How to maintain vision when working at a computer

Recently, the number of people working at a computer has increased exponentially. More and more professions involve the continuous presence of a person in front of a computer monitor. What to do in this case? How to keep your eyesight in such severe conditions?

 How to maintain vision when working at a computer

Why computer harms our eyes

Flickering glare, the continuity of viewing a single image, immobility - all this affects the state of our vision and the organism as a whole. Syndrome computer vision can manifest tearing, fatigue and burning eyes. The vision becomes blurred, the person sees white and black spots when he looks away from the monitor. All this is accompanied by headaches, pain in the neck and spine, the eyes become red and irritated.In case of non-observance of working and rest conditions, such a state may lead to a deterioration in sharpness of vision. To avoid this, you need to follow some rules.

Take breaks!

Being constantly at the computer, our eyes are experiencing tremendous stress. The lens strains and gets used to form a vision in which you need to look only in front of you. Gradually, the eye muscles, which are responsible for the focusing of the distant vision, weaken and atrophy as unnecessary. That is why most people working at the computer suffer from myopia.

Every 45-50 minutes when working at a computer, you need to get up, walk around the room a little, look out the window for at least 30 seconds. This allows the lens to warm up a little and not be in one position. However, remember that taking a break is not to move away from the monitor and climb on the social networks in your phone. Using gadgets is equivalent to working at a computer. Go to the toilet, water the flowers, drink a cup of coffee, do other types of work - the main thing is to be interrupted regularly. At lunch, do not sit behind the monitor - better walk in the fresh air.In this case, you can make easy exercises - lift and lower the legs under the table, be sure to make the neck bends, stretch your shoulders and arms.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Several times during the working day you need to do gymnastics for the eyes. This is the most realistic way to protect your eyesight from deterioration.

  1. Squash and open your eyes wide. Repeat the exercise as many times as possible in 30 seconds.
  2. Pupil move as much as possible up, down, left and right. Do not turn your head.
  3. Select an item on your desktop and fix the view on it for 5 seconds. After that, translate the eye to distant objects, preferably a tree or a building outside the window. Look at him also for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  4. Use your eyes to draw a horizontal eight in the air. Remember, the eight should be as large as possible, and the circle should be even and without cuts.
  5. Alternately, close and open one eye and examine distant objects with one eye.

These simple exercises can be done even in the workplace - your colleagues will not notice this.

Workplace organization

For a person who has to sit at a computer during all working hours, it is very important to create a comfortable and ergonomic workplace.The monitor should be slightly below eye level - this is considered the optimal position. Between the eyes and the monitor should be the distance of one outstretched hand. The chair should be comfortable - so that the backrest supports the spine, there is a right angle between the elbow and the forearm so that the seat does not hit the knees on the back side. It is therefore very important that the chair was adjustable - so you can customize its parameters for yourself. If you work at dusk, you need to turn on low light. And if, on the contrary - in sunny weather, the monitor should be turned away from the window so that the sun glare does not distract you from work.

Before you start working at the computer, adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor. Brightness should be medium - no need to set high values. The contrast is higher - the sharpness of your vision depends on it. All settings should be individual, depending on how you work more comfortably. Avoid bright colors and working with text on a similar background color. For example, it is not necessary to write in red letters on a pink background - the colors should be opposite.

How to save vision while working at the computer

There are some more recommendations that will help you to preserve visual acuity.

 How to save vision while working at the computer

  1. Drink a course of vitamins for the eyes twice a year to preserve their health. Very useful for the eyes of fish oil. In addition, once a year, go to an appointment with an optometrist to check the state of your vision.
  2. Eat more blueberries - this is the best product for eye health.
  3. Work at the computer in special anti-glare glasses - they protect your eyes from flickering. In them, your eyes will be less tired.
  4. Take regular breaks and look at the monitor and out the window through special glasses with small holes. These glasses perfectly affect the vision - they train the lens to focus on distant and near objects. By the way, such glasses significantly improve the sharpness of vision, without any glasses and lenses.
  5. If you wear lenses, talk to your doctor about how you can best work at the computer. If you have myopia, it is better to remove the lenses and work at the computer with glasses with smaller diopters. In addition, observe eye hygiene - change the lens liquid in the container in time, clean and disinfect the lenses regularly, change them to a new pair after the expiration date, do not sleep in the lenses, wear them only with clean hands.
  6. Eye health also depends on nutrition. Eat more fish, walnuts, pumpkins, dairy products, eggs, and greens. This will compensate for the lack of vitamins that your eyes need.
  7. When working at a computer, blink more often. You can simply turn away from the monitor and blink for a few seconds. This will protect your eyes from excessive dryness, pain and burning.
  8. If the room is very dry air - it harms the condition of your eyes. Install a humidifier or at least an aquarium to keep the air humid. In addition, you need to adjust the technique so that the air conditioner or heater does not blow you right in the face - while the mucous eyes dry out instantly.
  9. If you work on the screen with images, it is very important to have a large monitor diagonal so as not to peer intently at every detail.
  10. On sale there are special anti-glare filters that are glued to the computer monitor like a film. This will protect you from flickering highlights.
  11. Install a program on your computer that reminds you every 45 minutes that it’s time to look away and focus your attention on a distant subject.

Follow these simple rules, so that even in a busy work process, do not forget to care for your eyesight.

Working at a computer does not mean at all that in a few years you will have to wear glasses and adjust your eyesight. With proper organization of the workplace and time problems with the eyes can be avoided. Take care of your eyesight, it is often impossible to return the lost.

Video: computer and vision

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