How to make homemade tomato juice for the winter

Hand-made blanks are natural and useful. Therefore, experienced housewives from ancient times stock up tasty drinks in order to enjoy them in the cold season. This is a juice made from fresh tomatoes. It can not be compared with products that are sold in stores in tetrapacks. We offer the best variations so that you can choose something for yourself.

 How to make homemade tomato juice for the winter

Practical recommendations

Before you spend all your strength on the creation of blanks, it is necessary to clarify some nuances and follow practical recommendations.

  1. When you sort the tomatoes, look at how ripe they are. Quality copies are relaxed, but they do not begin to deteriorate. Discard fruits that are hard or overwhelmed. If you still decide to take locally damaged tomatoes, then cut the most damaged parts.
  2. There are several varieties of fruit.Some seem hollow inside, while others, on the contrary, are endowed with flesh in a decent amount. In the process of sorting or buying choose exactly meaty specimens. The end result directly depends on the variety. Versions of tomatoes, characterized by excessive hardness, ideal for pickles, but not for the preparation of beverages.
  3. Of course, we should not forget about the purity of the fruits and containers in which they will be packaged. Sterilize without fail. This is done in the microwave oven, on the stove in a saucepan with boiling water or in the oven. As for the lids, they are boiled separately, and then dried out from the remaining liquid. Before bottling, the packaging should be cooled slightly.
  4. Choose covers that have a protective coating on the back. It is created from acid so that it does not destroy the material. Some hostesses use caps that are screwed. The corresponding banks go to them. With such instances of problems almost never happens. The main thing is to tighten it tightly so that the air does not show through.
  5. If the covers (twisting) have already been applied once, they should not be used a second time.Leave for jam or other preparations, and this time pick up new ones. Otherwise, tomato-based juice will simply explode or deteriorate, since the sealing will not be complete. As a rule, damage to the covers, which the human eye cannot see right away, leads to this.

Juice harvesting methods

  1. There are many technologies by which you can make juice. The most commonly used juicer. However, not everyone has it. In addition, some devices work a little (10 minutes), after which they need to stand for about half an hour. This suggests that you simply tortured.
  2. In such a difficult matter, preference is given to the meat grinder. And no matter what it is, electric or manual. You need to choose the appropriate nozzle designed for soft fruits (separation of pulp from the juice). Waste from such a device, but they are few.
  3. Also, do not forget about the oldest technology, such as cooking and subsequent passage through a strainer. This is the so-called grandmother's method, which is still in great demand today. It is enough to chop the fruit, then put it in a saucepan for boiling and simmer until soft. When the mass becomes almost homogeneous, it is passed through a sieve a couple of times.
  4. It should be said that the method of cooking and further grinding is considered the most time consuming. However, at the same time it is economical, since there is practically no waste. In the trash sent unless the rind and seeds. When using this technology, it is better to take a kapron sieve, it is easier with it.
  5. For simplification of a task and simplification of a life the usual meat grinder and heating is used. It is necessary to send the chopped tomatoes into the oven or any non-aluminum pan, heat, then put in a meat grinder and scroll. Further, this mass is passed through a sieve to remove waste.

Tomato Juice Recipes

There are not many variations of the beverage, today we will look at the most popular and time-tested.

 Tomato Juice Recipes

Classic juice

  1. Drink for this recipe does not involve the use of a juicer or meat grinder. All manipulations are carried out manually by means of a strainer. First, make a selection, taking only sweet and meaty specimens.
  2. To prepare a can of 3 liters. need to take about 3.5 kg. suitable fruits. Salt is introduced with the calculation of 10 grams. on 1 l. Also note that for every liter of drink you need to enter a pill of ascorbinka.
  3. Wash the tomatoes, then dry them very well.Next, cut all the stalks, remove the whitish part in the middle of the fruit. Chop up copies.
  4. Send the raw material to the pan and wait until the first bubbles appear. The procedure will take about 7-10 minutes. Do not forget to systematically stir the mass. There is nothing to add to the composition, the tomatoes themselves will soften and give the juice to the maximum.
  5. Grind the prepared mass through a sieve. Make sure that the seeds do not fall into the future juice. If you want to get the most thick drink, all tomato pieces need to grind literally to dryness. Pulp should not remain.
  6. Peel and seeds in the form of cake will not be needed, throw them out. Send a homogeneous liquid mass to the pan. Boil the mixture and add salt with ascorbic acid (vitamin C acts as an antioxidant).
  7. Then, after performing the manipulations, pour the finished juice into sterile jars. Roll up the classic way. Wait for the drink to cool completely. The advantage of the juice is that it can not be sterilized, the tomatoes are already hot enough.

Juice with a meat grinder

  1. Do not be upset if you do not have a home blender or juicer.Ripe tomatoes can be minced without any problems. Consider, the juice will turn out with seeds, and it is prepared without vinegar, salt and sugar.
  2. The advantage of this recipe is that it can be used as a paste and sauce. To prepare the delicacy you need only juicy and ripe tomatoes. It is even better to choose ripened fruit. At the same time the grade and color does not play any role. You can take different tomatoes.
  3. Remove all excess and rinse with running water, get rid of excess moisture with napkins. Tomatoes should be made cross-shaped incisions. Blanch the vegetables in boiling water for a few minutes. Send in cool water and wait for cooling.
  4. Now you can remove the skin without any problems. Prepared tomatoes chop into slices and mince. Pour the prepared mass into the pan and send to the stove. Turn on the burner and wait for boiling.
  5. As soon as you notice the appearance of the first bubbles, reduce the fire power to a minimum. Tomite in this mode for about a third of an hour. Systematically remove the foam and mix the composition. Pour the prepared mass over the glass jars. Optionally sterilize the container.However, this is not necessary. Store in the cellar.

Juice in a pressure cooker

  1. The advantage of cooking the juice in a pressure cooker is that with this cooking all the healthy and taste qualities of the tomatoes are preserved. With its help in the processing of products you can get up to 80% of the liquid. Pour water into the bowl of the household appliance to the maximum mark (about 3 liters).
  2. Place chopped tomato pieces (about 8 kg.) In the upper bowl with holes. Close the lid tightly and turn on the fire to maximum. Wait for boiling and cook jars in parallel. Wash them thoroughly with soda. It will take 2 tare volume of 3 liters.
  3. Sterilize the jars, cook the tomatoes for about 45 minutes on medium heat. Approximately 10-12 minutes before the end, add to the mass 35 gr. sugar and 40 grams. salt. Stir the ingredients thoroughly. Gently pour the juice over the cans, remember the mixture is very hot.
  4. If you want to get a thick drink with pulp, tomatoes from the top should be ground through a sieve directly into the jars. Then pour hot juice to the edge of the container. Roll up and flip. Wait for cooling. Store in the back.

Juice value

 The value of tomato juice

  1. Experts say that tomato juice is valued for its mineral and vitamin list of substances.It is introduced into the diet of absolutely all categories of people, regardless of age and gender, if there are no prohibitions on consumption. The question about the relevance of taking a drink during the fight with overweight is controversial, because such a product is both beneficial and harmful. It causes severe swelling.
  2. In all other respects, the drink will go exclusively to the plus. It is concentrated a lot of ascorbic acid, which covers the deficit, increases the protective function and cleanses the tissue of toxins. Thanks to the introduction of juice into their basic nutrition, intestinal motility is established, food is digested faster. But you should not drink it on an empty stomach.
  3. The systematic reception of the drink eliminates stagnation in the intestines, eliminates constipation. Juice is aimed at cleansing the liver, restoring its activity. Very often, the drug is consumed with a hangover syndrome to relieve headaches and other related problems.
  4. The drink focuses a lot of iron, which is required for the prevention and treatment of anemia, increase hemoglobin and maintain its performance. The composition is recommended to be taken in order to restore electrolyte balance and at the same time eliminate excess fluid from the tissues and overcome puffiness.
  5. For categories of citizens who move little, this drink is necessary to prevent thrombophlebitis and other problems of this kind. Juice is endowed with the property of lowering the concentration of sugar in the blood, which is why it is prescribed to people with diabetes. Also, the drink lowers blood pressure, which is valuable for hypertensive patients.
  6. The drink is successfully used to heal skin lesions. It contributes to the disinfection of cracks and wounds, enhances regeneration processes, protects against external factors. Squeezed tomatoes are in demand in cosmetology for face whitening from pigmentation, freckles, and other imperfections.
  7. The value of this product in the fight against cancer has been proven. Raw materials prevent the growth of tumors due to the fact that it blocks the flow of blood to malignant cells. Some substances from the composition of tomatoes are added to cancer medicines.

Tomato juice is made quite simply. To make the drink as tasty and healthy as possible, it’s enough to follow practical recommendations. Consider the popular ways to make a drink.

Video: tomato juice for the winter - a simple recipe

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