How to check the quality of milk at home

Buying products in the store, we can not always be sure of their quality. Especially when it comes to dairy and dairy products. It has long been known that purchased milk is of little use, overdue even less. Many people, despite this fact, do not cease to love and cook dishes based on it. There are basic options for assessing the quality of milk and its suitability for consumption.

 How to check the quality of milk

How to determine the freshness of milk

The composition of cow and goat milk has several differences, but the freshness of this product is subject to the same check. Cow's milk contains casein, unlike goat's, it can cause an allergic reaction.For this reason, not all people are susceptible to this type of product. It is known that two types contain pure protein.

In the old days, the freshness of the milk was checked as follows: housewives took an unlit match and threw them into a glass. If it is not drowned, the milk is fresh and usable. Consider several ways to test the product for freshness.

Method number 1. Soda
Pour half a glass of milk, add 10 grams. soda, watch the reaction. The appearance of foam speaks of a stale product.

Method number 2. A drop
Unlike store milk, homemade is famous for its high degree of fat content. Check the indicators is quite simple. Dip a toothpick into a container of milk. Drip the milk product on the nail. In case the drop has not spread, the liquid can be considered fresh.

Method number 3. Boiling
Pour a small amount of milk into heat-resistant containers. Put on the stove and wait until the first bubbles appear. If the liquid begins to curl, be sure the milk product is spoiled. Do not forget about your own sense of smell, because it is a simple and sure way to determine the freshness of milk. It should not contain strong odors and be uniform (without clots).

Milk fat test

To test milk for fat, you will need any tests for water content. In the case of dilution of the product, fat content is reduced by several times. There is another proven method.

Take two containers, fill one with milk. Pour the liquid from the first bowl to the second. Rate the result. If the milk is fat, it will not leave marks on the walls of the vessel. The diluted product, on the contrary, will be smeared over the entire surface of the container, indicating the content of water or palm oil in the composition.

Milk quality assessment: important aspects

Many people who do not take seriously shop milk often speak negatively about the quality of the supplied product. They believe that cottage cheese, kefir, ryazhenka and, of course, milk, are prepared exclusively from powder.

 Milk Quality Assessment

An effective way to assess the quality of milk is the visual assessment of the hue. If the composition has a yellow color, in front of you a good goat or cow's milk. In this case, the snow-white or white with blue tint shade indicate the participation of chemical impurities.

Unscrupulous manufacturers supply their products with starch (potato, corn), lime,flour or chalk. These components improve the aesthetic performance of the finished composition.

Identifying signs of starch

Starch is most often added to the production of skimmed milk, so the product becomes thicker. To determine the presence of this substance will need iodine. Pour an incomplete glass of milk, add a few drops of iodine. Observe the reaction: if the blue color predominates in the liquid, the milk contains starch. Otherwise, the presence of yellowish circles indicates the absence of additives in the milk.

Detection of water in the composition of milk

Some factories and farmers, because of their weakness for money, make poor-quality products. Thus, they use annoying cunning, that is, they dilute milk with water.

Method number 1. Alcohol
This test option is only suitable for cow's milk, because it includes casein. Mix medical (ethyl) alcohol and milk in a ratio of 2: 1. You can replace alcohol with high-quality vodka. Shake the prepared mixture for one minute, then pour the contents onto a flat plate.If the milk quality, on the surface of the saucer in the first seven seconds, flakes are formed. If the flakes are small and much more time is spent on their formation, this means that the milk contains a lot of water.

Method number 2. Warm water
The technique is developed for milk of any type (goat, cow). Pour a glass of warm water, then slowly add milk. As a result, when mixing two liquids, high-quality milk will curdle, and the diluted will be mixed with water.

Impurity test

 Check milk for impurities
Often, store products are not of high quality. Unscrupulous manufacturers stuffed with milk flavor enhancers and other impurities that can increase the shelf life of the composition. To eliminate the harmful effects of milk on the human body, it is necessary to conduct a thorough check.

Antibiotic Evaluation

For long-term storage of dairy products add antibiotics. Identify the presence of these drugs is not difficult. It is enough to leave the liquid in the container with the lid open at a temperature of 25 degrees.If the milk is of high quality, the fermentation process will begin (the composition will become similar to a jelly-like mass). If nothing like this happens with a liquid, this condition indicates the presence of antibiotics in the product. They, in turn, slow down the spread of lactic acid bacteria.

Estimation of acetylsalicylic acid and soda

The pursuit of extending the shelf life leads to the fact that manufacturers are stuffing milk with acetylsalicylic acid and soda. Determine the presence of such substances is easy, consider the main ways.

  1. Litmus paper. First, dip the plate in the milk, then evaluate the result. The soda content is blue, and the presence of acid is red.
  2. Acetic essence. Take a glass of milk and add a few drops of essence. Bubbles may appear as a result of the chemical process. A similar effect indicates the presence of impurities. If nothing happened, you can be sure of the quality of the product.
  3. Nitrous acid. Many manufacturers prepare milk from low-fat powder.The naturalness of the product can be checked with nitrous acid (sold in household stores). Pour the milk into the container, using a pipette, add the acid one drop at a time. In case of yellowing and darkening the product is unnatural.
  4. Visual inspection. It is not always necessary to resort to chemical experiments. Sometimes it is enough to shake up the milk and determine its naturalness by eye. Opaque grains of the product will remain in the glass container on the walls.

It is easy to assess the quality of milk, if you have sufficient knowledge regarding possible techniques. Check the store products for the presence of impurities, pay attention to the fat content and freshness. Use effective methods, do not violate the instructions.

Video: how to check the quality of milk at home

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