How to make starch at home

Starch is considered an integral component of plants, seeds, fruits. The finished crumbly substance is widely used in industry and everyday life. Most often used starch made from potatoes. The composition of the easiest to get from the tubers, as its cost is the lowest. Often it is the housewife’s potato starch that is added to the dough, jelly is prepared, or bed linen is washed with it.

 How to make starch

Potato starch at home

  1. To make starch, you need potatoes, a grater and a sharp knife. If you take 2 kg. root vegetables, they will be about 85 grams. friable white powder. You will spend about 60 hours to make starch. The preparation process itself takes about 35 minutes.
  2. Wash the roots, remove the uniform. Get rid of damaged areas and sprouts.Pop the potatoes through a food processor or blender. Send the mixture to a sieve, strain well. At the exit you will get a brownish liquid. Dry potato masses can be used for pancakes.
  3. Leave the liquid composition in the container for about half an hour, for the allotted time a cream-colored precipitate forms - starch. Carefully drain the extra potato juice. Next, add cold water to the container with the substance, mix thoroughly. Wait again for sediment. Manipulate until the water is clear and the substance is white.
  4. Take a suitable tray, cover it with a cloth or parchment paper. Try to drain as much liquid as possible. Then put the starch on a tray, allow the substance to dry at room temperature. After 9 hours, mash the dried layer of powder, break all the lumps, wait until completely dry.
  5. To dry the starch, if possible, select a room with low air humidity; the duration of the procedure will depend on this factor. In extreme cases, you will need about 3 days to complete the process.After drying the starch, small lumps can form, grind the substance to dust with a coffee grinder.
  6. Starch in the form of powder can be added to various dishes (pastries, jelly, etc.). Store the substance in a dry, closed container. Choose a suitable glass or plastic container. Be sure to pay attention to whether the lid fits snugly. Each time, using starch, make sure that the composition does not get moisture.

Rice starch at home

 Rice starch

  1. Take 1 kg. plain non-steamed rice, rinse thoroughly and cover with water so that the liquid covers the composition by 3 cm. Pour 95 gr. to croup. baking soda. Stir the composition, insist 12 hours. After a predetermined time, drain the water, rinse the rice thoroughly, put it on a tray, allow the product to dry.
  2. Divide the rice into small portions, place in the bowl of the blender, grind to a homogeneous slurry. Pour the resulting rice mass with cold water, add 80 gr. table soda Mix thoroughly, leave to infuse for 6-7 hours, while stirring occasionally (about 6 times).
  3. After a certain time, try to filter the product through a fine sieve. Cover the home appliance with a thick layer of gauze fabric. Mix well the composition, begin to drain through the filter at hand in a container so that there is no sediment. After the manipulation, get rid of the substance that formed on the fabric. Wait a while to starch the donkey.
  4. Carefully drain the liquid from the pan without stirring the water. Spread the process into several stages, so that the starch will settle, and you, in turn, will drain the maximum possible liquid. Collect the remaining water with a syringe.
  5. Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet, lay a thin layer of wet starch, allow the product to dry. Once the process is complete, pass the finished composition through the grinder. If you did everything right, then from 1 kg. rice output will get about 800 grams. pure starch.

Starch use features

 Starch use features

  1. If you are a big potato lover, he does not represent a vegetable to anyone for the body. Therefore, you can eat at least 5 kg. root crops during the day.Unfortunately, there is one "but": eating potato dishes in the daily diet, the menu should not contain any other products.
  2. Natural starch in a priori can not harm the human body. Modified and refined white powder, which is sold on store shelves, adversely affects the state of health. Unlike plant-made starch, the production composition undergoes a variety of chemical treatments.
  3. Starch is a pure carbohydrate with a complex chemical grid. Substance is contained in almost all fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts and legumes. The white powder is easily absorbed in the human body.
  4. After consumption, the starch is converted to glucose. Based on this chemical process, a person in a short time receives a significant charge of energy and vigor. If you prefer to use starch-containing fresh foods, you must eat them in combination with fats.
  5. Such a course will allow to enrich the body with microelements, vitamins and minerals. Getting the maximum benefit from vegetables, you need to cook them on the steam bath, in any case not to fry.Consider the fact that only natural starch has all of the above beneficial qualities.

To make natural wholesome starch at home, you should arm yourself with patience. Ultimately, the result will be worth it. If you care about your health, you should not abuse the purchase of starch, adding it to various dishes.

Video: how to make homemade starch

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