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The most common complaint of parents who turn to the pediatrician is the high temperature of their baby. The medical term for this phenomenon is hyperthermia, and it is not considered a disease, it acts as a symptom. The temperature rises in the child in the event that a virus enters the body - it begins to actively fight with it, as a result of which the body temperature rises.
Hyperthermia is mainly caused by an infectious disease. As soon as the temperature rises, a protein called interferon begins to be produced in the body. That is why pediatricians argue that it is wrong to try to quickly reduce the temperature to the usual mark - it is necessary to allow the body to overcome the virus on its own.Critical is the mark of 38.5. If it appears on a thermometer - it is necessary to bring down the temperature. Otherwise, the child's body is exposed to negative effects - from intoxication and ending with dysfunction of the internal organs.
Many parents are wary of modern pharmacological agents due to the large number of side effects. There is a very old, but effective and proven method by which you can quickly bring down the temperature of a baby - this is rubbing with vinegar. It is noteworthy that this technique can also be used in conjunction with drug therapy. The best option is to give the child antipyretic and rub it with vinegar, this will help bring down the temperature.
Consider how to properly grind the crumbs, so as not to harm him, whether it is necessary to dilute the vinegar and to what concentration to do it, as well as other topical issues related to grinding vinegar.
Why does vinegar help with temperature?
To this day, there are disputes as to whether or not acetic essence is effective at temperature.Nevertheless, the fact remains that after 10 minutes after rubbing, the temperature in both children and adults decreases noticeably. What is the reason?
Vinegar contains volatile acids - when it comes into contact with the skin, they instantly evaporate, taking heat away. Thus, the body is cooled, therefore, the temperature gradually decreases. To ensure maximum effect, it is important to air the room, the child should not be hot.
In general, doctors of the old school actively recommend this procedure for use because of its high efficiency. Despite the fact that the vinegar essence is a toxic substance, if diluted correctly, vinegar will not do any harm to the baby. Of course, the child may not like the unpleasant smell of the liquid. However, parents should incline the child to the procedure - after it he will feel much easier.
Important: It is inadvisable to do rubbing if your child’s temperature has not reached 38.5. It is important to allow the body to fight viruses, thanks to which the child will develop immunity.
How to dilute vinegar essence correctly?
Baby skin is very delicate, and acid can easily leave a burn. Therefore, parents must strictly observe all proportions during the preparation of the solution with the addition of acetic essence. For a child, it is advisable to use wine, apple or rice vinegar - it is important that he was of natural origin. The proportions are as follows: add 0.5 ml of vinegar to 0.5 l of water, mix everything thoroughly, then proceed immediately to the procedure.
How to wipe off?
Naturally, before you start to wipe the baby’s body with a solution, you need to take off his clothes. For rubbing, you need to use a clean cloth, or an ordinary cotton swab. It is immersed in the solution and proceed to rubdowns.
If the baby is not yet three years old, then it is worth confining only socks - soak them in a solution of vinegar and put them on the feet of the baby. Parents should be attentive, the child should be on dry bedding, and his clothes should also be dry - if the baby is sweating, you should change everything as often as possible.
If the child has already reached 3 years of age, you can begin to wipe and body areas. You need to start with the feet and palms.After, without applying force, you need to wipe the legs and arms completely, while you need to pay special attention to the armpits, elbow bends, and knees. It is in these places the blood arteries are located as close as possible to the surface, so the effect will be achieved faster.
Rubbing should be finished by swiping with a cloth dipped in vinegar, on the neck of the child, on the back. Immediately dress the baby is not necessary. The best option is to cover it with a sheet.
When can not vinegar be used?
You do not need to use the method thoughtlessly, because it can lead to undesirable consequences, and sometimes it can cause serious harm. That is why, if you are talking about the baby, you need to consult a doctor before starting the procedures and learn about the expediency of the procedure.
Rubbing with vinegar can not be applied if the crumbs:
- vomiting and convulsions present;
- the hands and feet of the baby are cold, and the skin is much paler than usual;
- on the skin there are sores or damage;
- if you are intolerant of vinegar or an allergic reaction;
- children who are under 3 years old do not need to wipe the body with acetic acid;
You can not exceed the specified rate of concentration, because otherwise the child may receive irritation on the skin.
What are the advantages of wiping with the use of acetic essence?
It is noteworthy that far from all doctors recommend vinegar for temperature. In Soviet times, doctors actively recommended this method for use because of its effectiveness, and most importantly, accessibility. That is why the doctors belonging to the old school still recommend this method. The modern generation of pediatricians claims that rubbing with vinegar is a useless and even dangerous exercise. Therefore, in this matter, the views of doctors differ.
Nevertheless, several positive aspects of vinegar can be distinguished:
- The temperature of the body quite quickly decreases - this is relevant if there is no time to wait for the pills to work. Also, this method will be effective if the child's temperature rises rapidly - acetic rubbing will quickly reduce it and avoid the negative effects of hyperthermia.
- If the parent is against the use of pharmacological agents - rubbing with the use of vinegar will also be an excellent alternative.
- You can try rubbing vinegar, if the parents have repeatedly given the baby antipyretic, while the desired effect of the pill is not given.
But there are also negative sides. Vinegar is a toxic substance that tends to penetrate the body through the skin, so parents need to be careful and in no case exceed the indicated dosage when diluting vinegar with water - otherwise intoxication may occur, which will only aggravate the child's condition.
Parents should be aware that rubbing only for a while will ease the condition of the sick baby, and the cause will not be eliminated - in any case, consultation of the doctor is necessary, as well as correct therapy.
Video: grinding with vinegar and alcohol
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