How to make the monthly faster ended

In every woman's life, there are situations when there is an acute question - what to do so that menstruation ends quickly. This may be a long-awaited date, vacation, an important trip, in which you need to feel good. Experts do not recommend to influence the menstrual cycle in any way, it can provoke a serious failure in the natural mechanism. But if for some reason it is very necessary to speed up the completion of the menstruation, you can use several methods that are able to suspend critical days and cause them to run out more quickly.

 How to make the monthly faster ended

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, the high hemostatic properties of some plants have been known.which can be used to suspend monthly.

Method 1
So, decoctions of nettle, burnet or lavrushki can accelerate the completion of bleeding. Before embarking on the use of herbal remedies for this purpose, it is necessary to understand that it is possible that in the subsequent cycle, menstruation will be more abundant than usual, thus restoring balance in the body.

In order to achieve the desired effect, plants should be used on the first day of menstruation, or, if possible, several days before the expected start of critical days. When they are already underway, the effect of the remedy may not immediately appear.

To prepare the agent from nettle, you need to take three tablespoons of dried leaves and pour them with two glasses of water. The composition should be put on the stove and hold on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then half an hour to insist and drink and drink три cup three times a day after meals.

Method 2
Another means to stop bleeding is prepared as follows: take a tablespoon of dry bay leaf, pour in two glasses of water. The container with the mixture is closed with a lid and kept on low heat for 60 minutes.Then it is necessary to strain the broth. Take three large spoons during the day at intervals of two to three hours. The taste of this tool is not very pleasant, but the efficiency is high enough, it speeds up the process of completion of menstruation.

Method 3
It helps well when it is necessary to stop the bleeding, the infusion of a burnet. But it should be noted that this plant contributes to the consolidation of the chair and contributes to the appearance of constipation. To prepare the tool, you need two tablespoons of raw materials to steam with boiling water and put for 30 minutes in a water bath.

In addition, in the same way, you can prepare products based on water pepper, barberry, raspberry, shepherd's bag.

In addition to the hemostatic properties, healing broths can be beneficial for blood vessels, since they contain a large amount of ascorbic acid.

Important! It is not recommended to conduct experiments with your own health, making attempts to reduce the duration of menstruation using hormonal means. In particular, without consulting with a doctor before. The use of such drugs can cause problems with blood vessels.

Physical exercise

Will help bring the completion of menstruation exercise. Well with this task cope with such exercises as body flex, yoga, Pilates. Regular exercise will help achieve control over the natural processes that take place in the body.

The sport has another pleasant moment - regular exercise will help get rid of the pain syndrome that occurs during menstruation. In addition, the problem of instability and delays in the menstrual cycle is eliminated.


Another way to make it so that your period is over is to take a special medicine. It is quite possible to reduce the duration of menstruation to two or three days, if you use drugs that include hormones, for example, Duphaston and its analogues. However, as mentioned above, experimenting in this way is permissible only in consultation with the gynecologist.

The doctor may recommend the means Silest or Marvelon - medicines, under the influence of which the monthly is accelerated. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed in order to relieve painful and prolonged menstruation.

Medicines such as Utrozhestan and Norkolut are also prescribed to correct the menstrual cycle. But the specialist should be responsible for calculating the dosage and prescribing the treatment regimen.

It should be borne in mind that this cannot be done independently due to the fact that when using hormonal drugs, side effects may occur: increased blood pressure, migraines, nausea, depression, a sharp increase in body weight. But the most dangerous of them is a decrease in reproductive ability, that is, infertility.


Also quite an effective way. To make your period faster, you need to eat less than usual. Those ladies who have been on a diet for a long time, most likely, noted that strict food restrictions "inhibit" natural processes. As a result, the menstrual cycle is reduced. Of course, it would be unwise to torture yourself with hunger strikes. To outwit the internal clock, you can only exclude from the diet of meat products. If you want to reduce the duration of menstruation, you should adhere to vegetarianism for a while.

 Diet to speed up the monthly

You need to eat more vegetables and fruits.It should be noted that many ordinary foods can help shorten the duration of menstruation. For example, hematogen, pomegranate juice, onion decoction has such properties.

Nontraditional methods

Intimacy during menstruation can help speed up the process of completing menstruation. Intensive movement, increased excitement, the release of the hormone prostaglandin will help complete the process a couple of days earlier. In addition, sex helps reduce pain, improve mood and reduce stress.

Few steps to complete the monthly

If it is necessary that the monthly period is urgently over by a certain date, there is a special plan, by adhering to which it is possible to achieve a change in the timing of the discharge. If you follow these points, you can cause menstruation for some time earlier, and then make the process faster due to abundant bleeding:

  1. Approximately three days before the estimated date of the onset of menstruation, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of Lavrushka and take it in 5 tbsp each. during the day at intervals of three hours.
  2. On the first day of the cycle, eat at least one lemon and a package of ascorbic acid. In this case, the daily volume of fluid must be at least two liters. In addition, in the morning and at night you need to drink an acetylsalicylic acid tablet, which is why the bleeding will be more abundant, but will end in a couple of days.
  3. Every day from the beginning of the cycle, you need to perform exercises on the press, crouch and jump in place.
  4. On the second day of menstruation drink Vikasol (1 tablet). The action of this drug is aimed at improving blood clotting. The tool contributes to the normalization of natural processes, stopping menstruation. The next day, the daily dosage will be two tablets. By this time, the blood is almost no stand out.

What to do if your period does not end?

Often, girls are trying to find a way to complete their period faster, not because they have to go on vacation or to a long-awaited meeting with their beloved, but because their natural cycle is not stable, and their periods may not end for quite a long time. This threatens to lower hemoglobin, which is fraught with consequences in the form of the development of iron deficiency anemia.

However, the phenomenon of pathologically prolonged menstruation cannot be treated on its own.It is imperative that you visit a doctor so that he can schedule the necessary tests.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that an invasion of a sensitive reproductive system can lead to a high health risk. It is possible to take measures to accelerate the period only after the gynecologist allows it.

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