How to make an air freshener at home

Currently, many household department stores can buy modern air fresheners, which use artificial flavors as a sprayed liquid in the room, which, although they have a pleasant smell, but in a closed room they quickly become full and unpleasant. Also, the majority of such tinctures by manufacturers are estimated at a fairly decent amount, because many Russians who want a pleasant aroma at home always make their own air fresheners.

 How to make an air freshener

The advantages of self-preparation of the air freshener solution are quite obvious:

  1. The use of natural ingredients for liquid will not only help to achieve the desired smell, but also have a positive effect on the health of the body as a whole.
  2. Relative non-cost components.
  3. The unobtrusiveness of the emitted odors devices (which cannot be said about the "chemical" aromas).

Various inexpensive household tools can be used as an air freshener: for example, a spray bottle, a budget device from a store. Finally, you can make some kind of device yourself, moreover, without the use of expensive elements. Some housewives do not use such things at all and simply put neatly sliced ​​and beautifully laid fruits on a saucer in the room.

This option also has the full right to exist, but it has a rather serious minus: the aroma emanating from the sliced ​​fruit will be able to more or less steadily float in the air for only 10-12 hours.

Preparation of solutions of different composition

It is obvious that the basis of various solutions should be such components that emit a fairly stable and at the same time pleasant aroma. So, the potential ingredients for an air freshener can be (arranged in order of decreasing durability):

  • Citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, lemons, etc.);
  • A bouquet of coniferous trees;
  • Essential oils;
  • A bouquet of various herbs (usually used mint, lavender, basil).

In the overwhelming majority of cases, artificial substances, which are recommended by manufacturers of spray devices, are created on the basis of the listed natural components. The use of any of the above list of ingredients will have a positive effect both on the appearance and on the state of the organism as a whole, in particular - immunity.

Tip: to give a pleasant aroma in a rarely visited room, for example, a toilet or a corridor, you can use dried fruit mixed with various herbs in a jar. Usually in the evening the bank is shaken well several times, after which it is left open in a particular room for the night. In the morning it should be closed, in the evening - repeat the procedure described.

In order to prepare a tincture with a pleasant and persistent aroma, you can use different recipes, and they will all differ with each other in the proportions of certain components, therefore it makes sense to bring only one, universal. So, for the solution you will need:

Several citrus fruits (the exact amount depends on the size,but usually take two or three oranges, one lemon and grapefruit or lime).

Spray bottle, such as a spray bottle. Water and some vodka.

The procedure for the preparation of the freshener is as follows:

  1. Peel is removed from the fruit and placed in some container, such as a regular glass jar. After there you can add the peel of another fruit, but such that it does not interrupt the smell, but only complements. Then the skins are poured about 300 milliliters of vodka, and the jar is tightly closed with a plastic cap for three days.
  2. After the specified period, a liquid is poured from the can into the sprayer, and a new batch of peel is loaded into the previously used container. In the sprayer, it is mandatory to add 200-250 ml of water in order to remove the smell of alcohol.
  3. Additionally, you can add flavor or enhance it with the help of essential oils that are in harmony with the main one.

Custom air fresheners

The classic assistant for the distribution of a pleasant odor around the room is an atomizer: it is very easy to use, it is easy to pour and change the liquid, and you can self-dispense the sprayed amount of the solution, while the purchased freshener appliances often make mistakes with the volume being distributed.

 DIY air freshener

But you can use not only it to spread the smell: in modern times, various glass glasses (or candlesticks), sachets and slightly modernized glass bottles are quite popular, and instead of solutions, used together with the latter, respectively, thick refresher, set of citrus peel and herbs.

Tip: for use, it is recommended to choose both a beautiful and thick-walled glass. As a replacement, you can use a candlestick or ceramic objects. Capacities of the latter type are used quite rarely, since the liquid from them is quickly evaporated, and the aroma disappears a little faster, therefore you should be prepared to frequently change the solution.

Modernized bottles are different from their “relatives”, firstly, in size: usually their volume is no more than 0.3 liters. Secondly, they play a more decorative function, because they are decorated in the style of, for example, bottles of pirate rum.

Finally, the third difference is that they are closed with a stopper, but only half: the point is that another odorous freshener with an admixture of essential oils flows inand the smell only slightly penetrates through the plug into the room.

Thick air freshener

For ceramic or glass glasses, special thick air fresheners are produced that can emit a pleasant aroma throughout the week. The following ingredients are necessary for their preparation:

  • Water, essential oils - as a liquid, binding components;
  • Gelatin, glycerin;
  • Cinnamon (to taste, like various herbs);
  • Food dyes (for giving the thickened freshener an interesting color).

The process of preparing a thick freshener is quite simple and does not require any special culinary skills, you should just follow the order below the steps listed:

  1. A glass of hot water (not boiled) is poured into some shallow container, where 2-3 tablespoons of gelatin are added after. The pot is put on a slow fire. The liquid should be given a maximum degree of homogeneity by constantly stirring the mixture.
  2. Once the gelatin is completely dissolved in water, you can add the remaining ingredients.The proportions of added ingredients are established experimentally, but usually one and a half teaspoons of glycerin, 5 teaspoons of essential oils are poured into the liquid. The use of dyes in large quantities is not recommended.
  3. Once the mixture has regained its uniformity, it can be poured into pre-prepared forms, where it can take shape and finally solidify. To do this, you can use the classic form for the preparation of flour products.

As soon as the air freshener takes its form, it can be carefully removed from the metal container and placed in an already prepared glass or ceramic glass. By the way, over time, a small crust may form along the edges of the air freshener: it must be cut off, and the opened areas should be smeared with oil or glycerin. This will further increase the intensity of the aroma emitted.


In the classical and original understanding of the sachet was a set of several interconnected small pads that were placed in various sets of linen to scare away moths and other pests.With the spread of pills and other means from various insects, sachets have become more just an air freshener than anything else.

 Sachet air freshener

It is quite simple to make an air freshener according to the type of sachet: all you need is just a small (10-14 x 25-30 cm) piece of natural fabric (usually silk or cotton is used), a small ribbon for dressing and, in fact, the ingredients themselves. They can be submitted:

  • Re-skinned citrus;
  • Dried berries of barberry, currant, etc .;
  • Leaves of mint and rosemary;
  • Spices;
  • Sawdust wood that can give a unique detail of the entire composition of the fragrance.

From the shreds of fabric, it is necessary to sew an ordinary bag, in which, without fail, one face should be left unstitched, but provision should be made for the possibility of its folding or loose closure on buttons. The top edge of the sachet is usually decorated with a fringe, and the bag itself is additionally attached to some decorative item, for example, a soft toy, a vase with flowers, etc.

Sasha is tightly stuffed with all the listed ingredients of a “dry” air freshener, after which he is actively shaken several times and finally is tapered first, tape across, and then - near the open face.To enhance the spread of odor, you can use a few drops of essential oils, but it is recommended to do this before mixing.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a healthy and cozy atmosphere at home is formed, also thanks to the smell. It is necessary to monitor the air quality in the apartment, observe the mode of airing the room and regularly use air fresheners on a natural basis. This will not only ensure pleasant aromas in the air, but also have a positive effect on the state of the organism as a whole.

Video: how to make gel flavoring with your own hands

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