How to take sage with menopause and hot flashes

Climax - hormonal changes in the female body, associated with age-related features. In this condition, the woman suffers from hot flashes, chills, increased sweat, pressure drops. In her life, a woman undergoes puberty, childbearing age and the birth of children, menopause. The latter is observed with the extinction of childbearing function and the cessation of menstruation.

 How to take sage with menopause and hot flashes

The intensity of the symptoms of menopause in each of the fair sex individually. Someone excessively exhausts the constant discomfort in the state of health, while other women almost do not feel manifestations of failure in the hormonal background. Almost always, a woman feels a rush of heat to her body. This causes a certain discomfort.

Many folk remedies based on medicinal herbs help to cope with hot flashes and heat. Since ancient times, herbalists and healers have advised women to take sage during menopause. This plant has special healing properties - in the old days they got rid of such ailments as fever, impotence, hot flushes during aging, increased heartbeat.

Sage composition

Sage is a very interesting medicinal herb. It grows in the plains and in the forests, the birthplace of medicinal herbs are Italian open spaces. Sage is also found in Europe, Greece, Yugoslavia, and Ukraine. In Russia, a lot of this herb grows in the Krasnodar Territory. The heat-loving shrub has oblong leaves, a straight, branched stem and a woody root. The components of sage are a unique medicinal raw material, donated by nature itself to man for healing.

For the treatment of sage collected and dried in the attic or under a canopy. Dry leaves are then packed in bags. The herb is widely used in various recipes of traditional medicine for sore throat, gum diseases, menopause, as inhalations and decoctions.Sage is also used to cure tuberculosis, stomach cramps, and bronchitis. Also extracts from plants are used in the pharmacological industry with the release of many drugs.

Therapeutic effects of herbs due to the high content of various essential oils. In the chemical composition of the plant are present:

  • camphor compounds;
  • borneol;
  • cineole;
  • tannins;
  • beneficial flavonoids;
  • minerals;
  • ursolic acid;
  • phytoncides;
  • thujone;
  • estrogens;
  • alkaloids;
  • salvin;
  • vitamins A, E, B1, C.

Sage is a powerful natural antiseptic, due to the high percentage of thujone in it. The herb has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to heal the body from many inflammatory processes in the larynx, bronchi, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract.

Often the grass is used to rinse the mouth with diseases of the teeth and gums. Salvin contained in the plant is a natural antibiotic that helps to eliminate many human ailments. It acts directly in the focus of inflammation and actively fights against pathogenic microorganisms. That is why sage is used for rinsing and inhalation for sore throats and dental problems.

Since the herb contains a large amount of various essential oils, it has a strong aroma and is used in cooking as a spice. Highly active alkaloids improve digestion, promote better digestion of food and prevent rotting foods in the stomach.

Indications for use of sage during menopause

Climax in a woman is a natural process that takes a fairly extensive period. Periodic hot flushes adversely affect the walls of blood vessels and glands. The woman suffers from lack of air, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and increased sweat. Often there is a headache, excessive irritability or, conversely, apathy.

 Indications for use of sage during menopause

Hormonal restructuring is accompanied by abnormalities in the psycho-emotional background. Nervousness, insomnia, emotional outbursts, mood swings accompany a woman for the entire menopause.

Tannins, phytoestrogens, flavonoids, which are contained in sage, will help to cope with the manifestations of menopause. Sage should be taken if you are concerned about:

  • increased sweating;
  • hot flashes during the day;
  • migraine;
  • pain in the temporal and occipital parts of the head;
  • high blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • angina pectoris;
  • tachycardia.

Herbal tea and herbal infusions will help get rid of health problems and stabilize hormones, as well as mood. Sage will help normalize sleep, improve the functionality of the sweat glands, the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Many herbalists and traditional healers practiced taking sage at high tides. Many recipes have survived. They help the modern woman survive menopause, stabilize hormones in the body and relieve from the associated menopause ailments.

Sage Dosage Forms

Many healers believe that in nature there is no better plant that helps a woman with menopause. The herb contains natural hormones, the necessary acids and vitamins, which completely stabilize the production of hormones. As a result, the woman's well-being improves.

For treatment, you can buy ready-made herbs in the pharmacy chain or independently prepare raw materials. The pharmacological industry also produces sage extract in tablets, powders, lozenges.

The most commonly used in folk medicine is herbal collection. Chopped herb is sold in pharmacies in packages. It is easy to store at home in a dark place.

Sage extract tablets have a specific aroma, beveled edges and engraving. The shade of the pill form of the drug is light green with splashes. Also in medicine, sage powder and flat lozenges based on plant extract are used.

All preparations containing sage extracts must be applied according to the enclosed instructions. There are certain medical contraindications to the use of this herb.


You can not think that all medicinal plants are useful. With certain features of the human body, the presence of certain chronic diseases of the medicinal plant can affect negatively. In order to prevent deterioration of health, you need to know when you can not take sage.

Contraindications for taking herbs:

  • severe hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • myoma;
  • polycystic;
  • endometriosis;
  • thyroid disease;
  • nephritis;
  • after surgery.

In the presence of contraindications, it is better for a woman to refrain from using drugs and decoctions based on sage. Otherwise, you can provoke a deterioration in your health.

Side effects

Sage can have these side effects:

  • a sharp decrease in sugar in the bloodstream;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • allergic reaction;
  • palpitations.

For adverse events, reduce the dose of the drug or stop taking sage.

Sage causes a drop in glucose levels in the bloodstream. It is necessary to take a plant extract with caution, since it can trigger the development of glycemia. If you violate the level of sugar occurs dry mouth, increased thirst, fainting.

In the event of an allergic reaction to the grass, it is important to immediately discontinue its use. Sage can cause hives on the skin, angioedema, tearing, sneezing, rash, and itching.

How to take sage during menopause

Experts recommend taking long-term tide medication based on sage extract. You can purchase drugs from sage at the pharmacy without a prescription.If the sensation of heat does not pass, it is allowed to use up to 5 sage tablets per day. The interval of taking medications should be at least 2 hours.

 How to take sage during menopause

Can be used for the treatment of tablet forms. A tablet or lozenge should be kept in the oral cavity until completely dissolved. No need to chew medicine. Finished forms are very easy to take. To eliminate nervousness and emotional stress, you can apply the essential oil of the plant. It should be dripped into the oil burner or into the bath. With a headache a drop of oil can be applied to the temples.

You can also brew crushed dried sage leaves. Sage tea helps get rid of hot flashes and excessive perspiration. When brewing the drink, keep the proportions - 2 tablespoons of herbs brew 0.7 liters of boiling water. You can brew the grass in a thermos or put the broth in a water bath. The broth is kept on a very low light for 15 minutes and is not brought to a boil.

You can put 1-2 teaspoons of dry sage into tea and drink a medicinal drink during menopause. Lemon or honey is also added to the tea.

Sage drink at menopause 3-4 times a day.Do not increase the number of doses of the drug. If you have prepared an infusion, then it must be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life - no more than one day.

Sage tea is drunk three times a day in one cup. Sage drink rejuvenates the female body, stops inflammatory processes, has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Also from sage prepare tincture on alcohol. Squeeze juice from fresh leaves, pour cake and juice with vodka, insist for several days in a dark place. After the tool is filtered and diluted with water. Take 20-35 drops of tincture per day.

A woman can take and juice from fresh leaves. It improves the vasomotor functions of the body, if it is combined with the juice of field lashing and valerian.

Folk recipes based on sage

Sage harvesting can be done twice a year. In folk recipes most often used dry vegetable raw materials. At the first gathering of grass, only small leaves are collected at the bottom of the shrub. During the second harvest all the leaves are removed. Then the stripped leaves are dried in a dry place. After the raw materials are packaged and stored in a dark place for 2-3 years.

You can take sage for menopause in combination with other herbs. Sage mixed with valerian, chamomile, linden. Herbal preparations have antispasmodic, thermoregulatory, astringent effects. As a result, the psycho-emotional background of the woman is stabilized and her mood improves. For cooking means take 3 tablespoons of sage, 2 teaspoons of valerian, 2 tablespoons of lime. Vegetable raw materials are poured with boiling water and boiled on a low light. Take ¼ cup three times a day. The course of treatment is at least a week.

Chop fresh sage, add honey spoon. The mixture is taken in small quantities, 2 times a day. You can add it to tea. The tool helps to eliminate hot flashes and normalize sweating.

Medicinal sage woman can be used for menopause in combination with rowan. This tool helps to stabilize the hormones, since both plants contain phytoestrogens. Dry leaves of a grass, and also leaflets and fruits of a red mountain ash mix in equal proportions and brew in a thermos. Apply every 4 hours to ¼ cup.


It is necessary to take medicinal herbs in moderate quantities. Otherwise, adverse events may increase. If you take alcohol tincture, it is better to dilute it before use with boiled water. With tablets, it is also important to be careful - an overdose causes heart palpitations, muscle spasms, headache.

Sage can be a loyal assistant in the fight against signs of menopause. However, essential oils can accumulate in the female body and have a toxic effect. It is important to avoid the harmful effects of sage. You can not take a decoction of grass on an empty stomach in large quantities.

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