How to take sage to stop lactation

Breastfeeding is very widely and eagerly discussed by young mummies in numerous forums and blogs. The fact is that in modern technological time, we still try to give the child maximum of nutrients with breast milk. Everyone knows that breast milk improves immunity, gives the child a natural food that suits him almost always. But no matter how great breastfeeding is, sooner or later you have to finish it. Often, women first of all think about the child - how the baby will survive this state, how he will feel bad and sad. But the most difficult cessation of lactation occurs at the woman herself, because the organism is not a switch that can be switched in one second. The body must understand that they no longer need milk, the level of prolactin gradually decreases.It is possible to speed up this process with the help of various means, the safest and most effective of which is sage. Today we will talk about the benefits of this plant for the body of a nursing woman, and also consider how to properly prepare and take sage to suppress lactation.

 How to take sage to stop lactation

The benefits of sage for the body

Sage - is one of the most potent herbal remedies, which quickly and effectively suppresses milk production. The principle of sage is as follows. While the woman is feeding, she has increased prolactin, and the level of the female sex hormone estrogen is lowered. So, in order to suppress the production of prolactin and reduce the amount of milk produced, you need to raise the level of estrogen. Sage stimulates the production of estrogen, due to which women and get the desired effect - the milk becomes much less, it gradually disappears. But you need to know that sage also has other beneficial properties. Sage decoction is so necessary for the body of a woman weakened by breastfeeding.

Sage is an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent, it can be used as an antiseptic.The broth is used for the safe treatment of colds during pregnancy - gargle them. Sage is effective for various skin diseases, acne and rashes.

Sage is effective in combating diarrhea, it normalizes the digestive tract, clears the intestines.

A decoction of this medication is very useful for women who can not get pregnant. The use of phytohormone allows to normalize the process of ovulation, fertilization becomes much more likely. But here during pregnancy you should not use sage inside - it can provoke uterus tone.

Sage is necessary for the beauty of a woman - it improves the condition of hair, makes it smooth, eliminates dandruff. Rinsing hair with a decoction of sage is very effective against hair loss - this is the most common problem for nursing women. Sage inhibits the activity of the sebaceous glands, disinfects the skin, which helps to get rid of high fat and acne.

Drinking sage helps to normalize the nervous system, improve sleep, calm down. And it is so important for young mummies!

This is not a complete list of useful properties of sage. It can be taken in medicinal or prophylactic doses,adding dry leaves right into the tea. But how to use sage to quickly and painlessly suppress lactation?

How to cook and take sage

To use sage to suppress lactation, tinctures and decoctions should be sufficiently concentrated.

  1. Infusion. A tablespoon of medicinal sage should be poured with a glass of boiling water, tightly cover the container with a lid, wrap and let it brew. After a couple of hours, strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals. It is better to drink cold, as a warm drink provokes milk production. For the same reason, do not take weak broths - a large amount of liquid only contributes to the influx of milk.
  2. Decoction. If you want to get a stronger and more concentrated composition, sage should be boiled in a water bath. Pour three tablespoons of raw materials with two cups of boiling water, put in a water bath, and cook over low heat. Boil the broth on an open fire can not be - sage loses all its useful properties. After that, you need to cover the container with a lid, let it cool and brew.Drink two tablespoons of the drug every hour.
  3. Tea. This method is suitable for you if you need to suppress lactation gradually, over a long time. Simply add a small amount of sage to a common teapot. Combined with a gradual reduction in the number of feedings, milk production will slowly begin to decline. Sage is also good because after using it you can still breastfeed - it is absolutely safe for the baby.
  4. Alcohol tincture. In this case, sage tincture is applied externally. But the tincture is better to prepare in advance or to buy ready-made at the pharmacy. Pour fresh sage with alcohol, let it brew for 2-3 weeks. Lubricate the chest after weaning. Sage tincture will gently warm the mammary glands and reduce the risk of lumps and other breast lumps.
  5. Butter. The distillation method produces valuable sage oil. They can lubricate the nipples during lactation, to protect against cracks.

All these methods are perfect for any mother, because it is not just an effective and safe, but also a budget method to curtail breastfeeding.

How else to suppress lactation

In the process of completing breastfeeding, you need to use only the safest and proven methods that will not harm the health of the mother and child.

  1. Gradual weaning. In order for the milk to go off gradually, it is necessary to reduce the number of feedings just as slowly and evenly, introduce more feeding, distract and soothe the baby in other ways. First you need to abandon the daily feedings, then leave only the morning attachments. So lactation will end painlessly. Sharp, one-day weaning of a child is the risk of lactostasis, breast lumps, stagnant processes in the milk ducts. Sharp weaning is possible only for medical reasons, when the mother is forced to be treated with potent drugs, when the mother finds out about a new pregnancy, etc.
  2. Overtightening. The method that helped women of past generations to get rid of the tides of milk, is considered to be quite doubtful today. Yes, a tight pulling of the breast will slightly reduce the flow of milk, because the ducts themselves are heavily compressed. But deterioration of blood circulation in the mammary glands can lead to mastitis, stagnation, purulent inflammations, etc.Modern breastfeeding consultants say that wearing a tight and well-supported bra is usually sufficient.
  3. Restriction of food and drink. In fact, nature has arranged everything so that the restriction in nutrition and drinking does not affect the amount of milk in the mother. A woman will lose weight and lose health, but there will be enough milk to feed the baby. Only severe exhaustion will lead to a decrease in lactation. Therefore, there is no sense in limiting oneself in the diet - it is impossible to suppress the production of breast milk in this way.
  4. Medications. They are accepted only with abrupt weaning, when there is simply no time for a gradual reduction in feedings. These are potent hormonal agents that suppress lactation very quickly. Remember that after the first (and sometimes, the only) pill it is impossible to feed the baby, the milk becomes unfit for human consumption. Among the most popular and sought after are Dostinex, Parlodel, Bromocriptine, etc. Many women are worried whether the use of such drugs will affect the subsequent possibility of breastfeeding future children.These medicines are safe enough; at the birth of the next baby, the ability to breastfeed is preserved.
  5. Camphor. This tool does not help you to suppress the production of milk, but perfectly protects against the formation of seals and lumps. It is necessary to lubricate the skin of the mammary glands with camphor oil, turn into a cloth (not very tight), or wear a good supporting bra. The procedure is repeated in the morning and evening.
  6. Herbs. In addition to sage can be medicinal herbs, which also perfectly suppress lactation. Among them are mint, jasmine, white silverweed, lingonberry leaves.

If in the process of suppressing lactation you have lumps, the chest swells up to bursting, you need to gradually express the milk from the breast, but not completely, but to a state of relief. If you decant every day less and less, the milk will gradually disappear. If you feel that a lump formed in your chest, send a strong jet of hot shower at her, and then try to strain the lump along the milk ducts, and you cannot leave it in this state. If you can not do it yourself, be sure to contact the clinic at the place of residence, and it is better in any hospital.Experienced nurses will give you a breast massage, drain out stagnant milk (which is usually already rolled up) and make your condition much easier. That is why it is better to wean the child gradually so that no cones form in the chest.

During the period of completion of breastfeeding do not forget about the condition of the child. Some mothers give the baby in this difficult time to grandmothers, fathers or other relatives. Remember that for a child it is a great stress - he is so deprived of his beloved Sisi, which not only gives him food, but is also a way of protection and comfort. If the mother is not around too - for the baby this is a double stress. The child needs to be distracted more, give him enough liquid, offer cookies and fruit, hug more often and give maximum tactile contact so that the baby feels that his mother still loves him. At the same time, you need to wear jackets with a high collar so that the baby does not recall the GW. Babies under one year old can be offered a nipple to facilitate weaning. If the child is more than one and a half years old, it is possible to agree with him, explain that “be sore sick”, seal the nipple with a plaster, etc.

Completion of breastfeeding is a very important decision that only a mother should take. To feed the child up to six months is necessary if the mother has milk. Up to a year is desirable. After a year - only if it gives pleasure to mother and child. Only a mother has the right to decide when to complete this important period in her life. And then sage as a symbol of natural strength and female support will certainly come to your aid.

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