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Tasty and at the same time valuable dishes have long been entrenched in the kitchen books of our compatriots. Otherwise, soups with the inclusion of sorrel are called soup or green borsch. There are many variations of its preparation, in today's material we will tell about the most rich and delicious ones. You can form your own opinion and choose the right recipe for yourself and your family. We will explore the most important features in the queue.
Useful qualities of the soup
Such an unremarkable, at first glance, dish is very valuable if we consider it from the point of view of the impact on the human body.
- The main value lies in the fact that greens concentrate tannins. These compounds are responsible for reducing mucus levels. This eliminates many problems with the respiratory system. Especially often this dish is recommended to consume the ill persons and those who are easily exposed to attacks of viruses.
- It is interesting to know that more than 80% of the daily need of an adult person in ascorbic acid accumulates in green leaves. As you know, it almost does not collapse when cooking dishes. Accordingly, immunity enhancing properties remain in force.
- Juicy leaves include a huge amount of enzymes that are comparable to those that are added to drugs for the treatment of cancer. Taking the soup will prevent colon cancer in all individuals without exception.
- It is impossible not to affect the valuable qualities for the activities of the digestive system. Sorrel is able to eliminate constipation of a chronic nature, fully clearing the intestines from stagnation. It has a lot of pectin and fiber, which are required for people for complex cleansing of toxins.
- The composition of the greens is potassium, which is able to improve the functioning of the hematopoietic system. Also, this mineral compound lowers the pressure, increasing the gaps in the channels. The soup is prescribed to hypertensive patients, people diagnosed with diabetes and citizens who are prone to heart disease.
- The main ingredient, on the basis of which the soup is made, includes a variety of retinol.Its approximately 125% of the daily need of an adult. Calculation is carried out on 100 gr. From this we can conclude that one plate of soup will cover almost the entire daily allowance in retinol. It is valuable for eyes, skin, hair.
- Due to the inclusion of iron in a decent amount, this dish must be consumed every day in order to cure or prevent anemia. It develops on the background of a decrease in the level of iron and the decline of hemoglobin. It is very important to eat the soup of the girls during the menstrual cycle.
- Due to the concentration of fiber of plant origin, the activity of the heart muscle is improving. Potassium with magnesium supports the action of dietary fiber, increasing all metabolic processes, normalizing heart rhythm, reducing the fragility of blood channels and the risk of heart attack.
- Due to the peculiarities of removing excess fluid from the tissues, the soup is eaten to eliminate puffiness. But in order not to achieve the opposite effect, it is recommended to lean on the dish just at lunch. Also, sorrel can kill harmful microorganisms, thereby disinfecting the internal organs.
Soup with egg and sorrel according to traditional technology
- It makes sense to consider all variations of the presented dish, starting with the classical recipe. You can vary the number of components at your discretion, but one thing remains exactly the same - technology. In the end, the dish turns out quite nourishing and rich, ideal for lunch.
- So send boil water in a saucepan, do not forget to sprinkle it with salt to your taste and add a couple of peas of pepper. You can also throw Lavrushka, it will make the soup fragrant. While the water is boiling, prepare the vegetables. 6 cubes of potatoes rinse, clean, chop. Peel and rub carrots, chop onions.
- According to this recipe, you should take about 150-200 grams. any meat. It is better if it is turkey or chicken. Rinse the fillet, quit to boil with potato cubes. Expose the middle fire, in a timely manner get rid of the foam that appears.
- As soon as you see that the broth has boiled, send the shredded carrots and onions into it. Next, proceed to the preparation of greens. Wash it and chop it is not very fine. After a few minutes you will see the appearance of the first bubbles in the broth.
- As soon as this happens, add sorrel. Stir the contents of the pan thoroughly and set the burner power to minimum. Continue to torment the ingredients. In parallel, whisk the eggs in the bowl with a fork.
- After 10-12 minutes after you added the sorrel, gently begin to pour the egg mixture. Do not forget to stir the soup. Cook the food until the meat and potatoes are ready. If necessary, remove the foam.
Green Chicken Soup
- The considered recipe for the preparation of such a soup can also be attributed to the classic. In this case, the difference will be only that the eggs should be boiled in advance. Let's see together how exactly to make such a tasty and unusual dish.
- According to the classical technology proceed to the preparation of broth. Wash and dry 0.6 kg. chicken legs. Send them to the pot with boiling water and continue cooking. Do not forget to add salt and necessary seasonings to the broth.
- While the meat is boiling, proceed to the preparation of the remaining components. Peel and wash two carrots, onions. Root chop half rings.Do the same with bow. Send the vegetables into the broth. Do not forget to remove the formed foam.
- Peel and wash 8 medium sized potatoes. Chop into small cubes. Remove all excess moisture with paper towels. Then finely shred 0.4 kg. sorrel. Make sure that the meat in the broth is already beginning to separate from the bone.
- Bones and skin should be caught and discarded. Catch the meat and slice thinly. Get vegetables with a slotted spoon. Ready broth must be filtered with a gauze cloth. It must first be folded in several layers.
- In the prepared broth, send the potatoes. Wait for re-boiling. Prepare the onion and carrot fry in vegetable oil in advance. With the advent of the first bubbles, add the fried vegetables.
- Wait a few minutes. Then finely chopped sorrel should be added to the soup. Boil the ingredients for about 6 minutes on a lazy fire. Simultaneously chop boiled eggs into cubes. Add them to the soup just before serving. Sprinkle with fresh greens.
Soup with sorrel without meat
- Earlier we reviewed two traditional recipes for a tasty soup.The presented method of cooking can also be attributed to the classical, only it will not be present meat. The advantage of this dish is that it is low-calorie and dietary.
- In addition to the advantages include the fact that such soup can be eaten both hot and cold. It ideally complements the daily menu while losing weight. To cook such a soup is enough to follow simple rules.
- The first thing is preparing vegetable broth. To do this, chop a small onion into 2 parts. Peel the carrots. Salt the water and place the vegetables in it. Set the power of the plate in the middle. Wait for boiling.
- Rub the second carrot, chop 6 potatoes into cubes. As soon as the broth boils, add the prepared foods. Tom on a lazy fire for a few minutes. Remove the onion halves and the whole carrot. Add 0.4 kg. chopped sorrel.
- Stir in the ingredients and add your favorite seasonings to taste. Boil the soup until the potatoes are completely cooked. Simultaneously cook 8 quail eggs. Clean them and cool. Rub on a large grater. Season the stock with fresh herbs and eggs.
We considered the most delicious cooking variations of the presented dish. Optionally, you can modify the recipe to your liking and the discretion of family members.Choose sorrel to keep it fresh. Remember that a wild plant is not as useful as what is cultivated in the garden.
Video: soup with sorrel and egg
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