How to make strawberries in chocolate at home

Strawberry in chocolate is considered to be an exquisite and sumptuous dessert. Due to the juiciness of the berries and the tart aftertaste of chocolate, even the most sophisticated connoisseur will not be able to resist the delicacy. Dish refers to dietary, strawberries increases male power and female sexuality. Chocolate contributes to the production of “hormones of happiness”, as a result of which the mood rises from such food. The dish will be appropriate on many holidays, so it makes sense to consider the most delicious recipes in order.

 How to make strawberries in chocolate

Strawberry in chocolate: classics of the genre

  • fresh strawberries - 700 gr.
  • black chocolate - 430-450 gr.

Step number 1. Washing berries

The process is not particularly difficult, but you should consider the basic rules.

  1. Strawberries are washed before cooking, no need to carry out the procedure in advance. Otherwise, the berries will wither and look ugly.
  2. Each fruit is washed separately, such a move will prevent the formation of bruises. Rinsing is carried out under a thin stream of cool water, and not in the general pelvis.
  3. In the process of washing should not rub the berries, leave a thorough cleaning flow of water. As a rule, it is enough to hold the fruit under the stream for 10 seconds, all the dirt will come down.
  4. Do not remove the sepals, try to keep them beautiful. After washing, spread the berries on a cotton towel or lattice for the complete disappearance of moisture. Before dipping into the chocolate base, the strawberries should be completely dry.

Step number 2. Chocolate melting

The procedure is carried out with extreme caution. You can carry out manipulations both in the water bath and in the microwave oven.

  1. Choose high-quality chocolate, which in the process of languishing will not roll into lumps. When choosing a dark delicacy, study the "Composition" column. Chocolate must contain at least 62% cocoa.
  2. If the heating will be conducted in the microwave, choose heat-resistant dishes to heat the food in the microwave. Do not use ceramics or tin, give preference to a glass bowl.
  3. To start heating, break the chocolate into small squares. Immerse in the bowl and send in the microwave. Set the timer for half a minute, not longer.
  4. After that, remove the product, mix with a wooden spatula. If the mixture is not sufficiently dissolved, repeat the manipulation several more times. Hold for 30 seconds, then evaluate the consistency.
  5. For 1 approach you can not drown chocolate longer than the specified period. It is better to perform the procedure in stages, in this way you will avoid overheating of the mass. It is important to bring the chocolate to the state when it is completely melted, but not stratified.

Step number 3. Making dessert

  1. Before dipping the berries in the chocolate mass, prepare the parchment paper. You will spread the finished dessert to the surface for solidification and final preparation.
  2. To begin the manipulation, take the strawberries for the sepal. Act carefully, otherwise the tail will come off. If you wish, you can use a dessert skewer, putting a fruit on it.
  3. Immerse the berry in a bowl of melted chocolate, drive it around so that the sweet icing covers the strawberries completely. When you make sure there are no voids, remove the dessert, send it to the parchment.
  4. Perform the procedure with each fruit. If necessary, reheat the chocolate in the microwave (duration 20 seconds), do not let it harden.
  5. To make the dish exquisite, sprinkle it with sugar and culinary spangles. The composition can be bought in the confectioners department. Also suitable powder, peanut or coconut chips. Act with your personal preferences.
  6. When each berry is immersed in the mixture and laid out on the parchment, soak it up at room temperature until it solidifies. No need to rush things by sending dessert into the cold. Otherwise, the chocolate may crack and become spotty.
  7. After the chocolate hardens, place the berries in a decorative box or paper wrapper, simulating the creation of a bouquet. You can also serve a finished delicacy on a flat dish.

Strawberries in white and black chocolate

 Strawberries in white and black chocolate

  • strawberry - 350 gr.
  • white chocolate (not air) - 120 gr.
  • dark chocolate (preferably in the form of chips) - 200 gr.
  1. Wash each berry under a stream of cool water, do not remove the sepals. Dry the fruit, leaving it to drain on a cotton towel.
  2. Line the baking sheet with parchment. If a chocolate bar is used for cooking, break it into cubes. In the case of drop chips, pour the component into a deep glass bowl.
  3. Melt two kinds of basics for dipping. Use the microwave or water bath. Now, dried and prepared strawberries are alternately dipped, first in white, then in dark chocolate.
  4. Spread the finished delicacy on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Leave at room temperature for 25-30 minutes, then transfer to the cold for the final preparation.

Chocolate covered peanut strawberries

  • peanuts - 240 gr.
  • peanut paste - 120 gr.
  • strawberries - 480–500 g.
  • chocolate - 450 gr.
  1. Take a cutting board, wrap it with cling film. An alternative is a baking sheet that needs to be covered with parchment paper.
  2. Crumble the chocolate into a separate container and melt it in a water bath (you can use a microwave). Heat peanut butter and mix with chocolate.
  3. If raw peanuts are used, they must first be fried in a dry frying pan for 5 minutes. Then you need to pound the product into a crumb with a culinary pestle, a coffee grinder or a blender.
  4. Move the peanut powder to another dish. Now dip each strawberry into the chocolate base, then into the peanuts. Send the berries to solidify on a board or baking sheet.
  5. Now wait until the chocolate grabs the crust. Then, for better curing, send it to the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. Serve with whipped cream on a dessert plate.

Chocolate covered strawberries with coconut flakes

 Chocolate covered strawberries with coconut flakes

  • white chocolate - 330 gr.
  • coconut flakes - 120-150 gr.
  • strawberries - 350-400 gr.
  1. Prepare a baking sheet or a cutting board on which the strawberries will be laid. Spread the parchment on it, start washing the strawberries. Rinse each berry under the tap, leave on a towel to dry.
  2. Crush white chocolate and place in a deep bowl. Melt in a microwave oven or in a water bath, pour the coconut chips into a separate plate.
  3. Now dip each strawberry into the chocolate mass first, then roll in coconut flakes.Send to parchment for sticking to the board, soak at room temperature for 15 minutes, then transfer to the refrigerator.

Chocolate covered strawberries with icing sugar

  • chocolate (black or white) - 360-380 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 40 gr.
  • ripe strawberries (fresh) - 500 gr.
  1. Prepare the berries. To do this, wash them under a tap or blot with a wet towel. Dry until complete evaporation of moisture. Break chocolate, send to bowl, melt in steam bath. To avoid the formation of lumps, stir the mass with a wooden spatula.
  2. Take a dry berry for the sepal, lower it into a sweet base. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, put the ready dessert on it. Do the same with the rest of the fruits.
  3. When the chocolate on all the berries hardens, repeat the steps again. Now, after dipping, roll the fruits in powdered sugar and lay them on the parchment. Send for 20 minutes in the refrigerator, serve with cream or condensed milk.

Chocolate covered strawberry with mascarpone cheese

  • ice cream "creme brulee" (ice cream will do) - 230 gr.
  • Mascarpone cheese - 125 gr.
  • bitter chocolate - 230 gr.
  • strawberry - 280 gr.
  • sugar or powder - to taste
  1. Grate the chocolate or chop to crumb in another convenient way. Put aside 100 gr. strawberries, rub the rest of the berries with sugar and pass through a blender.
  2. Prepare tall glasses, pour over them the whipped strawberry puree. Place on top of each mass 30 gr. mascarpone cheese. Scoop a ball of ice cream, send by the glass.
  3. Powder the contents of chocolate chips, garnish the composition with fresh strawberries. Optionally, you can pour a little condensed milk or squeeze the whipped cream.

Chocolate covered strawberries with mint

 Chocolate covered strawberries with mint

  • fresh mint - 1 bunch
  • dark chocolate - 130 gr.
  • strawberry - 475 gr.
  • white chocolate (not porous) - 120 gr.
  1. Rinse the strawberries under the tap, do not carry out the procedure in the general basin. Otherwise, the berries will be confused and become ugly. Put the fruit to dry on a cotton towel, wait until the liquid has completely drained.
  2. Crush black chocolate into cubes, send it to a deep bowl and melt in a convenient way. Wrap a board for cutting with cling film or put on a plastic bag.
  3. Take the strawberries for the sepal, whole dip in a lot of dark chocolate. Put on a board for solidification. At this time, grind white chocolate, melt it on the stove.
  4. Take the fruit with a frozen layer of dark chocolate. Dip in a white base, reaching the middle of the berry. Again send to freeze on the board. Wait for 20 minutes, at this time wash the mint.
  5. Prepare a flat plate. Put on it the leaves of lemon balm, and place on top one berry of strawberries. Serve with whipped cream or condensed milk.

Chocolate covered strawberries with liqueur

  • emulsifier - 40 gr.
  • strawberry - 300 gr.
  • liqueur (preferably citrus) - 100 ml.
  • ice cream ice cream - 80 gr.
  • white chocolate - 40 g.
  • dark chocolate - 380 gr.

  1. Prepare the berries by washing and drying them. Take a syringe, put liqueur in it, pierce each berry and pour the composition into the fruit. On one strawberry accounts for about 10 ml. alcohol.
  2. Put the fruit on a cutting board wrapped with polyethylene. Send in the cold for half an hour. Combine emulsifier with ground bitter chocolate, melt on the steam bath.
  3. When the mass becomes liquid, enter the ice cream and liqueur residues. In a separate container, melt the white chocolate. Now dip each berry first into dark, then into white chocolate.Between approaches, let's freeze the layers.

It is easy to cook a delicious dessert, if you follow the instructions. When working with white chocolate, remove the mass from the fire until the final dissolution. The black base is heated longer, so count your own time. View the most delicious recipes, adjust them according to personal preferences.

Video: beautiful and delicious strawberries in chocolate

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