How to make kefir at home

Kefir refers to fermented milk drinks, which is obtained as a result of long or short-term fermentation. The product has a number of healing properties due to the content of lactobacilli and a large number of minerals. In addition to medicinal qualities, kefir refers to diet drinks. It is often prepared for children with all the requirements. Store products include preservatives and shelf life enhancers. For this reason, it makes sense to consider homemade recipes.

 How to make kefir

Useful properties of kefir

  1. The product is valued for the healing and rightly unique composition. Kefir contains choline and tryptophan, calcium, minerals of many groups (copper, chromium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, etc.), vitamins A, B, H.
  2. Thanks to the lactic alcoholic acid in the composition of the drink (0.2–0.6%), the activity of the digestive system improves, the intestinal walls are cleaned, and the appetite increases.
  3. Regular use of kefir puts in order the psycho-emotional background of a person, controlling the work of the central nervous system.
  4. The activity of the heart and blood vessels is improved, the drink allows you to quench your thirst and maintain water-salt balance. Unlike milk, kefir is easier to digest.
  5. Vitamin B, milk protein, animal fat, iron and calcium are released during the ripening process. These components help people with lactose intolerance to drink kefir without fear that an allergy will develop.
  6. As mentioned earlier, the drink is considered dietary. It is an integral component of the diet in people suffering from gout, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, gastric colitis. Kefir helps to lose weight with regular use.
  7. Numerous studies of scientists have made it possible to understand that kefiran polysaccharide is produced in kefir. The component prevents the development of any kind of tumors (both benign and malignant).
  8. If you include kefir in the daily menu, leukocytes in the blood are activated. This feature supports the immune system, so that the human body effectively fights infection.
  9. A positive characteristic of kefir is considered a beneficial effect on the female body during menstruation, menopause, breastfeeding. Calcium is washed out at this time, the fermented milk drink allows you to maintain bone structure.

Home-made kefir: a classic recipe with sourdough

  • fat milk (from 3.2%) - 1.2 l.
  • leaven packaged - 30 gr. (1 package)

  1. For the preparation of kefir used commercial or home cow's milk (whole). In the first case, choose a product with a fat content of 3.2%, to save time resources, a product with the mark “UHT milk” will be suitable. Then you will not have to boil the composition, you only need to warm it up to the figure of 38-40 degrees.
  2. If kefir is prepared on the basis of whole milk, first boil the product, then let it cool to 40-45 degrees. Now prepare sterilized clean containers (plastic or glass). Pour milk into the container. It is important to remember that if kefir is made with powdered sourdough, the dishes should be thoroughly washed and sterilized.
  3. If you wish, you can read the manufacturer's advice on the back of the package.For example, a manufacturer may make recommendations regarding the non-use of metal cutlery, etc. When mixing components, a wooden or plastic spatula is used.
  4. When you have poured the milk into a container, add a leaven to it, knead until smooth. Prepare new jars of small size, wash and disinfect them. Pour the mixed mixture into containers. Cover each container with a lid, place a thick towel on top.
  5. Put the banks with the future kefir in the heat and darkness, wait 8-10 hours. After this period, kefir can be drunk. But we recommend sending it to the fridge for 4 hours to set.
  6. If desired, sweeten the drink to taste, add seasonal berries or nuts. According to the described technology you cook kefir weak fortress. For medium or hard drink, insist the composition of 36 or 48 hours, respectively.

Additions to the recipe

  1. In the future, you do not need to use the purchased powder or pressed leaven. Already cooked kefir can play its role.
  2. In order to make the drink a second time, take 2.8 liters.fat milk, boil the product and let cool to 40 degrees. Add 450 ml. ready homemade yogurt, mix.
  3. It is important to consider that when mixing milk with ready kefir, both drinks should have the same (approximately) temperature regime. So take care of this in advance.
  4. After combining the ingredients, knead the composition in a sterilized jar, cover with a lid and wrap in a cloth. Leave to infuse in a warm place for 12 hours. In the end, you get a thick mass.
  5. Now you have a second can of kefir. The drink can later be used as another starter. Manipulations are carried out no more than 6 times.

Home-made kefir in a slow cooker

 Home-made kefir in a slow cooker

  • store kefir (fat content from 2.5%) - 275 ml.
  • fat milk - 2.2 l.
  1. Shake the milk in the available packaging, pour into a saucepan and place on the stove. Wait until the first bubbles appear, immediately reduce the power to a minimum (otherwise the mixture will “run away”). Continue to boil the product for another 10 minutes.
  2. If for the preparation of kefir used homemade whole composition, dilute it with water in a ratio of 2: 1. After boiling simmer on low power for about 5-7 minutes. This period is necessary for the extermination of pests in the drink.
  3. After boiling, leave the milk at its natural temperature, let it cool. When you reach the desired condition, add kefir to the composition and mix. Prepare a bowl of the multicooker by washing it out and scalding it with boiling water.
  4. Pour the mixture of milk and kefir into the container, close the lid. Turn on the “Heating” program, set the duration to 12 minutes. When the specified time passes, do not open the slow cooker. Wait 1 hour, then turn on the “Heating” again, but for 10 minutes already.
  5. Now kefir can be considered almost ready. Cool the drink, pour into clean containers, stoppered. Put in the fridge for 6 hours. When the specified time passes, proceed to tasting. Cold storage time is 3 days.

Home-made kefir: a simple recipe

  • kefir with a fat content of 3.2% - 90 ml.
  • Fat milk (from 2.5%) - 1 l.
  1. Optionally, you can replace the store kefir with a special ferment based on bifidobacteria. The product is produced in the form of powder, you will need about 50 grams.
  2. Prepare a pan (not enameled), pour the milk into it. Put on the stove and wait for boiling. When the boiling begins, reduce the power of the burner to the minimum.
  3. Tom the product for about 10 minutes, then turn off the stove and cool the mixture to 38 degrees.If you are preparing kefir from pasteurized milk, you do not need to boil it. It is enough to warm the drink, then let it cool to the specified mode.
  4. Pass the warm milk through the gauze fabric, which must be folded in 4-5 layers. Such a move will relieve the drink from the foam. Optionally, you can skip this step.
  5. Prepare a washed, sterilized and dried jar. Add powdered sourdough or store kefir, mix the mixture with a plastic or wooden spoon. Do not use metal tools, as fermentation is slow.
  6. After combining warm milk with leaven, close the container with a lid. Wrap a towel, soak in a warm place for 5 hours. After ripening, move the container to the fridge for another night.
  7. After the allotted time, a fermented milk drink can be considered ready for use. Shake the jar, pour into glasses, season with sugar, honey, vanilla or cinnamon (optional). Keep the product in the cold for no longer than 3 days.
  8. You can mix cooked kefir with jam or jam, and then treat the child with a treat in the absence of an individual intolerance.
  9. Leave about 60 ml. yeast (home-made kefir) for making the next batch of fermented milk drink (shelf life is 14 days).

Practical recommendations

 Home-made kefir

  1. Kefir, prepared with a one-day infusion (weak strength), perfectly copes with constipation. It also cleans the bladder, liver and kidneys. The product removes excess toxins and slags from the internal organs, so it is appropriate to include it in the diet.
  2. If you are experiencing health problems, namely, are the owner of diabetes, cook kefir with a two-day exposure. It also helps with diseases of the liver, lungs and bronchi, heart muscle, gastric colitis. The composition effectively fights obesity, preventing the development of cholesterol plaques.
  3. If we talk about kefir with a period of insisting of 3 or more days, it will be the most sour to taste. It is better to use it after the morning awakening or at noon. Older people are advised to drink kefir exclusively in the evening. If you have kidney problems or a stomach ulcer, a three-day kefir is strictly prohibited to drink.
  4. People who have difficulty sleeping (a confused rhythm of the day, insomnia, etc.) should eat kefir before going to bed. It is worth considering the fact that after waking up your stomach will weaken. For this reason, have a cup of strong tea for breakfast.
  5. To speed up the fermentation, add about 40 grams to the mixture of milk and shop kefir (or sourdough powder). sugar on 2 liters. composition. Such a move will saturate the finish, make the drink more thick.
  6. Never leave a can of kefir under direct ultraviolet light. The sun's rays will only spoil the taste and kill all the good bacteria. If you can withstand a jar on the windowsill, pre-wrap the container with a thick towel.
  7. When mixing components, use only wooden or plastic tools. Metal devices are oxidized, they also slow down the fermentation of the composition and subject the future drink to an early deterioration.

Home-made kefir is considered a nutritious and healthy drink only if it is cooked correctly. Consider a popular multicooker recipe, use simple technology.Make the drink nourishing and healthy with sourdough powder and whole milk. Add granulated sugar to enrich the flavor and thicken. Use only sterilized containers and wooden mixing tools.

Video: how to make homemade kefir

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