How to accelerate the growth of the beard at home

The ripening period of representatives of a strong half of humanity falls on the age limit of 15 years. It is this time that ensures that the guy on the face begins to appear vegetation. Long since thick beard and mustache are considered a sign of luxury, wealth. Previously, only bourgeois could wear facial hair. Today it is available to everyone.

 How to accelerate the growth of the beard

The reasons for the slow growth of the beard

  1. The age of 18 years indicates that the time of growth of the beard has not yet come. It is difficult to talk about how the vegetation will look in the future. Of course, many peers can boast a lush "hair". However, each individual structure.
  2. Common causes include genetic predisposition. Simply put, heredity.Genetics is considered to be the main factor influencing beard growth. Some guys have dark dense vegetation, others have skin that appears through the hairs. It is known that genes are not transferred in a linear fashion. Not the fact that the father’s beard will be passed on to you by inheritance. Again, everything is individual.
  3. The beard can not grow for the reason that the body is not strong enough to form new vegetation. There are many reasons for this. These include chronic fatigue as a result of intense physical exertion, diseases of the chronic type, the presence of pernicious addictions, depression and frequent encounters with stress, an unbalanced diet. Take the survey and exclude the above reasons.
  4. A factor that directly affects the intensity of beard growth is the lack of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Lack of this element leads to slow hair growth. To eliminate the cause, you must use methods that will increase testosterone levels.

Method number 1. Go in for sports

  1. The reasons for insufficient growth of a beard is the lack of physical exertion or, on the contrary, excessive persistence in sports. As you know, everything is good in moderation. To accelerate the growth of hair will help workout with weights. They increase testosterone production and increase blood circulation throughout the body. As a result, dormant follicles wake up.
  2. The training plan should include exercises such as bench press, deadlift, squats and half-squats with a barbell. These are basic exercises that will increase the amount of sex hormone. If you only do exercises on small muscle groups, you will not achieve an impressive result.
  3. Choose the right weight, which will be training. You have to do 10 repetitions in 1 approach, no more. Make sure that at the extreme repetition of forces remained minimal.
  4. The most optimal duration of training is considered to be 1-1.5 hours. Aggravating workouts lead to an increase in growth hormone and testosterone. These elements are responsible for gaining muscle mass. After an hour — one and a half, the situation changes radically, production of cortisol begins, which destroys muscles.
  5. Watch your well-being.Try to prevent the state of general and chronic exhaustion due to strong physical exertion. The decline of forces leads to a decrease in testosterone, therefore, the beard will not grow. Visit the gym no more than 3 times a week. Recovery between sessions is just as important as the workouts themselves. Alternate exercises, do not do the same variations each time.

Method number 2. Adjust diet

  1. The concept of healthy eating implies the existence of not only a balanced diet and metered food intake, but also products that you definitely need to eat to enhance the growth of the beard. To form a hair, proteins, amino acids, complex carbohydrates, and mineral compounds must be ingested.
  2. Take care to ensure that the diet was enough foods with vitamin A. Retinol strengthens hair, awakens dormant for months and years of follicles. Vitamin A can be found in sea kale, cheese, butter, broccoli, carrots.
  3. Ascorbic acid is also important. Vitamin C boosts the immune system and nourishes the hair follicles.You will find it in citrus, kiwi, cauliflower and red cabbage, Bulgarian pepper.
  4. Vitamin E, or tocopherol, increases blood flow to the face, thereby accelerating the growth of the beard. Tocopherol is present in dried apricots, porridge, prunes, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts.
  5. The food should include provitamin B7. It stimulates hair growth and also supports the intestinal microflora. If the digestive system is always in order, you will quickly grow a beard. Look for vitamin B7 in eggs, nuts, pea crops, oatmeal.
  6. No less important is folic acid. It is responsible for the direct production of testosterone and affects the reproductive activity of men. You can find vitamin B9 in almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, spinach leaves, beans and peas, lettuce, liver.
  7. To grow a thick beard, the diet should include foods with zinc, iron, calcium. Lean on hard cheese, chicken and quail eggs, buckwheat porridge, liver, all dairy products.

To summarize, we give a list of products on which to focus. So, in proper nutrition should include:

  • sea ​​cocktails, fish;
  • nuts of all types;
  • beetroot, carrot, cabbage, Bulgarian pepper;
  • citruses, kiwi;
  • spinach, leaf lettuce;
  • parsley, celery, dill;
  • garlic;
  • lean meat;
  • peas and beans;
  • pork liver, beef, chicken;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • quail egg;
  • cottage cheese, hard cheese and other milk.

Should refuse:

  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • salts;
  • sweets;
  • coffee.

You can vary the list as desired. The main thing is to make the most useful menu. Eat food 5 times a day in small portions.

Method number 3. Use cosmetics

To beard began to grow fully, you need to resort to methods of awakening of the follicles. Such indicators are strongly influenced by the condition of the skin.

Clear skin

  1. To maintain purity, it is not necessary to resort to expensive cosmetics. Beard has always been in fashion. Our great-grandfathers hardly used all sorts of tonics.
  2. In this case, the bearded men stimulated hair growth by simply washing in the morning with ice water. Cold liquid acts as an excellent means to improve blood circulation.To increase facial hair, resort to cold washing three times a day.

Burdock oil
 Burdock oil for beard growth

  1. Better beard growth will help regular use of burdock oil. Warm up on a steam bath a small amount of vegetable product to 40 degrees. Spread on hands and massaging movements rub into the skin for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Leave the oil for 1 hour. After a specified time, wash with warm water. To achieve the effect of plant composition is recommended to be mixed with a small amount of red pepper.
  3. As a result, you get excellent bulb nutrition and improved blood circulation, which is necessary for fast hair growth. Do not overdo it with red pepper, otherwise tissue burns in the form of redness may occur.
  4. The procedure should be carried out daily with burdock oil. If you decide to add red pepper, manipulation is reduced to 3 times a week. Burdock oil can be purchased easily, at the pharmacy the price of the product is 80 rubles.


  1. Another proven composition is eucalyptus oil. In this case, the composition must necessarily be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4.
  2. A cotton pad is impregnated with the finished product, then the face skin is rubbed. A few minutes after the manipulation, wash your face thoroughly.
  3. Keep in mind that you may be allergic to certain substances, so you should make sure that it is not present. If redness and itching appear, discontinue use immediately.

Method number 4. Increase testosterone levels

Correct sleep

  1. To increase hair growth, you need to normalize sleep. When a person is in a deep phase for a long time, the body is fully restored, testosterone is produced.
  2. An average person needs 7-8 hours of sleep for full recovery. Each body is unique, so you need to sleep in moderation. Upon awakening, you should feel light and cheerful.
  3. The important point is the correct time to sleep, if possible, you need to go to rest around 10 pm. Do not let enough sleep, accumulated fatigue will reduce all results to zero.

Normal body weight

  1. For good facial hair, it is important to maintain a normal body weight. Overweight people suffer from a lack of testosterone in the body.
  2. Through the synthesis of fats transform the male hormone into the female hormone - estrogen. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to start to lose weight, if any problems.

Sex life

  1. To increase testosterone, it is important to have regular sex life and communication with the fair sex.
  2. A moderate amount of sexual intercourse has a positive effect on the health of a man. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the effect becomes opposite.

Achieving success

  1. The development of a male hormone depends largely on the succession of victories. And it is not so important in what area you are lucky.
  2. Try to create as many successful situations as possible. The body responds positively to the process, producing testosterone.

Bad habits

  1. If you want to grow a thick and beautiful beard, it is important to get rid of addictions. Benefit will be not only for vegetation, but also for the whole organism.
  2. Alcoholic beverages - the main enemy of testosterone, as the product converts the male hormone into estrogen. Strictly need to eliminate the use of beer. The drink is rich in female hormone.
  3. Among alcoholic products there is an exception. Allowed to use red wine homemade production up to 200 ml. per day. The product slows down the breakdown of testosterone. Over time, you should stop using tobacco.

Today, facial hair is gaining popularity with most men, regardless of material condition and race. For certain reasons, not all beards grow thick and long. We looked at how to correct the situation and speed up the growth of facial hair.

Video: 5 ways to quickly grow a beard

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