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It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t know what tinnitus is. Extraneous sounds occur for various reasons, tinnitus can occur due to the huge number of provoking factors. In order to make a diagnosis, it is very important to tell the doctor about the nature of the sounds - ringing, noise, hum, whistle, etc. You should also pay attention to the associated symptoms. To find out how to get rid of tinnitus, we first try to find out the reason for its occurrence.
Why tinnitus appears
Doctors call tinnitus. This is a pathological condition in which the patient hears sound stimuli even in the absence of external causes. Tinnitus can appear in the following situations.
- Various changes and disturbances in the functioning of the auditory system - damage and swelling of the auditory nerve, damage to the middle and outer ear, growth of bone tissue in the aisles,exudative otitis media, etc.
- Atherosclerosis of the brain is another common cause of tinnitus. Disorders in the blood vessels often lead to a similar jingle.
- Some medicines (antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs) may produce a similar reaction.
- Often ringing in the ears occurs after a cold or flu. This condition is considered a complication.
- Sometimes ringing in the ears appears after exposure to loud noises - music in the club, a shot, crashing, clapping at the ear, the noise of an airplane.
- Tinnitus appears on the background of the injury of the eardrum.
- Sulfuric plug can also cause different sounds.
- Tinnitus appears when a foreign body enters the external auditory canal.
- With age, the severity of hearing is lost in all people in one way or another, and this is often accompanied by ringing in the ears.
- Noise or tinnitus can appear after an emotional shock, stress, intense feelings. This condition arises due to the pulsation of the auditory nerve.
- It may ring in the ears due to the fact that water is stuck in the ear canal.
- Sometimes tinnitus occurs along with a migraine headache.
It is very important to understand the nature of the sounds that you hear. If the ringing or noise is pulsating, it is most likely a matter of disrupting the work of the blood vessels. If the ringing is sharply increased, and “lumbago” are felt in the ear, then you have inflammation inside the ear. Metal ringing is characteristic of osteochondrosis. Whistling and squeaking sounds talk about traumatic brain injury. Prolonged and drawn-out sounds, which are sometimes amplified, may indicate neurological problems.
How to get rid of a sudden ringing in the ears
Here are some effective tips to help you get rid of noise and tinnitus.
- Push the lower jaw as far forward as possible and lock in that position. After 30-40 seconds, the ringing will begin to subside, and then completely disappear.
- If a tinnitus occurs after a loud party or a sudden noise, you can get rid of it using the following method. Put your palms on your ears so that your fingers look back. Press your fingers to the skull, put your index finger on the middle one. Sharply lower your index finger from the middle so that it clicks.Since the ears are closed and the blows fall on the skull, the sound will be heard quite strongly. But do not worry - it should be. 30-40 such clicks and there will be no trace of the ringing.
- Try to sleep. If the sounds are caused by a pulsating nerve, sleep will calm your body, and upon waking you will feel better.
- Do not drink coffee, black tea, chocolate - caffeine affects the blood vessels and the ringing may increase. The same effect will have alcohol and nicotine. In addition, you need to give up salt for a while - it causes swelling, and inflammation in the ear can intensify.
- Sometimes white noise helps suppress tinnitus. Turn on the fan, tap with water or air conditioner and stay in the area affected by the sound for a while.
These simple tricks will help you get rid of tinnitus if it has appeared recently. With prolonged and constant noise, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
What if the ears ring constantly
First, the problem must be addressed to the ENT. He will check for problems in his unit and, if necessary, he will send further on to the doctors - neuroplog, phlebologist, etc.
It is not necessary to treat tinnitus itself - it is important to find out the cause of this symptom. If the reason for the ringing of the IRR, need immunomodulatory and restorative drugs. For problems with blood vessels, medications are prescribed to improve blood circulation. In the presence of hypertension, normal blood pressure. Inflammation in the ear should treat the ENT - most often drops are used for local relief of edema and inflammation. If the cause of the ringing is otosclerosis, wearing a hearing aid is most often recommended. In addition, anticonvulsants are often prescribed to relieve symptoms, which eliminate the muscular contractions of the middle ear. Also, the treatment is accompanied by sedative drugs, which allow to eliminate the pulsation of the auditory nerve. Sometimes simple cleaning of ears from sulfur helps to get rid of the problem.
Folk remedies in the fight with tinnitus
Here are some home remedies that can help you get rid of obsessive ringing.
- Melissa. This plant calms well and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Three tablespoons of lemon balm should be poured into a liter jar and pour boiling water. Cover and steep for 20 minutes.Drink whole broth during the day. The full course of treatment is a week.
- Chamomile. From a strong decoction of chamomile need to make drops. Three tablespoons of inflorescences pour a glass of boiling water, cover and wrap with a towel. Let it stand for a couple of hours. Then the broth should be filtered through several layers of gauze so that small debris does not get into the ear. Cooked broth to bury in each ear 2 drops three times a day. Chamomile soothes the mucous, has an antiseptic effect.
- Kalina and honey. Viburnum berries should be well kneaded, strain the flesh. Mix the juice in equal proportions with honey. In the resulting liquid moisten clean turndochki and place in the ear for 10 minutes. Kalina disinfects and removes swelling, honey warms gently. Do this procedure twice a day until the ring completely disappears.
- Walnut oil. The finished oil can be purchased at the pharmacy or cook yourself. Put one drop of oil in each ear in the morning and evening.
- Geranium leaves. Geranium has bactericidal properties. Fresh leaf should be thoroughly stretched and placed in the ear canal. After two hours, change the leaf to fresh.
These recipes are effective if the ringing is caused by inflammation in the ear. With vascular disorders, these recipes are powerless. In any case, any self-medication is permissible only after consulting a doctor.
How to protect yourself from tinnitus
There is a sign that is associated with tinnitus. If your ear is “ringing”, you need to make a wish and ask the person sitting next to you - “In which ear is ringing?”. If he guessed, the wish will come true. So do not rush to get upset if you have a ring in your ear. What if this is the possibility of fulfilling a cherished desire?
Video: how to help yourself with tinnitus
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