How to keep hair color after dyeing

Girls are fickle in terms of appearance. Beautiful ladies are experimenting with style of clothes, make-up, hairstyle and, of course, hair color. Who does not want to become a happy owner of shiny strands, which still strive to develop in the wind. Beautiful hair attracts the eyes of others, but only in those cases, if you take care of your hair properly. Many women make a lot of mistakes after dyeing. Consider the basic principles of hair care to preserve color.

 How to keep hair color after dyeing

Method number 1. Washing head

  1. In most cases, in the beauty salon, girls ask the master to have a preliminary haircut before coloring.Such a move is correct.
  2. Upon arrival home beautiful ladies immediately want to rinse the strands to get rid of small hairs. Such actions provoke the washing out of the coloring pigment, which has not yet managed to gain a foothold in the structure of the hair.
  3. This feature is achieved because the paint particles are similar to powder. When the composition gets on the strands, it mixes with oxygen and increases in size. Upon reaching the desired shape, the pigment is firmly hardened in the hair shaft, as a result of which its leaching becomes minimal.
  4. Such a chemical process requires 45-50 hours. For this reason, it is recommended not to wash your hair for 2 days after dyeing. Otherwise, the hair will lose about 35% of the color.

Method number 2. Preliminary hair restoration

  1. Before applying the pigment, restore the hair, eliminating any damage. Porous hair poorly preserves the paint, so it is washed out faster.
  2. 7-10 days before the intended staining, do keratinization or biolamination. Procedures are aimed at smoothing scales, eliminating the effect of electrification and cross-section.
  3. If you can not resort to salon methods of recovery, for 2 weeks apply gelatin on the strands. Dilute it with water and allow 25-30 minutes. An alternative is an egg mask made from chicken protein and olive oil.
  4. If possible, visit the hairdresser before dyeing so that the master will cut the split ends and give the necessary form to the hairstyle. Such a move will save you from washing your head, which is not recommended immediately after the procedure.

Method number 3. Professional shampoos

  1. In most cases, all the "ordinary" shampoos are aimed at the average category of citizens, so they are affordable and versatile. In such compositions contains alkali, which makes hair porous. Inappropriate Ph-balance washes the paint out of the structure, causing the strands to fade.
  2. Professional cosmetics aimed at smoothing the scales and the preservation of color in the structure of the hair. These drugs do not contain sulfates, acting aggressively on the hair. Optimal Ph-balance has a more acidic environment and is suitable for dyed hair.
  3. Choose cosmetics marked “to preserve color” or “for dyed hair”. Such shampoos include silk proteins, polymers, SPF filters, ceramides, keratin, biotin, and other beneficial ingredients.
  4. The composition does not necessarily use constantly, enough to wash your hair with shampoo for 10-15 days after staining. Then you can resort to the usual high-quality shampoo without alkali. Again, the main thing is that the tool was designed for colored strands.

Method number 4. Tint means

  1. To date, leading manufacturers have developed cosmetics for blondes, brown-haired, brunettes, red, blonde. Choose balms, masks, sprays, serums, oils, shampoos, taking into account your color of hair. Directional caring cosmetics helps to keep the shade at the proper level for a long time.
  2. In most cases, these funds have the effect of tinting. They partially color the strands, retaining the already existing pigment in the hair structure. In short, you need to visit a beauty salon or a professional shop for hairdressers, and then buy tint products from them.
  3. For example, tinted shampoos and rinses for blondes block yellowness, which often breaks out onto the surface of the hair. Such compositions contain clarifying ingredients (lemon, chamomile, cucumber, wheat proteins, etc.), which only emphasize the platinum color.
  4. Dyed red and red hair fades the fastest, since the pigment molecules are too large to linger in the rod for a long time. Such a shovel requires more thorough care. Toning agents include cinnamon, madder, pomegranate, black caviar or cherry. The listed components for a long time keep a fiery shade.
  5. Brunettes, brown-haired and fair-haired will be suited for products with basma, walnut, colorless henna, amber. The ingredients retain the pigment in the hair shaft, make the hair more lush and bright. As a rule, tinting agents for dark-haired young ladies are the most gentle and effective.
  6. The downside of this type of caring cosmetics is dryness, which can appear after prolonged use. To eliminate the consequences, use no more than 2 times a week. On other days, use professional formulations for colored hair with no tint components.

Method number 5. Moisturizing cosmetics

  1. Coloring exposes hair to dryness, causing dehydration. To prevent consequences and to preserve the bright shade of hair, buy caring cosmetics marked “Double / triple moisturizing.”
  2. The best option is products based on panthenol, natural and essential oils, biotin. Components retain moisture, eliminating strands from drying out. They also prevent the negative effects of chlorinated, saline and fresh water.
  3. The most common and effective drugs include the following: “Pantin Pro-V”, “Nivea”, “Vella”, “Le Petit Marseille”, “Klio”, etc. aimed at moisturizing.

Salon procedures to preserve the shade of hair

  1. Lifting. Restoration of the hair is carried out by ultrasonic and infrared waves. Due to the effect of ultrasound, water molecules, silk proteins, keratin, biotin penetrate into the rod. Further, the composition is "sealed" with the help of an infrared lamp. As a result of such manipulations, the hair retains its color for a long time and remains moist.
  2. Keratin recovery / lamination. Master puts on the hair a mixture of biological components of beeswax, keratin, protein. Further, the hair is heated by a thermal path, as a result of which the composition penetrates into the core. After that, the hair is subjected to a cold cycle, in which the scales are sealed due to temperature changes. In the end, the strands become shiny and perfectly even.

Recommendations for maintaining hair color

  1. Exposure to high temperatures exposes hair to dryness. Moisture and the pigment itself evaporate from the rod. To prevent this, use products with a thermal protection effect. The preparations cover the hair with a film, so that hot devices do not spoil the strands.
  2. If possible, reduce the drying of hair with a hair dryer, it is better to carry out the procedure naturally or with a towel. Also exclude the use of curling, ironing, hot curlers. When visiting a tanning bed, cover your head with a medical cap. While sunbathing, hide the shock under the cap.
  3. For 10 days after staining, refuse to visit the thermal complexes. This includes a bath, sauna, bath with hot water.Also it is necessary to limit swimming in the pool (or wear a rubber headdress). In the future, after each exposure to chlorine or salt, rinse the hair with plain water or a decoction of sage.
  4. For 2 weeks after staining, do not use regenerative (nutrient) agents. Such drugs penetrate into the core, pushing the pigment to the surface. As a result, hair becomes dull almost instantly.
  5. Take the habit of combing hair with natural scallops made of wood or rubber. Discard plastic and metal tools, they provoke a statistical effect. As a massage brush, get a comb with natural bristles (suitable device for hair extensions).
  6. After the staining procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 2 days. If such a need exists, use a dry shampoo. It contains talc, which absorbs dirt and sebum, pulling them to the surface. Spread the product over the roots and rub in thoroughly, then remove excess with a comb.
  7. If you are taking a shower or bath to cleanse the body (without washing your head), wear a rubber cap.Do not once again expose the hair to moisture.
  8. The condition of the hair, as well as the nails and skin, is directly dependent on a balanced diet. The more properly your diet is composed, the healthier your body will be. Do not neglect breakfast, in the morning eat porridge with berries and fruit, cottage cheese, eggs. Make a menu with the inclusion of meat, seafood, fish, low-fat cheese, jelly, soy, spinach. Eat a handful of nuts or dried fruit a day.
  9. After 2 weeks, nourish your hair with hot oils to maintain color. To do this, heat in the microwave burdock, olive, corn or castor oil, rub in the strands. Wrap your head with a towel, leave for 1 hour, rinse. Perform manipulations 1-2 times a week.
  10. Try to dye your hair along its entire length as seldom as possible. If you have regrown roots, disguise them with natural dyes, tonics, hair mascara, and concealer. If possible, use resistant pigments no more than 1 time in 2 months.
  11. Use nutritional supplements that will enrich hair with vitamins. Drink a course of fish / badger oil or special trace elements for hair.Preparations will fill in the gaps, which are often formed due to improper diet.

Pre-restore hair before dyeing, after the procedure do not wash your hair for 2 days. Get a professional caring cosmetics, use toning shampoos and balms. Regularly moisturize hair, as a last resort, make lifting or biolamination.

Video: how long to keep the color of dyed hair

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