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The beauty of a private house begins with stairs and railings. At all times special attention was paid to these elements. It is on them that the guests of the host pay their attention when they enter his house. Nowadays, to get a beautiful staircase and luxurious railing under the power of anyone who wishes. You do not need a huge wealth.
Modern construction market is filled with various offers. But there are still craftsmen in the world who prefer to equip their homes independently. For such people this article will be useful. In it the technique of the creation of a handrail is consecrated in detail. If you do everything correctly, you will get beautiful and original.
If you decide to make your own railings for the stairs, then start with a detailed study of the requirements and rules. Do not neglect them! Although each staircase is unique, the design is based on generally accepted standards that will make it convenient to use.
Railing Design Requirements
There is a general rule that the height of the railing, counted from any step, should not exceed 100 cm throughout the length of the staircase. Such a norm is developed by practice and is the most convenient. But there is an exception associated with the large growth of the host. For such a person, the railings are made 120 cm high.
There are stairs with a double-sided version of the railing. They are placed if the width of the stairs exceeds 125 cm. Do not forget about the distance between the balusters, which should not exceed 15 cm. Keep this in mind if you have small children.
All of the above rules apply to structures of any material, whether wood, metal or plastic. In this article we consider in detail only the first two options. The latter is the result of industrial production.
Wooden railing
The unique properties of wood humanity discovered a long time ago. It is easy to process, has a good margin of safety, a beautiful structure and a pleasant aroma that fills the house with natural freshness. With proper impregnation, wood is almost not subject to aging and destruction. All the listed properties give reason to use wood for the construction of stairs.and railings. Having dealt with the standards and calculations, you can proceed to the next stage - the preparation of tools.
When working with wood, you need the following set of tools:
- several hammers (of varying severity);
- carpenter chisel;
- hacksaw for wood;
- several screwdrivers (figure and flat);
- bit;
- electric drill;
- sandpaper;
- jigsaw;
- construction level;
- gon;
- screwdriver.
Consumables: nails, screws, drills, a simple pencil.
A special machine is used to create complex staircase elements, but this is not necessary. When manual work is better to give preference to simple but not less beautiful forms of railings.
Material selection
If the preparatory measures are made, then it is time to purchase the material. The most common types of wood used for the production of stairs and railings are:
- Pine;
- Birch tree;
- oak;
- ash;
- maple;
- beech.
The list is not exhaustive, you can choose another wood. The listed species have long proven themselves in use. Breeds such as pine and birch are widespread, and therefore have been used for many centuries.
The process of making wooden railing
As you know, the railing consists of three elements:
- A handrail is the upper part of the railing that people hold onto when they go down the stairs. They should have a well-finished, smooth surface.
- Balusters are different forms of the rack, located between the handrail and the steps. When installing it is necessary to observe a certain distance between them.
- Swivel and end cabinets are massive pillars located at the end of the railing and in places of bending.
For the manufacture of these parts required wooden bars with different sections. Using the jigsaw, the bars give the necessary shape, and then cleaned and polished the surface.
In the manufacturing process, make sure that there is no shortage of material, because not all produced items fit. There will be mistakes that cannot be avoided. Therefore, there must be a supply of wood.
After all the elements of the railing are made, proceed to assembly. In places where there will be a mount, make holes. Then install the lower rack - first bollards, and then balusters. Take care that the distance between the balusters is at least 10 cm.
After assembly, the finished railings are installed on the stairs and once again cleaned with a smaller sandpaper. Then they are carefully painted, impregnated or varnished.On this, the manufacture of wooden railings is considered complete.
Forged railings
With wooden railing, everything is relatively simple, but forged things are much more difficult. But the result is worth it, because with iron the master can unleash the imagination in full and come up with a completely unique pattern. Consider the creation process in more detail. The stages of making wrought iron railings are in many ways similar to the creation of wooden ones.
For work you will need:
- welding machine with a set of electrodes;
- Bulgarian with several nozzles;
- special disc for stripping;
- protective mask;
- gas wrench;
- trumpet;
- hammer;
- level;
- teski.
The process of making forged railings
The process of making wrought iron railings begins with calculations. Make all the necessary measurements and purchase material. Usually use metal profiles and metal with a different size of the cross section. We will create a railing by cold forging.
- Sketch. In order not to be mistaken in the calculations, it is recommended to make a sketch on a scale of 1: 1. Find a spacious area on which it is convenient to create a drawing design of the railing. First draw the frame and add individual elements to it.This will help to form a general idea of how the blanks will look.
- Pattern. When the sketch of the base of the railing is ready, you can start creating the pattern. It, like the railings themselves, needs to be drawn on a natural scale. Take a piece of rope 50 cm and put it on each pattern. This method will help to measure the length of the curving elements. Then make a record of the dimensions by which you will cut the blanks for forging the pattern.
- Cutting. After making the necessary measurements, proceed to cutting the material. Try to cut the workpiece with a small margin in length. This will help to avoid many mistakes during forging. Excess can always be cut off.
- Forging. Each blank needs to be shaped. Using a vice, make bends on metal pieces. For convenience, you can put the pipe on the workpiece and use it as a lever. Then the physical effort will be minimal. The pattern should turn out, such as in the drawing. This procedure must be carried out with all elements of the structure.
- Welding. Further need a welding machine. First make a railing frame. After connecting the segments, fix them by spot welding.Then, inside the frame, as in the drawing, put the finished elements one by one and also grab. Having filled the frame with patterns and without detecting errors, you can safely boil the structure. Turn it over to the other side and also weld well on the remaining sections. On this rough work is finished, the railing is ready.
- Stripping. Now it's time to think about the aesthetics of the design: take a grinder, put a grinding disc on it, put on a protective mask and walk through all the seams. Then, using a metal brush, clean the entire structure from irregularities, defects and rust.
- Painting. The final stage will be painting the railing. First, treat the entire structure with a primer for metal, this will ensure a reliable adhesion of paint to the surface. To paint the railing, you can use a brush or spray. Apply several layers of selected paint at intervals of 15 minutes. Some owners handle the forged railing with a patina, it is inexpensive and looks great!
This completes the railing manufacturing process. It remains only to install them on the stairs.
Self-production of railings is not a difficult task.If you have the desire, time, small funds and at least minimal hands-on experience, you will definitely be able to create such a railing from which people cannot take their eyes.
Video: making a handrail on a spiral staircase
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