How to tell mom that I have a period?

A woman's body is a unique mechanism in which some changes and processes take place all the time. At the time of puberty (9-16 years), the girl begins her period - it is absolutely normal. Menstrual bleeding is a completely physiological process that occurs with every healthy woman of reproductive age. Every month in the body of a girl an egg matures, which is preparing to become an embryo. If it is not fertilized, the egg just bursts and comes out in the form of blood outside, through the vagina. For many girls, the fact of the first menses becomes a real problem, both physical and psychological. But you should know that this is normal, even good. Menstruation is a sign that everything is in order with your body, that in the future you will be able to give birth to healthy children. This is great news, because so many women can not get pregnant because of various dysfunctions in the reproductive organs, menstruation is the first signal that you are healthy.

 How to tell mom that I have menstruation

But many girls are faced with such a problem as the inability to say about the first menstrual period. In fact, you should not be afraid of this, because she, too, is a woman, also once was a teenager and also experienced her emotions. Do not be afraid to talk about menstruation, it is enough just to tell mom everything as it is. After all, it’s almost impossible to hide it for a long time - you will need mother's advice on choosing hygiene products, you can talk openly about your state of health and even ask for a note for a physical education teacher about exemption from classes. And you don't have to lie about spoiled clothes or a dirty bed, and this happens quite often. It is important to understand that a mother is a close and dear person who can be trusted with all the most confidential, and the fact of the onset of menstruation too.

How to tell mom about your period?

The easiest way to approach her and say: "Mom, I started my period." Words are simple, but sometimes they are very, very difficult to pronounce. Therefore, we will provide you with several possible options that you can apply when reporting important news.

  1. Not every girl has a good and trusting relationship with her mother.If there is a distance between you and mom, you can simply write a note to her, paste it into an envelope or leave it on her table. However, be sure that a stranger will not find the note, otherwise the incident can not be avoided. The note will save you from saying the cherished words, and this will also prepare your mother for the conversation.
  2. To make the conversation easy and relaxed, you need to tell your mom this news, by the way. For example, when you leave home, you can say: “Mom, today I will come at 5, and by the way, I started my period”. This will make the question much easier.
  3. Sometimes mother and daughter have absolutely no points of contact, in which case it is very difficult for the girl to admit the fact of the onset of menstruation. If it is much easier to tell your aunt or grandmother, do so, they will certainly pass on the information to mom.
  4. If you say about the monthly right no strength and determination, you can just make a slight hint. When you once again go shopping with your mother to the supermarket, just put a pack of gaskets or tampons in the basket, your mother will understand everything without words.
  5. Try to start a conversation with your mother in a relaxed atmosphere, when no one will disturb you and there will be no more important things to do.You can open up in front of your mother in private, for example, when you go to bed, and your mother comes in to wish you good night.

And remember, to hide the fact of the onset of menstruation is impossible, at least for a long time. You will have to face various problems, most of which are easy to solve with your mother. You may need money to buy hygiene products. With heavy and painful periods, you may need to receive a gynecologist, which teenagers go only with their parents. And why hide, it's not a crime. Perhaps mom will just tell about the structure of your body, answer the questions of interest and indicate where to get the gaskets. A simple phrase will make your life much easier.

Can you talk about monthly dad?

The situations for girls are different, someone does not live with their mother, and spends all his free time with his father. Sometimes a more trusting and intimate relationship develops between father and daughter. In such situations, the girl is lost - how can you tell your own person about changes in the body? If mom is not around, do not be shy, be sure to report the monthly dad.Believe me, men know about these features of the female body, dad will understand and support you. Even if he cannot help you in choosing pads and tampons, Dad will certainly find a way out to ease your thoughts. When there is no determination to tell your father about your period, simply report this to the school nurse. As a rule, these are sensitive and responsive women, who will necessarily tell about all the subtleties of hygiene during this period. If necessary, a nurse can pass on a note to his father. Do not forget that absolutely ordinary changes are taking place with you, which each woman underwent - there is nothing supernatural about this, no need to be afraid.

What you need to know about menstruation?

With the onset of the first menstrual bleeding, many girls have a huge number of questions that are very difficult to find answers to, especially if you cannot openly talk with your mother. Here is some information you should know about if you were visited during your first periods.

 What you need to know about menstruation

  1. Menstruation occurs once a month and lasts from three to seven days, each girl individually.Sometimes menstruation may not come, or they simply occur irregularly, especially in young girls whose cycle has not stabilized - this is normal.
  2. Now you need hygiene products - pads or tampons. Tampons are inserted into the vagina, for virgins there are small tampons that do not bring discomfort. If it is difficult to psychologically use tampons, first try gaskets that should be chosen for the abundance of secretions. Remember that hygiene products should be changed every three hours, because this is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria. After each change of gasket or tampon, you should wash or use intimate hygiene wipes.
  3. Since the cycle in girls is unstable, menstruation can occur at any time, carry with you hygiene products constantly - this is your magic wand.
  4. If you are dirty bed or linen, do not worry, it is better to immediately lock up. If you wash the fabric in the first hour after contamination, the blood will flow out easily. Blood is washed only with cold water! From the hot water, it is curtailed and it will be impossible to wash it.
  5. During the month should refrain from baths, saunas, hot baths,heat will only increase bleeding. And still need to refrain from active physical exercise - jumping, running, etc. If the monthly coincided with a physical education lesson, you can approach the teacher in advance and tell him that you have critical days. He will either completely free from the lesson, or provide a gentle load.
  6. Often, menstruation brings discomfort, pain, tension in the lower back, dizziness, especially in the first days, when the discharge is especially abundant. To avoid this, you should drink pain pills or antispasmodics. You can talk about this with your mother or school nurse. If the discharge is abundant and one gasket is not enough even for a couple of hours, you should consult a doctor.

And yet, girls during menstruation should try not to go on long hikes, as there are no basic conditions for hygiene. During the period of menstrual bleeding do not go to the pool. After all, it is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also dangerous - the cervix is ​​open, this is a direct gateway for infection.

At first it is very difficult for girls to accept the fact that they have to follow some rules a few days a month and limit themselves in movement and movement.But over time, everyone gets used and menstruation becomes an integral part of every healthy woman. Remember that mother is the main friend and first mate, she will answer all your questions. Just tell her about your period, that's all.

Video: 10 signs of the first menstrual

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