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Beautiful ladies are fickle in terms of appearance. In an attempt to change their own image, they resort to various cosmetic procedures, including staining and pigment remover. We are interested in the second version of the transformation - removal of black dye from the hair. The process includes certain features, such as the stability of the composition, the desired end result, the individual structure of the hair.
Home methods of washing black paint from hair
Folk remedies no less effectively remove the black paint, but you will need more procedures. Due to the natural composition of the hair is not exposed to ammonia, which is an undeniable advantage.
Lemon acid
To prepare the mixture will need to mix 25 grams. citric acid and 140 gr. drinking soda. If desired, you can pour 40 ml. castor oil to further moisten the curls.Pour the mixture with hot water (not boiling water), stir with a fork to obtain a paste.
Using a brush, apply the agent over the entire length, try not to touch the scalp. Comb the curls with a comb with large teeth, wrap the pile with polyethylene and wrap yourself with a thick cloth.
The duration of action is 40 minutes, it all depends on the desired effect. Periodically remove the towel and film to evaluate the result. Upon reaching the desired effect, wash your hair with shampoo, apply a balm.
Professionals recommend rinsing hair with medicinal decoction, which has whitening properties. Enough to boil 70 grams in boiling water. chamomile or sage, insist 1 hour, then rinse hair. Infusion does not need to be washed off, complete the ablution by applying a nourishing mask.
Do not wait for the granules to dissolve; immediately apply the product to the entire surface of the hair. Pull back 2 cm from the roots and scalp; after application, comb the strands with a comb.Wrap shovel with foil or cling film, wrap with a towel.
Wait 30-40 minutes until the agent is absorbed by half. After that, remove the foil cap and towels, wait another 20 minutes. Wash off the product, rinse the strands with a solution of 60 ml. Table vinegar and 2 liters. water. Make a nourishing mask, hold it for half an hour.
Vitamin C
Not many people know, but everyone's beloved ascorbic perfectly displays black paint from the core of the hair. You will need 22 tablets for a medium-length head of hair. Crush them in a mortar or between two tablespoons, pour in shampoo or hair balm. In the end, you should get a thick mask in which the proportions of ascorbic acid and shampoo (balm) are approximately equal to 1: 3.
The product is applied to pre-moistened hair. After the distribution of the mask, massage your head for 5-10 minutes. Such a move will improve blood circulation and wake the bulbs. Wrap your head with foil, wrap it with a warm cloth, wait half an hour. After a time, rinse with water, use a balm to facilitate scratching (in any case, not to maintain color).
Cinnamon and honey
The two components in combination form an effective lightening agent, although individually they are ineffective. Pour 150 gr. liquid honey in a deep bowl, melt in a convenient way (water or steam bath, microwave). Sprinkle 35-40 g. ground cinnamon, mix well, let the mixture stand for about half an hour.
Wash hair with shampoo, dry it slightly and comb it with a comb. Apply the prepared mask over the entire length, avoiding the root and scalp areas. Wrap shovel with plastic wrap, then wrap with a towel. Turn on the hair dryer at a slow speed, warm up the head for 5 minutes.
Wait about 5 hours, during this period you will lighten the strands by 1 tone. Rinse off with warm water, do not use shampoo. Repeated procedure is carried out not earlier than in 2 days.
Lemon. Citrus fruits lighten hair perfectly if you prepare masks based on them with the addition of other ingredients. Usually lemon mask is prepared with honey. For these purposes, you need to take 4 fruits, chop into cubes along with the zest and send to a blender. When the fruits are crushed into porridge, add to them 80 gr.thick honey and mix. At will you can pour 25 gr. ground cinnamon.
The mask should be done on dirty hair, so they are not recommended to be washed for 2 days before the procedure. When the mixture is fully applied, wrap the strands in foil or film, leave for 6 hours. After the expiration date, rinse and cover the hair with balsam.
Esters and oils. It is possible to wash black paint from hair with the help of natural and essential oils. Connect 145 ml. castor oil with 15 ml. ether geranium, distribute on clean, dry hair. Wrap yourself up with film, wait 5 hours. Wash off the product with a balm first, then with shampoo.
If desired, castor oil can be replaced with olive, almond, burdock, linseed or sea buckthorn oil. An alternative to geranium is the aether of rosewood, grape seed, and ginseng. The main thing is to keep proportions.
Hydrogen Peroxide Solution
The drug not only removes the black dye, but also greatly dries the hair. It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide if you have naturally thin hair. Get in the cosmetic store whitening supra, mix a bag of hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions.
The tool is applied to all dyed (!) Hair.If you have regrown roots, do not process them. Spread the mass over the entire length and comb the comb with a comb. Squeeze the strands into a fist, so that the composition is better absorbed. Wrap the head with foil or foil, leave for 45 minutes.
After a fixed period of time, remove the peroxide with water, the hair will turn red. The following procedure is carried out not earlier than in 4 days. Hide unwanted color can be washed away with tonic.
Dry mustard
To make a whitening mask, you need about 180 ml. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 55 gr. dry mustard, 30 ml. any natural oil. Mix the ingredients, cover them with a shock, massage the scalp for 5 minutes.
Wrap curls with foil and a thick towel. Turn on the hair dryer, bring it to your head, keeping a distance of 30-40 cm. Heat the pile for 3 minutes, then leave the mixture for 3 hours.
After all the manipulations, the mass is washed off with warm water. Repeated procedure should be carried out in 2-3 days. Mandatory make nutritional masks, use a spray to moisturize.
Kefir or sour milk
Sour milk products are used by many girls, kefir is loved for the result and gentle effect.To bring the black paint dilute 55 gr. gelatin in 340 ml. fatty yogurt or sour milk. Wait about half an hour until the mixture becomes jelly-like.
After this period, melt the composition in the microwave or in a water bath, rub into your hair. Wrap your head with a film and a towel, turn on the hairdryer and warm up the pile. Start doing household chores, the duration of exposure should not be less than 6 hours. Rinse off with cool water and shampoo and balm.
Salon cleaner for black paint
It is impossible to say exactly how quickly you can remove the black paint from the hair. The procedure requires time and effort, the end result is directly related to the individual structure of the hair. Equally important is the quality of the composition, some girls need three procedures, others can not remove the paint even after the fifth session.
It is worth noting that you will not be able to get the natural hair color after washing the black pigment. In any case, an undesirable light shade will come to the surface. This is due to the fact that ammonia washes affect only 80% of the core. It is impossible to carry out discoloration more than 1 time in 2 months.
The best black paint removers
- Estel Collor off. Products are used by professional hairdressers to bleach black and brown hair. According to experts, three procedures are enough to get the final result. The company produces a wash, suitable for use in the cabin and at home. Preparations are a gentle line, bleaching composition and activator can be purchased at professional cosmetic stores for hairdressers. The cost of two bottles will cost you 350 rubles.
- "Professional Brelil". The drug acts on the core of the hair, it penetrates into the very middle, dissolves the pigment and brings it to the surface. The wash of this manufacturer belongs to the premium segment, as a result of which it has a high price policy (about 500 rubles for an activator and a wash). A positive feature of the discoloration in this way is the rate of action of the composition. The product is applied for half an hour, after which it is removed with warm water.
- "Syoss". The composition was developed and tested with the participation of professional stylists, but it can hardly be called effective. Due to the fact that the paint contains about 60% of natural ingredients, the bleaching mixture has a minimal effect. At the same time, the price bites (450 rubles per pack).Depending on the desired result, you can purchase a drug that will lighten black hair for 2-8 tones. Often in the composition of "Syoss" you can find a solution of hydrogen peroxide and citric acid.
- "Effasor Loreal". The drug of this company can be attributed to the professional series, which is designed for use in the home. If we talk about the cost of production, it varies in the range of 300-350 rubles. Many girls consider the fact that the agent acts rather slowly on the pigment as a negative characteristic. As a result of the two procedures, you will wash off the dye only 0.5-1 tone. There are often cases when the paint is unevenly displayed, leaving “leopard spots” on the surface of the hair.
An important aspect is considered to be the fact that the dark pigment is quite difficult to wash out of the hair structure. You can use both professional tools and folk methods. If you want to wash in several stages, let's relax the head of hair for 3-5 days. During this period, the pile will partially recover provided regular use of masks.
Video: how to wash the paint from the hair at home
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