How to take sage for conception: useful tips

What could be more beautiful than a little snub-nosed nose sniffing around your shoulder? Or those bare feet that slap on the bare floor before bed to say, "Good night, mommy!" Indeed, motherhood is a great happiness, and sterility is a real tragedy. If you have not managed to have a baby, do not despair, it will still be good. Modern medicine does not stand still, new diagnostic and treatment devices can work wonders. How many hopeless couples found their happiness after 5, 10, 20 years of living together! To be able to get pregnant and take out the child, you need to act on all fronts - to be treated by a competent specialist, to apply with prayers to the highest forces and supplement the treatment with folk remedies.One of the most effective is sage.

 How to take sage for conception

Since ancient times, sage has been one of the most effective herbs against infertility. Healers made infusions and potions of this plant for women who could not get pregnant for a long time. Women of reproductive age drank tea with sage in order not to lose their feminine health. In addition, sage has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, perfectly strengthens the immune system, allows you to cope with colds. In ancient times, sage was called sacred grass, because it was this plant that allowed young couples to become parents.

How sage affects the reproductive health of women

Sage is a true phytohormone. Its proper application helps the egg to mature, fertilize and attach to the wall of the uterus. This ensures normal gestation. However, sage is used not only against infertility, this herb has a complex effect on the health of a woman.

  1. Estrogen. Sage contains a huge amount of the female hormone estrogen. If you have a lot of male hormone testosterone in your body, sage will help you.A sufficient amount of estrogen contributes to the maturation of the egg. In addition, a sufficient amount of estrogen - a smaller amount of body hair, beautiful and elastic skin, strong nails and hair.
  2. Endometrium Often the cause of infertility is hypoplasia. The lining of the uterus is lined with a thin film called endometrium. The thickness of this film varies depending on the cycle. If at the right moment the film remains thin and does not come to a state of readiness, the fertilized egg simply cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. This leads to the fact that pregnancy does not occur. The thickness of the endometrium may not correspond to the cycle due to hormonal failure. Sage will help restore balance and will promote pregnancy.
  3. The ovaries. Regular use of sage helps to improve the functioning of the ovaries. As a result, more healthy and mature eggs are produced. In ancient times it was believed that the sage grass helped twins to become pregnant.
  4. Menses. Sage drink not only for the treatment of infertility. Sage decoction helps to normalize the menstrual cycle.As a result, menstruation is painless, less abundant, regularly.
  5. Inflammations The herb has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is often prescribed for external use. Douching with sage grass allows you to get rid of various inflammations in the vaginal area.
  6. Cervix. A healthy cervix has the ability to attract sperm to itself. With some imbalance, the body loses this ability, which can also be the cause of infertility. Sage enhances the reflex activity of the cervix and restores its functioning.
  7. Frigidity. Often sage take women in the fight against frigidity. This plant helps to improve sexual activity, makes sex more sensual and pleasant, helps to achieve orgasm. In some countries, sage is considered a real aphrodisiac for women.
  8. Climax. Sage decoction is also useful for mature women. It relieves the symptoms of menopause. Completing the lack of hormones (which becomes small due to age), sage helps to get rid of such manifestations of menopause as sweating, hot flashes, insomnia, headaches, mood swings.
  9. Termination of lactation. Sage also helps stop the production of breast milk when necessary. If you have decided to stop breastfeeding, you just need to drink as much sage broth as possible. It will reduce the production of milk, and in a few days will suppress the function completely.

Sage is a very effective and useful herb, but only in knowledgeable and skillful hands. In no case should you take sage without consulting a doctor. Sometimes the cause of infertility can be obstruction of the tubes and other gynecological problems. In this case, sage will not help, but it will aggravate the problem, giving you false hope. In addition, sage even after the permission of the doctor must be taken correctly.

How to cook a decoction and infusion of sage

From a grass it is possible to prepare both broth, and infusion on alcohol. If you are preparing for conception and are planning a pregnancy, you better drink a decoction, because the alcohol component can be toxic to the unborn baby. But the tincture can be drunk to combat the tides, to normalize the menstrual cycle (not during pregnancy planning), as well as to enhance sexual desire.By the way, the tincture has a more pronounced effect, because alcohol draws all the healing juices from the plant.

 Sage decoction for conception

To prepare the tincture of alcohol should take green, just collected sage. To do this, the grass must be cut in a clean area, away from factories and highways. The stems, flowers and leaves of the plant should be washed, dried, crushed and filled with a bottle. Pour the composition with alcohol or vodka. It is better to choose a bottle of dark glass. Preparing tincture for at least three weeks. It is necessary to leave the tincture in a dark cool place and shake it periodically. After 20 days, the tincture must be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

The decoction can be prepared from fresh herbs, and from the dried pharmaceutical collection. Three full tablespoons of sage fall asleep in a jar and pour a liter of boiling water. Then close the jar tightly and wrap up with a towel. The longer the liquid stays hot, the more saturated the decoction will be. Cooked broth can be drunk either in pure form or in the form of tea with honey and lemon.

It is very important to understand that a surplus of some components of the decoction can be harmful.Therefore, it is very important to take the sage decoction correctly, on the desired days of the menstrual cycle.

How to take sage for conception

If you drink sage from infertility, it should be done very carefully and according to the rules.

  1. Start drinking sage should be 4-5 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. We begin to consider the menstrual cycle from the first day of bleeding. If you start to drink earlier, the bleeding may stop, which is fraught with stagnation and inflammation in the uterus.
  2. Drink sage should be before ovulation, that is, until about the middle of the cycle. Eating your cycle is 28 days (from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of another), then you should finish drinking sage at about 12-13 day of the cycle. That is, from 4 to 12 - only 8 days. These days you should drink half a glass of strong broth three times a day.
  3. Many women wonder how to determine ovulation to stop taking the decoction after its occurrence? This can be done using the ovulation test, which is sold in a pharmacy. In addition, ovulation can be determined by measuring the basal temperature - during ovulation, it rises.
  4. Why not drink sage after ovulation? The fact is, sage leads the uterus to tone. After fertilization, the egg remains in space for some time and only then clings to the wall of the uterus. If the uterus is in good shape at this time (tough, to put it simply), the egg cannot catch and attach, the pregnancy will not come.

By following these simple rules, you can stimulate the growth of the follicle, make it more viable, and contribute to the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. Remember that taking sage should be coordinated with your doctor.

Salvia for Infertility in Men

What is unique is that sage helps to cope with infertility, not only women but also men.

 Salvia for Infertility in Men

  1. Sage is a natural aphrodisiac. Broth increases the potency with a long course reception. This has a positive effect on sexual desire and erection.
  2. It has been proven that regular use of sage stimulates the production of more mobile and viable sperm. The chance to conceive a child increases several times.
  3. Sage resolves various stasis in the vas deferens.
  4. Since the plant has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, the decoction is used not only inside, but also for external treatment of the genital organs. Sage helps to cope with various infections and inflammations.
  5. In addition, sage stimulates metabolic processes in the scrotum, increases testosterone levels.

It is important to understand that infertility is a common disease. It is impossible to rush with accusations only in the direction of a woman or a man. That is why men should not less carefully take care of their health.

What to drink sage to get pregnant

Sage itself is a very powerful herbal preparation that can bring the lion's dose of hormones into the body. To make the grass more effective, it is taken in combination with other plants.

If you make a collection of sage and lime, you can get a unique composition, full of estrogen. This is especially true for women whose infertility is caused precisely by a lack of this hormone. If you mix sage with a boron uterus, you get a very effective medicine for the treatment of many gynecological diseases. This decoction is used for cervical erosion, mastopathy, ovarian cyst and endometriosis.Moreover, the correct reception of sage and boron uterus can get rid of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. The “female” plant Red Brush possesses the same properties. Together with sage, this plant restores the reproductive health of women.

If a woman cannot become pregnant, she most likely has some problems with her body. In no case should not aggravate the situation and drink sage at random. Among the side effects of such treatment may be dizziness, nausea, hormonal failure. If you drink sage during pregnancy, it can trigger a miscarriage. Sage can help you get pregnant only if you apply it correctly - after consulting a doctor.

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