How to dry figs at home

How to dry figs at home? The question for residents of the southern regions is not relevant. But for those who, returning from a vacation at sea, took with him a bucket of ripe delicious figs, our article will come in handy. Because you will not have time to eat them anyway. Figs begin to deteriorate already at 3 days at room temperature. In the refrigerator - for 5 days.

 How to dry figs

Frozen figs during thawing turns into slippery unappetizing mass. Therefore, drying is the best way to store figs. By the way, dried figs in the freezer can easily lie down for up to 2 years. In room conditions, it is stored for up to 10 months. And processed sugar syrup and dried - only 30 days. But first things first.

How to prepare figs for drying

In principle, nothing complicated or abstruse is required. Fruits need to sort out. Crumpled or repulsed to eat immediately. Scratched can also be eaten. Or cook for drying.

The next step is the mandatory washing of the fruit.Someone will say that in the south, figs are not washed before drying. Well, they collect them from under the tree and immediately drag to dry. And you carried several thousand kilometers. And in general, do not fuck yourself! Wash anyone I tell! Since childhood, they taught: everything that you pull in your mouth, you need to wash everything. And after all, they have gathered not to admire dried figs, you will eat it.

Then the fruits are dried on a sieve or an old thick towel. Paper kitchen also fit. Just do not rub the figs while washing, and trying to remove the remaining water after. Too thin and delicate skin is easily damaged even by simple pressing. Let the water dry on its own.

Dried figs can be whole fruits or sliced ​​into halves or quarters. The final result does not affect the shape, taste is also not changed. Here, the principle of personal preference and aesthetic perception. For example, a purely feminine "I wanted it, that's why I cut it." How convenient, so do.

Council Buying figs, you know that yellow is better for drying, and purple for jam.

Where to dry figs

In the southern regions this question does not arise.The climate itself is conducive to drying outside in the hot sunshine. In the middle lane and north of this heat can not be seen. But, if the weather is clear and unusually warm, then you can try this method.

To start preparing the grid. Any help. It is very important that the figs are blown with fresh air from below and above. If you lay them on a baking sheet, the fruit can just ferment or start to rot. Spread figs on the grill and place it in a sunny, well-ventilated place.

It is desirable to close the entire structure with a thin non-woven material or thick gauze. And from the bottom too. Wasps, fruit flies and a whole bunch of insects also love to taste the sweet flesh. From them, and need such tricks.

The drying process lasts about 5 days, with breaks for the night. By the way, in the evening you need to remove the grate into the house. Whether it is not enough, the rain will go or dew will sit down. Excess moisture - a big hindrance in your business.

Some sources recommend boiling figs in boiling sugar syrup for 10 seconds and only then determine for drying. Ostensibly for better color retention. I consider this occupation meaningless, because the whole dried figs are of the same light brown color.

Unless procedure for prevention of putrefactive processes or the prevention of fermentation will quite help.True, such candied fruits are stored for a very short time.

Council Try to make half of the blanks with the processing of boiling sugar syrup, and the other half - without. At the same time compare tastes.

What to do to those whom the sun does not favor the hot rays even in summer? There is an exit. Even two. Choose any suitable.

For the happy owners of a home dryer. Whole or half-sliced ​​figs are laid out on lattices. The temperature is set no higher than + 65 ° C. Because the sugar in the pulp at a higher temperature is caramelized and can change the final taste of the finished product.

By the way, incomprehensible white bloom on dried figs - this is the sugar that came out.

Drying time is approximately 6-8 hours. It all depends on the degree of loading and power of your device. Readiness is checked visually. Fruits are reduced in size, acquire a light brown shade. When pressed, it feels that the skin has become dense and elastic.

There are recommendations to flatten the figs to a flat shape. It is not necessary to do this at all. Because they do this in the case of large-scale blanks. Flattening saves space, such figs are put on a string and hanged for storage.

If you have to dry a small amount, then you can store the figs in the usual form without additional manipulations.

Just do not ask where to save a bucket of dried figs at home. Only one third of your bucket will remain (fruits are greatly reduced in volume and weight), and you will definitely find where to attach it.

Council Cut the dried fruit. If there is no visible juice, then you dried it correctly.

And if there is no sun and electric driers? Where to put the remaining figs? Of course to dry! Only in the oven. Whole or cut, does not matter. The main thing - again on the grid. A tray or pan will allow the fruit to be baked before the drying process begins. And we do not need it.

We expose the smallest temperature regime. Ideally + 60 ° C. But sometimes the minimum temperature is higher, the models of ovens are different. In this case, it is necessary to turn the blanks more often, so as not to burn. And in any case, be sure to leave the door ajar so that the evaporating moisture was able to freely go outside. Drying time is difficult to call exactly, it all depends on the degree of heating of the oven. On average, it takes about 8 hours.

Readiness is also determined as described above. We check the pens for elasticity and rigidity, eyes for color and a knife for juiciness.

Council Allow the dried fruit to cool completely before storing it. Otherwise, condensation will occur, and with it mold.

How to dry figs at home? Everything is very simple. It is important not to hesitate, otherwise the fruit will spoil. And so you will be able to drag a fine delicacy from your own freezer for a long time.

Video: how to choose the right dried figs

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