasses will help protect the visual organs from the ingress of various particles.

Care for the lenses correctly.

  1. At the end of the working day, get rid of contact lenses. Try not to wear them for longer than 18 hours.A longer sock will cause systematic and more serious eye problems.
  2. Do not go to bedtime, being in contact lenses, unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor. The eyes need oxygen, the flow of which overlaps the lens.
  3. If you like to swim, close your eyes with sealed goggles designed for this purpose. Otherwise, contact with sea, river or chlorinated water lenses may deteriorate.
  4. It should be understood that the prescribed lenses - not a panacea for all ills. In the shower, when working on a PC or in other situations, you better use glasses with diopters.
  5. When wearing lenses, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Change them systematically, as spelled out in the recommendations. Wash your hands thoroughly before inserting or pulling out lenses.

Sleep in due time

  1. As a rule, a downed sleep pattern leads to tiredness and dry eyes. As a result, you get irritation of the visual organs, difficulty in focusing the eyes, excessive tearing, sensitivity to light, blurring, painful sensations in the back, neck and shoulders.
  2. If you sleep at the wrong hours and not enough time, the situation needs to be urgently corrected. Having a good sleep you will avoid eye fatigue and associated side effects. Adult body requires about 7-8 hours of sleep.

Do not abuse drops from allergies.

  1. If you have an allergic reaction in spring or summer, it is logical that during this period the drops are used in an increased volume. But still try not to abuse them. With an increase in dosage, the eyes will no longer respond to the drug, their sensitivity and irritability will increase.
  2. The lack of antiallergic drops lies in their ability to block the oxygen coming to the eyes. The action is deceptive: an invisible film forms when the droplets enter, the eyes do not redden or itch, because they simply do not have enough oxygen.
  3. This effect has a bad effect on vision. After all, for the full functioning of the muscles and tissues of the eyes need oxygen. Its lack leads to eyelid swelling and scarring.
  4. If you wear contact lenses, carefully read the instructions before applying the drops.Some drugs can not be used in combination with lenses.

Remove makeup in time

 Remove makeup in time

  1. Many girls, after a hard day’s work or an incendiary party, neglect removing makeup with the help of special jelly and other means. Going to bed, they risk getting redness and irritation in the morning.
  2. Often a dream with makeup applied to the eyes leads to clogged pores in this area. As a result, barley appears, which does not have pleasant consequences.
  3. To force yourself to remove makeup, put on the bedside table all the devices that will be needed for cleansing the eyes (cosmetic disks, milk, sticks, etc.).

Get sunglasses

  1. You probably noticed that when you are in the sun, your eyes get very tired and start to hurt later. This is a consequence of exposure to ultraviolet rays, which in most cases lead to the development of cataracts.
  2. To protect your eyes, get sunglasses that will block the UV light by 95–100%. Better suited blackout version with anti-reflective coating.
  3. Long stay in the sun without glasses leads to a deterioration or complete loss of vision, so you need to take care of glasses in advance.You should know that the harm from UV rays does not go anywhere, every year you will only feel worse.
  4. Glasses must be worn by drivers who are constantly blinding from the road. Also, the accessory will be useful in the shade to prevent reflection from glass buildings or the water surface.

Go in for sports

  1. Experts recommend to lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly. Moderate exercise allows you to heal the body as a whole and prevent the development of eye ailments.
  2. Proved that the sport prevents diabetes. Enough to engage in the gym three times a week for 1 hour. Training will avoid the development of visual diseases in the form of glaucoma and cataracts.

Eye protection when working on a PC

 Eye protection when working on a PC
Time limit
If possible, limit the time spent behind the computer monitor to any other electronics. Currently, there is inadequate evidence that this kind of technique can cause serious damage to vision.

However, the abuse of devices leads to severe dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the visual organs.Increased or insufficient brightness of the screen adversely affects the muscles of the eyes. If, for certain reasons, you are not able to limit the duration of work for the PC, it is necessary to conduct various exercises in a timely manner.

Distance from the screen
You should not look at the screen at an angle, this action leads to an additional load on the eye muscles. Take a correct sitting position with a flat back. The look should be directed directly to the monitor.

Blink rate
While working at a computer, a person blinks much less frequently than in ordinary life. The fact is that the gaze is focused on information, on a subconscious level, you simply forget to close your eyelids at the time. As a result, dry eye begins. If you are constantly working on a PC, force yourself to blink intensely every 40-50 minutes.

Rule 20-6-20
Working at the computer, follow the main rule. After 20 minutes of activity, look away to a point that is at a distance of 6 meters, the duration of the procedure is 20 seconds. Not to forget to perform the exercise in a timely manner, you can put a reminder on your smartphone.

Sufficient lighting
During the work of a PC, it is important to ensure adequate lighting in the room. Activity in a dim room leads to a strong strain on the eye muscles. Try to rectify the situation so that the work is as comfortable as possible. When tired, do short rest. Eyes must rest.

For the eyes you need to properly care in any situation. Vision is an important feeling of a person, without which it is difficult to fully live. Provide your eyes with maximum protection and care. To do this, follow the accompanying rules. Wear sunglasses, do not forget about the special uniform at the enterprise. Use drops, go in for sports.

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