How to make low-fat cottage cheese at home

Curd with a minimum fat content is recommended for people who play sports, keep fit or try to lose weight. The proteins contained in the product are involved in the formation of muscle fibers. And calcium strengthens the bone and cardiovascular system, protecting against atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. Dietary cottage cheese is sold in any supermarket, but the homemade version made with own hands is much more useful than the purchased one.

 How to make low-fat cottage cheese

Preparation of raw materials

Low-calorie product is obtained from skimmed milk. At the factories, the raw material undergoes heat treatment, and then it is passed through an apparatus, through which the cream is separated. So get the basis for diet curd.

At home, work differently. If the milk is not shop, and natural, bought on the market, it must be pasteurized.The billet is heated to 80–90 degrees. E. coli and bacteria die only at high temperatures. Put a piece of rye bread or crackers in warm milk. The additive starts the fermentation process and accelerates the souring of raw materials.

Home-made kefir is placed in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. At low temperatures, the cream is separated from the raw materials. A yellowish or creamy crust is formed, which is carefully removed with a spoon. Raw materials for the preparation of dietary curd is ready.

Of course, the process takes from 2 to 4 days. Easier to buy ready-skimmed milk or kefir. These products do not need to be infused and pasteurized. It is enough to pour into the pan, heat up and add ingredients that separate the whey from the curd.

Time-consuming process

People who want to use only natural products, will have to get a pot with a thick bottom. It is in this dish most convenient to cook low-fat cottage cheese. Boiled milk, separated from the cream, is poured into a container and put on a slow fire. You can use the steam bath. Cottage cheese will turn out gentle and crumbly.

How to understand that fermented milk is ready? A large lump of white or cream shade forms, which begins to separate itself from the serum. The billet is put on a slow fire, because at too high a temperature the gentle mass is rolled up and becomes rigid, like pieces of rubber.

Home-made kefir is periodically stirred to make the cottage cheese better separated from the liquid base. When the serum becomes transparent, and the small flakes turn into big lumps, the billet is filtered. Colander covered with pure gauze, folded in 3-5 times, and slowly pour the mass into the container. If whey is needed for making okroshka or other dishes, a saucepan is placed under the mesh dishes.

The cloth in which the cottage cheese is located is tied and hung on a tap or stick, which is placed across the shell. The mass is left for 3-4 hours to drain the remaining liquid. If you need a dry and crumbly product, the workpiece is left in a colander, covered with cling film or plastic bag, and a press is placed on top.

Quick option

Girls who want to use only fresh cottage cheese, useful microwave.Skim skimmed milk is stored in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. You can prepare a large pot of natural raw materials and divide it into several parts.

To get a portion of fresh cottage cheese, you need to pour diet kefir into a glass jar, cover it with the same material and send it in a microwave. Turn on the maximum temperature and set the timer for 2–3 minutes. This is enough to sour milk curdled and separated from the whey. It remains only to strain the cottage cheese with gauze or a colander with small cells, fill with fresh fruit and serve for breakfast or lunch.

Ways with purchased milk

Preparing a dietary product from store raw materials is more difficult than from natural. The composition of packaged milk contains additives that increase the shelf life. They inhibit the process of fermentation and souring of the workpiece.

 Low Fat Milk Curd

You can get cottage cheese from purchased raw materials in two ways. For the first option, you will need a saucepan and a little fat-free yogurt or kefir. The product contains lactic acid bacteria that will help break down the mass into whey and cottage cheese.

Pot of milk put on a slow fire. When the temperature of the product reaches 60–70 degrees, poured yogurt or kefir. For 1 liter of base 100–150 ml of leaven. Some housewives use sour cream, but the fatty supplement increases the calorie content of the curd by 10–15%.

A lot of stir with a plastic or wooden spoon. Gradually, the milk will start to turn off. Cottage cheese, separated from the serum, filtered using a colander and gauze. Squeeze in the same way as a product from natural milk.

The second option is suitable for people who, because of constant diets and dryers, do not have enough calcium. It takes a base - fresh skimmed milk. And liquid calcium chloride, which is bought in the pharmacy. Pot with raw materials put on a steam bath and wait until the drink gets hot. The product is stirred with a wooden spoon and the product is poured. For 1 liter of pasteurized milk you will need a vial of calcium chloride.

Prepare continue to stir until small flakes are collected in a large lump. The contents of the pan are poured into a colander covered with gauze. Cottage cheese is left under pressure for 2–3 hours. Served with dried fruits, nuts or herbs and vegetables.

Kefir starter

Young housewives do not always manage to cook tender and crumbly cottage cheese. It is enough to remove the blank from the plate 5 minutes later than it should be, and the product will become hard and rubber. Of course, from this ingredient you get tasty cheesecakes or casseroles, but you will not serve it in its pure form for breakfast.

In order not to spoil the cottage cheese, you can use the recipe with kefir or yogurt starter. You need a low-fat component that does not contain sweeteners and flavorings. As well as pasteurized or natural milk.

The basis for the curd is brought to a boil on a steam bath. Remove and place the pan in a bowl of cold water. When the billet becomes warm, add 1-2 glasses of kefir. Thanks to sour-milk bacteria and a sharp temperature drop, milk will quickly reach the right consistency. That is, a clump of curd will form that will separate from the whey. It will only be necessary to tilt the mass into a colander covered with gauze and hang over the sink so that excess liquid leaves the product.

You can make tender and airy cheese for sandwiches and healthy desserts from savory yogurt or kefir.Buy a low-fat product. It is better that the packaging was cardboard. Kefir is put in the freezer for 5-6 hours and wait until the billet is completely hardened. The pack is cut and pour sour-milk lump into gauze. Hang over the sink and leave for 4-7 hours. During this period, kefir will melt, and excess liquid will drain. Only air mass will remain. It is recommended to add slices of pineapple or grapefruit. Fruits contain substances that trigger metabolism and break down body fat.

Low-fat cottage cheese is prepared from pasteurized and natural milk, as well as kefir. The billet is subjected to heat treatment, mixed with starters and frozen. The resulting product is used to make cheese cakes, diet cakes and casseroles, salads and sandwiches. 100 g of homemade nonfat cottage cheese is only 100 kcal, so dishes from this component are easy and suitable even for people who want to lose a few pounds.

Video: delicious, low-fat cottage cheese

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