How to make essential oil at home

The benefits of essential oils can be legends. The product is widely used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, cooking. It is believed that the pricing policy of such funds is quite high. For this reason, experienced housewives have developed their own recipes for preparing essential oils at home.

 How to make essential oil

Features of the preparation of essential oils

  1. Not many people know, but the healing properties and the overall consistency of the final product depends on a number of features. These include the time of day and the conditions for collecting herbs, the method of extracting aromatic enzymes, the duration of storage, and so on. Essential oils are prepared from both domestic and wild plants.
  2. When collecting, you must choose only fully disclosed flowers, this is true for chamomile, calendula and roses.If you prefer the stems and leaves, they need to be collected before flowering (rosemary and basil). In cases when the upper section (ground part) is used for preparation, the collection takes place immediately at the time of flowering (St. John's wort, yarrow, lavender).
  3. Plants contain medicinal ingredients, such as aldehydes, flavonoids, phytoncides, which help to improve the healing properties of the oil. Therefore, it is important that the replaceable and fetal part fully matured. If you decide to use an underground part for cooking, scoop up the root in autumn or late spring.
  4. Regarding the time of collecting plants, conduct the procedure in the early morning when the race was asleep. Also, manipulations can be done on a sundial, not on a cloudy day. In no case do not choose the grass growing at the side of the road, in this case the plants absorb all the smog, dust and other industrial wastes. The most acceptable places for collecting inflorescences is considered to be a forest, meadow, personal plot.
  5. Essential oils can be prepared not only from fresh raw materials, but also from dry. In this case, the herbs are dried in a well-ventilated area away from direct ultravioletbeams and radiators. Make sure the substrate of paper, soft fabric or plywood.
  6. Many housewives resort to drying in the oven. You can follow their recommendations, most importantly, set the temperature to no more than 40 degrees. It is important to note that with this variant of drying the grass will lose at least 35% of the useful components.

Hypericum Essential Oil

In nature, there are at least 17 plant species, but only one of them is considered medicinal. Its scientific name is “holed hypericum”. The plant grows mainly in the middle part of Ukraine, it is characterized by narrow leaves, has a smooth sharp edge and a large flower with a long petal.

 Hypericum Essential Oil

This type of Hypericum should be collected directly in the flowering period. As mentioned earlier, you can prepare the ether from a dry or fresh plant. If technology is used to create a product from dried raw materials, it is recommended to thresh the grass and remove the stems.

Vegetable, sea buckthorn, olive, linseed or almond oil is taken as an additional basis for creating a home ether.Below will be considered the most delicious cooking recipes that have a low pricing policy and affordable components.

  1. Take a 22-25 gr. (1.5 tbsp. L.) Perforated Hypericum (dried, fresh), pour in it 275 ml. Any natural oil (preferably linseed or olive oil), place in a glass jar, seal it, wait for 2.5-3 weeks. After this period, squeeze out the soaked herbs, make a gauze filter or use a strainer, strain. Prepare dark bottles with lids, pour the composition and send in the refrigerator. Keep no more than six months, apply when there are abscesses, bruises or boils.
  2. Pour 125 ml into the beaker. vegetable or almond oil, heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then mix with 20 grams. ground Hypericum, close the lid, insist about 5 weeks. Make a filter: fold the gauze in 2 layers, place a rectangular piece of cotton wool between its rows, skip the mixture. Then pour into small bottles, cork and store in the cold. Apply the composition in diseases of the bile ducts and the appearance of kidney stones.
  3. Take 12 grams. inflorescences of Hypericum and 18-20 g.the leaves of the plant, dry and chop convenient way. Add 180 ml to the dry mix. sunflower oil, pour into a dark vessel, close. Insist about 20-30 days, occasionally shaking. In case of time, squeeze the raw materials, filter through a sieve or bandage, pour into vials. Send to the refrigerator for another 5 days, then apply for festering wounds and burns.
  4. For the preparation of this ether, you will need to take 30 grams. fresh flowers of Hypericum and pour them 170 ml. almond oil. The composition should be insisted only in a cool place in a tightly closed jar, the exposure time of raw materials varies from 14 to 18 days. After this period, the mixture must be filtered and poured into jars. The oil is used as a moisturizing and smoothing agent against wrinkles on the face, skin flabbiness and dryness of the epidermis.
  5. Pour 450 ml. Corn or sea buckthorn oil in an enamel pan, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil. When the first bubbles appear, turn off the burner, put in 135 gr. dried leaves of Hypericum, cover and wrap a towel. Leave to infuse for 3 hours at room temperature, then squeeze, bottle, clog.Store in a dark cool place, use as a means of aromatherapy.

Orange essential oil

Fans of citrus flavors will like this ether, which can be easily prepared by yourself. Take 2 oranges, wash them with a sponge, remove the zest. Chop the peel into squares measuring 1.5 * 1.5 cm., Send them to a dark glass container or glass. Fill with any natural oil in such a way that the composition covers the whole crust.

 Orange essential oil

Wrap a bowl with cling film, place a dark towel on top, send to a dark cabinet. Shake the mixture for 4-5 days, after the specified period, pour the raw material into the pan and put it on the stove. Boil for about 1 hour, then remove the crushed zest, squeeze out the oil and filter. Pour into bottles, send to the refrigerator. A similar technology is prepared tangerine, lime or grapefruit oil.

When growing citruses are treated with chemicals that densely eats into the surface of the peel. For this reason, it is important to thoroughly wash the rind with a sponge and baking soda to prevent poison from entering the final product. If possible, dip the whole fruit in boiling water before cutting it.

Melissa Essential Oil

To prepare the composition, take 40 grams. dried herbs, 245 gr. natural sea buckthorn oil, dark glass container for the final infusion of the product. Heat the liquid base over medium heat, add the pre-chopped grass, send it to the jar and close the lid. Let it brew for 2-3 weeks, occasionally shaking.

Filter with a gauze cloth or sieve, pour into vials. Put in the fridge, wait another 1 week. After the expiration date, apply the product to its intended purpose, measuring the required amount with a pipette. Store essential oil at a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

Lavender essential oil

As mentioned earlier, the plant stems are harvested during flowering. You will need to bundle a few branches of medium size, pulling them over with a thread. You can use dried and fresh leaves with flowers. To properly prepare the ether, take 35 grams. ground herbs, pour 180 ml to it. almond or corn oil.

 Lavender essential oil

Insist the initial composition for 1.5-2 months, do not forget to shake periodically.After this period, strain with a cotton gauze filter, pour into small bottles and refrigerate for long term storage. In most cases, the prepared ether is used as aromatherapy, it can be added to a bath or a special lamp.

Rose essential oil

To prepare the composition you need in the early morning to collect the petals of garden roses, choosing only instances with a rich smell. It is important to select only those flowers that have not been previously processed by chemical means. If desired, the inflorescences can be replaced by wild rose leaves, and then prepare the ether using the technology described below.

Remember, from 3 kg. rose petals will only 5 gr. the ether. Take the required amount of raw materials, put in a large pot, fill with water. Boil for 1 hour until the petals lose saturation.

After heat treatment, pour out the liquid, squeeze the juice from the petals, strain. Combine the mixture with 2-3 drops of any natural oil, pour into a dark jar, leave for 2 weeks. Store in the refrigerator for 12 months.

It is easy to prepare the essential oil, if you have sufficient knowledge of technology. Thanks to all-natural ingredients, the composition fights stress and insomnia, treats colds, is used for cosmetic purposes.

Video: perfume from essential oils

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