How to cook popcorn at home

Popcorn can be safely attributed to the number of favorite delicacies of most people. Crispy uncovered corn kernels hold hands while watching TV, give extra comfort to visitors of the cinema, soothe restless kids. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how it is preparing a treat at home. After all, you do not always want to stuff the body with store products, it is easier to make a snack yourself. Let's look at the main aspects of this.

 How to cook popcorn

The composition and characteristics of popcorn

  1. Many mistakenly attribute popcorn to high-calorie snacks, but this is far from the case. On the fried portion weighing 100 gr. (!) accounts for only 298 Kcal. How much to eat popcorn to get this number of calories?
  2. Another thing lies in the carbohydrates, which occupy most of the roasted corn kernels.Natural sugars in combination with starch are quickly absorbed, but only for a short time retain a feeling of satiety. It is for this reason that popcorn is not suitable for dieters (and not because it has “high calorie content”).
  3. The composition also contains proteins and fats in small quantities. It is worth remembering that wild-growing corn is less rich in carbohydrates than cultivated. Therefore, if possible, give preference to her.
  4. The nutritional value of cobs is high. Iron is present in the corn kernel, which is required to improve blood composition and prevent anemia. Popcorn is also rich in magnesium, potassium, zinc, and copper.
  5. A special place is given to dietary fibers, in particular fiber. It occupies its 14% of the total grain volume. This means that eating popcorn will have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. When it comes to homemade popcorn, cooked without extra sweeteners, this snack is suitable for proper nutrition and diets. You can sometimes indulge yourself with popcorn as a dessert by mixing roasted grains with sugar.
  7. To make the treat even tastier, the grains are roasted in butter.In the process of cooking the dishes must be covered so that the popcorn does not shoot. To get a uniform warm-up, periodically shake the container with the contents.
  8. Always remember one geometrical truth - the more you put butter, the higher will be the energy value of the dish. Wild corn is better for roasting; it is dense and balanced in composition.

The subtleties of cooking popcorn

  1. For roasting fit any dishes that can withstand high temperatures. In most cases, it is convenient to cook a snack in a deep skillet.
  2. First you need to heat the container, pour a little corn or olive oil into it (sunflower produces carcinogens), add a couple of dash of salt or granulated sugar. After all the manipulations go to the inside of the grain.
  3. Frying is carried out exclusively on a low power plate. And when the seeds begin to crackle, the container should be covered. One serving takes 10 minutes.
  4. Experienced housewives pretend to cook a snack using a slow cooker. To do this, you need to pour a little oil into the bowl, heat it, salt it and fry the kernels in the above form.
  5. Not without the participation of the microwave, it is also easy to cook popcorn.To do this, arm yourself with a container, put grains in it and pour oil on it. Send to the oven for 2 minutes, shake the contents every 30 seconds.
  6. If there is a cauldron, you can use it. The main negative quality of this method is the duration of cooking. Similarly to the way with a frying pan, heat the oil in the cauldron, sprinkle it with salt, send the seeds inside. Fry until all the corn has opened.

The benefits and harm of popcorn

 The benefits and harm of popcorn

  1. Opinions popcorn lovers vary greatly in terms of the benefits of the product. Some Hollywood stars claim that the lineup helped them regain their former shape after some events in their lives.
  2. Modern dietetics adhere to the theory that popcorn has a low calorie content and high nutritional performance. It is important to understand that we are talking specifically about the home cooking method.
  3. This kind of product has a high fiber content. Dietary fiber has a positive effect on the digestive tract. Popcorn is considered an excellent preventive measure against stomach cancer and cardiovascular pathologies.
  4. Before you start cooking and consuming, it is important to know a few facts.Ready-made popcorn in its original form does not cause any harm to the body. The negative impact on the organs is due to additional components.
  5. On an industrial scale and in public places, corn is prepared with the addition of a flavoring of diacyl. The chemical adversely affects the respiratory organs and provokes the development of an allergic reaction. Also, grain in the fields are covered with chemicals from various pests.
  6. It is strongly not recommended to eat popcorn on an empty stomach or in large quantities. Abuse of the product leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and deterioration during varicose veins. In any case, it is not recommended to eat popcorn more than once a week.

Popcorn cooking technology

  1. You should not assume that it is impossible to cook tasty popcorn by yourself. To make popcorn by all the rules, you need a high saucepan with a lid.
  2. During cooking, you need to take 60 grams. butter per 100 gr. raw materials. Various seasonings are added to taste. Grains are poured at once into a hot pot.Do not forget to cover the container.
  3. Keep in mind that the process of cooking popcorn is carried out exclusively on low heat. The container should be shaken periodically.
  4. This procedure allows the corn to soak in oil. Wait 2-3 minutes after the grains stop exploding. Next, you can proceed to the preparation of the next portion.

Popcorn with caramel

 Popcorn with caramel

  1. Fans of popcorn are divided into two types, someone prefers a sweet delicacy to salty. The question is how to make popcorn with caramel, so that it melts in your mouth. The procedure will require a small size cauldron.
  2. In this case, 60 grams. corn accounted for 120 gr. oils, 50 ml. water, 8 oz. soda and 240 gr. sugar sand. To enhance the flavor, add a little lemon juice.
  3. You need to cook popcorn according to the classical scheme described above, with the lid closed. To prepare the caramel, you will need additional packaging. Combine water and sugar in a saucepan. Boil the components to form a sticky paste.
  4. After cooking, you need to immediately add soda and lemon juice. In the course of the reaction, caramel will start producing foam, which must be mixed with ready-made popcorn.Wait for the delicacy to cool.

Before you start frying popcorn, it is important to thoroughly dry the corn kernels. Some gourmets insist that the raw materials need to be kept for several hours in the freezer. In this case, the pressure inside the grains increases markedly when frying.

Video: how to make popcorn at home

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