How to make cucumber juice for the winter

If you want your body to be in good shape in the winter, try to preserve the healthy cucumber juice. This is a real drink of energy. By consuming it in winter, you will feel tides of vitality, which each person lacks so much in the cold period.

 How to make cucumber juice for the winter

General information

Argued that the cucumber does not bear any good. But it is not. After all, it is the only of all vegetables that comes to us in the dishes immature. The more he spies, the less good is left in him. This product contains very few calories. Therefore, it is not contraindicated for those who seek to reduce their weight or diets for any other reasons. Cucumber quenches the appetite, resulting in a person feels satiety.

Cucumber juice is an ideal option for people who are overweight and those who have any health problems. Indeed, 100 g of this amazing vegetable contains only 13.5 kcal.

This product helps the body to digest proteins. Therefore, it is advised to combine with meat dishes. Fresh cucumbers contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels. It serves as a weak diuretic, can help get rid of edema. Sometimes it acts as a natural laxative.

The most useful cucumber - just picked in the garden. But during the first hours, he gradually begins to lose useful properties.

Cucumber juice can be used not only as a drink, but also as a unique cosmetic. Masks are prepared from it to whiten, soothe the skin, reduce oiliness.

The benefits of cucumber:

  1. It quenches thirst.
  2. Promotes cleansing.
  3. Contains extremely little fat.
  4. Part of the fiber activates the intestines.
  5. Contains vitamins B, E, potassium.
  6. The vegetable contains iodine, so it is recommended for use to those who have impaired thyroid function.
  7. There are a lot of minerals in this familiar product: magnesium, chromium, iron and many others.

But people with high acidity product is undesirable to eat.

Cucumber juice can not all. It is not as popular as, for example, tomato.

How to preserve such juice? In order to procure such juice for the winter, it is necessary to purchase or gather fresh vegetables from the beds, and start to process them as early as possible. These vegetables contain a lot of fluid. Therefore, from 4.3 kg, you can get about 3 liters of useful juice.

Classic recipe


  • fresh cucumbers - 10 kg;
  • table salt - 10 g;
  • cumin, dill - about 35 g each;
  • horseradish - 12-14 g;
  • 1-1.5 g of black and allspice.


  1. Wash vegetables under water, cut into medium sized pieces.
  2. For half an hour, fill with brine (2 liters of water - 2 tbsp. L. Salt).
  3. From the cucumber squeeze juice. Then we filter. If necessary, add a little salt.
  4. Horseradish rubbed or finely cut. Then add all other ingredients (seasonings). We spread on banks equally.
  5. The contents of the cans pour juice. For 3 days they should be in a warm place. Juice should ferment.
  6. When the fermentation process is completed, the juice is rolled up and sent to storage.

If the taste of this juice is unpleasant to you, it can be mixed with other juices.

Cucumbers and tomatoes


  • For every 2 kg of cucumber will need 3 kg of tomatoes.
  • Salt is added depending on preferences and tastes.

How to cook:

  1. My vegetables, remove their tails.
  2. With the help of a juicer we get the juice of cucumbers, and then from tomatoes. Then they are mixed together.
  3. Boil the liquid in a saucepan, adding salt. It should be cooked over low heat. In the process of removing the resulting foam.
  4. Cooking jars and lids in the usual way. My, sterilized.
  5. Pour juice, roll up.
  6. Banks need to be wrapped up so that they cool down gradually.

Cucumber and apple

 Cucumber and apple juice

  • 2 kg of apples and cucumbers;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

How to cook:

  1. Peel all the cucumbers and apples, and then cut into large pieces.
  2. Squeeze the juice from vegetables and fruits, and then mix.
  3. Add cinnamon to the juice mixture.
  4. Juice needs to be heated, and then poured into cans and spin.

Frozen Juice

In the winter to get the benefit of a cucumber, you can not only preserve its juice, but also freeze it. Frozen juice will retain all the properties of the product. This process takes very little time and does not require special skills. In the defrosted form the product will be no less tasty and fragrant.

In this case, we use only cucumbers. Add nothing to them. This method has recently been popular with housewives. Freeze vegetables, fruits, greens. This is a great way to keep foods fresh and to preserve their benefits until winter. Many families purchase freezers that store healthy products. There is a place and cucumbers.

How to cook:

  1. Squeeze the juice or wrap the cucumbers through a meat grinder. If you twist the vegetables, they will need to be drained.
  2. The resulting juice is poured into a special mold for ice.
  3. Sent to the freezer.
  4. When the juice freezes, shake out the pieces of ice in the package.
  5. In this form, the juice is very convenient to store.

The product is also useful as a cosmetic. It is a part of various lotions, balms, etc. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that using canned juice is useful not only as a drink. Cooked at home means will not contain preservatives. Therefore, it will bring more benefits than the store.

To preserve cucumber juice is a great idea for women and girls.After all, they will be able to use the healing properties of the vegetable, not only in season, but also in winter, when the skin requires even more care. It helps to get rid of wrinkles, whiten the skin, remove freckles. Cubes of frozen cucumber juice will be a good tonic in the morning. All women will appreciate their benefit, because such a tool will not cause allergies or irritation.

Video: the benefits of cucumber juice

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