How to prepare a solution of furatsilina tablets

Furacilin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. Most often it is used in the form of an aqueous or alcoholic solution. In addition, it can be sold in the form of an aerosol, tablets, as well as in the form of ointment. This drug can be used topically, for the antiseptic treatment of various parts of the body.

 How to prepare a solution of furatsilina tablets

Useful properties of furatsilina

  1. Most often, an aqueous solution of furatsilina used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract - sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Any oral ulcers (such as stomatitis) can be successfully disinfected with this solution.
  2. An aqueous solution is used to wash open wounds, burns, cuts, ulcers. It is very effective to make a lotion - put a piece of a clean bandage moistened in furatsilin solution on an open wound.
  3. Furatsilin solution is used for ENT procedures, for example, during washing of the maxillary sinuses.
  4. Furatsilina alcohol composition is successfully used in the treatment of otitis media.
  5. Furacilin is a part of complex treatment for conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Furacilin also washed the eyes if barley was formed on the eyelids.
  6. Recently, furatsilin often used in the fight against problem skin. Due to its bactericidal properties, this yellow pill suppresses inflammation, relieves redness and swelling, and prevents further multiplication of bacteria. With regular use, furatsilin can completely relieve acne and blackheads.
  7. Furacilin can be used for inhalation for colds.
  8. This medicine in the form of an aqueous solution is used to douche the female genital organs in order to combat various infections.
  9. Lotions with furatsilinom can get rid of sciatica, they relieve pain and swelling with bruises. It is very effective to use furatsilina solution to combat seals in the muscle tissue after injections.

Furacilin is an inexpensive drug that can help in various life situations.However, to know how to properly use it, you need to properly dissolve it.

How to prepare an aqueous solution furatsilina

To prepare you need a couple of furatsilina tablets, water, a spoon, a glass and a mortar.

 How to prepare an aqueous solution furatsilina

  1. The whole problem with the preparation of furatsilina solution is that this tablet is very poorly soluble in water. Therefore, it must first be crushed.
  2. Crushing furatsilina tablet with two spoons is quite difficult, so for this purpose you can use a mortar. Place there two tablets and grind them to a powder. If the mortar is not at hand, you can put the tablets in folded paper in half and walk on the tablets with a rolling pin. From time to time, open and pour the contents in order to better crush the medicine.
  3. After that, place the yellow powder in a glass. Two tablets are enough to prepare 250 ml of an aqueous solution of furatsilina. One pill is enough for 100 ml.
  4. Furacilin can be poured with warm or hot water so that it dissolves better. In cold water, the powder is practically insoluble. It is best to pour boiling water on furatsilin.
  5. Stir the compound thoroughly until all the particles are completely dissolved. It is best to leave the solution until it cools. To completely dissolve the powder, it should be stirred long enough.
  6. After all these manipulations, the furatsilina solution is ready for use. However, if you are going to rinse with an eye solution, it should be drained beforehand. To do this, use folded gauze several times.
  7. If furatsilina solution is prepared for the treatment of open wounds, then it must be sterile. Boil it on low heat for about half an hour, then pour it into a sterile bowl and let cool.
  8. In the treatment of burns with furatsilina solution, a gauze bandage is watered in case it adheres to the damaged tissues of the epidermis.

It is best to prepare a fresh solution of furatsilina each time. However, it may be stored for a short time in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. Before use, do not forget to heat the composition.

If you add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to furatsilina solution, you can get an excellent remedy for tonsillitis. Gargle them every 3-4 hours, and there will be no trace of the disease within a day.

How to prepare alcohol solution furatsilina

Furatsilina alcohol solution is also very effective in various diseases. Its advantage is that it can be stored for more than a few days. It can be prepared for future use - when you need an antimicrobial solution, it will already be at your fingertips.

 How to prepare alcohol solution furatsilina

The preparation of the alcohol composition is not very different from the previous procedure. However, the alcohol solution concentration is stronger, because in the future it can be diluted with water. Crush 5-7 tablets with a mortar or rolling pin, and then place them in a clean small bottle. Pour the powder with strong alcohol, not less than 70%. Stir well and shake the container. Keep the bottle in the refrigerator, shake before use.


Furacilin should not be used if you are hypersensitive to this drug. This can be checked by rinsing the mouth with a prepared aqueous solution. If your lips, cheeks and tongue are not swollen, then you do not have a similar allergic reaction to furatsilin components. This is not surprising - intolerance furatsilina is extremely rare.

Another contraindication to the use of furatsilina is open bleeding and dermatitis. In this case, you need to use another medicine.

Furacilin is an old, but undeservedly forgotten medicine. If you have furatsilin in the first-aid kit, most bacteriological and microbial diseases are not terrible. Use simple tools available to everyone!

Video: how to prepare furatsilina solution from tablets

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