How to bring down the temperature in case of poisoning with folk remedies

Every person faces sooner or later with poisoning. Intoxication of the body can occur for various reasons: improperly prepared food, expired products, alcohol abuse and even a reaction to medications.

 How to bring down the temperature in case of poisoning

Main symptoms of poisoning

Substandard foods initially enter the digestive system, so initially a person will experience discomfort in the stomach. The patient will feel sharp and severe pain in the intestines and stomach, his body temperature will rise, the condition will be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. All these symptoms will cause severe weakness and malaise. Thus, the body reacts to the poison that has penetrated it.He tries as soon as possible to remove all unnecessary substances and prevent him from doing so. In severe poisoning, the patient will become pale and lose consciousness. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

The reasons for the increase in temperature

In food poisoning, the temperature does not begin to appear immediately. The rate of increase directly depends on the poison that is absorbed into the blood. As soon as intoxication has occurred, coccus bacteria begin to form in the digestive tract, which cause fever.

Fever is an excellent defense mechanism that is automatically produced in the body to protect it from harmful substances. During an increase in temperature, blood circulation and metabolism are improved, and the movement of fluids throughout the body is accelerated. Thanks to such processes, toxins quickly decay and are removed from the body. When fever increases the separation of sweat, skin pores expand, which ensures the removal of toxins. As soon as the indicators on the thermometer increase, the body becomes a negative environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria and they begin to die.

When to churn the temperature

The temperature in case of poisoning is a normal process, which does not need to interfere until a certain time. The maximum permissible mark in an adult should not exceed 37.9 °, in a child this limit is slightly lower - 37.6 °. If the readings on the thermometer are higher than what is permissible, it is urgent to take measures and bring it down.

It is important to understand that all food poisoning, which is accompanied by fever, in certain cases, require an urgent appeal to the doctor:

  • the development of strong and repeated vomiting;
  • the occurrence of liquid stool more than 10 times a day;
  • blood in the stool;
  • severe dehydration;
  • damage to the nervous system (convulsions, dilated or constricted pupils, muscle tremors, changes in breathing);
  • if the temperature does not go astray or decreases for a while.

Medical method of reducing the temperature

A rise in body temperature is caused by harmful toxins that have entered the body. To reduce the performance on the thermometer need to make an effort and remove toxic substances. Let us consider in detail the actions that are needed to combat the temperature.

 Medical method of reducing the temperature

  1. Poisoned person is recommended to thoroughly wash the stomach.To do this, prepare an enema with warm water. It is recommended to add sea salt or a little potassium permanganate in the water. The procedure is performed once. It is able to effectively remove from the intestines the remnants of toxic substances that have not yet had time to be absorbed into the blood.
  2. In order to quickly remove harmful residues, experts advise to drink absorbents. These include "Activated carbon", which is taken with the expectation of 1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight. You can also take "Enterosgel" or "Polysorb." Before use, it is important to read the instructions.

Traditional methods of treatment

Poisoning - this is the case when it is very important to combine drug treatment methods with popular methods. In the fight against fever and dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. The amount of water you need to drink is calculated like this: for every degree you need to knock down, you need to drink 1 liter of water or herbal tea. You need to drink water, not compotes or juices, as they can provoke aggravation of the patient's condition.

 Folk methods to bring down the temperature

Particular attention should be paid to herbal teas. For this purpose, perfect linden, pear, willow or dill. The recipe is very simple.It is necessary to pour herbs with boiling water and let it brew for 3-5 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered and diluted slightly with cold boiled water. The patient must drink everything. Children can be given a decoction from 4 years. According to this recipe, you can make any healing tea.

During the temperature you can and even need to do compresses. In water you need to add a small amount of vinegar or alcohol. Compress should be put on the legs and forehead. It needs to be changed as soon as it gets warm.

We must not forget about the options of physical cooling of the body. To reduce the temperature and not allow it to rise will help wrapping in wet and cold sheets. If this method is not suitable, you can simply put a cold heating pad on your forehead. On the body there are places where large vessels pass, they need to be rubbed with ice cubes.

Vitamin C is a great helper in the fight against temperature. It needs to be taken not more than 1 g per hour. If in the first-aid kit there was no such preparation, then you can prepare the vitamin drink yourself. To do this, you need a few lemon slices pour boiling water, add a little honey and give to the patient.

Food in the period of poisoning

Poisoning brings great harm to the digestive system. After such a state, the microflora must be restored. The first day, experts do not recommend eating anything, just drink a lot. The next few days, you need to gradually enter the diet. It is recommended to eat buckwheat and oatmeal, light soups, hard-boiled eggs can also be baked apples.

Any food poisoning needs treatment. If you can not overcome the disease on their own, it is recommended to call an ambulance.

Video: first aid for poisoning

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