How to prevent a cold in the early stages

An attentive person always notices the onset of a cold. As a rule, at the very beginning of the disease begins to tickle in the throat, dizziness appears, itching in the nose and itching, I want to sneeze. It is very important to identify the disease at an early stage of development, since it is much easier to cure it this way. If you miss this important point, you can fall out of life for 7-10 days, until the cold goes through a full cycle.

 How to prevent a cold in the early stages

Especially carefully you need to be to the children, because they can not tell us about their troubling symptoms. As a rule, children at the onset of the disease become capricious, the indisposition makes them tearful and irritable. In addition, the baby's nose lays, there are transparent discharge from the nose.

How not to get sick after hypothermia

Everyone knows the situation when a person got under rain or chilled at a bus stop while waiting for his bus.Or dressed not for the weather. In such cases, it is necessary to take urgent measures to help avoid the disease after hypothermia.

  1. Coming home, you need to warm up. This can be done quickly with a hot bath. First, immerse yourself in warm water, and then add hot, as you get used to the skin. Keep the water hot and hot - as far as possible.
  2. Instead of a hot bath, you can make a mustard bath for the feet. It is better to use a basin with high sides or a bucket to warm up not only the feet, but also the calf. Pour into a container of hot water, pour out a little mustard powder and lower the legs. From time to time pour hot water. Mustard foot bath can be made both for adults and children.
  3. After the bath you need to drink any anti-inflammatory drug for prevention.
  4. If there is nothing for a cold, you can take simple paracetamol. In addition to the antipyretic effect, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. After a hot bath it is better to go to bed under a warm blanket. Wear warm wool socks directly on bare feet. Nothing, that socks will be a little prickly - wool irritates active points on the feet.This massage enhances blood circulation, which stimulates the immune cells to fight.
  6. It is imperative that before bedtime you have to drink something hot to sweat under a blanket. Children can be offered tea with raspberries - this berry has a powerful diaphoretic action. Adults can drink a glass of vodka with pepper - this medicine will also make you sweat a lot. If you have a sore throat and cough, you can drink a glass of hot milk with honey.

Having fulfilled these simple rules, even the disease that started on the background of hypothermia, will recede, and not having time to develop.

How to prevent a cold after contact with a sick person

It happens that you have to communicate with a sick person - in the family or at work. And often you can get a virus in public transport, queues or on the playground. What to do in order not to get sick after a sick person sneezed on you? Yes, the immune system may work, and you will not get sick. But if the virus is powerful enough, the body's defenses may not help. What to do? Is it possible to wait for the onset of the disease? Not! After contact with a sick person you need to take urgentmeasures.

First, you need to flush the nose. The vast majority of viruses enter the body through the nasal mucosa. If the virus got on the mucous, but had not yet had time to suck, washing will save you from infection. Rinse the nose is not difficult - it can be done with a kettle. Make warm salt water and pour it into the kettle. Put the nose to the nostril and slowly turn your head to the side until the jet begins to pour out of the free nostrils. Thus flush both nostrils. If this method of washing does not suit you, you can simply hold one nostril, and the second suck water. After staying a small child in a public place (clinic, guests, cafes) you need to wash the nose with him. To do this, just drop a drop of saline into each nostril. This will help not only wash the mucous membrane, but also moisten it.

Secondly, you need to drink a lot of water. Drinking medicine for prevention is a dubious pleasure, but water does not cause any harm. With the disease of ARVI, the fluid is very effective, because the virus is washed out of the body only by drinking plenty of water. And not a cup of hot tea with lemon, but 2-3 liters of any warm liquid.If there is a child in the risk zone, offer him your favorite juices and compotes - just about anything, if only he drank at least a liter. This will help suppress the disease on the vine.

Third, you need to ensure the quality of the air in the room. The virus loves dry and warm air - in such conditions it actively multiplies, which is fraught with infection of other family members. But in a cool and humid air, the virus dies. The room must be carefully aired and as often as possible. Twice a day do a wet cleaning, install a humidifier, moderate the work of radiators. All these measures will help to suppress the disease, which did not have time to begin.

In addition, if you feel the onset of the disease, you need to rest for at least a day at home, even if you feel well for now. It is better to stay a couple of days at home than to get sick and fall out of life for a week.

Folk remedies to prevent colds

There are many recipes for home medicine that can help you suppress ARVI at an early stage of development.

 Folk remedies to prevent colds

  1. Rosehip If you are sick, then the immune system is currently deficient in vitamins. To fill it up, you need to drink the broth hips.A lot of vitamin C is also found in raspberries and lemon. Drink tea with these ingredients to enhance your health. In addition, you can keep always in sight ascorbic acid tablets. They are sour, and many children are happy to suck the pills like candy.
  2. Ginger. It has many nutrients, in its composition ginger is similar to the longevity root of ginseng. Add ginger to tea, sauces and dressings for salads. The ginger spice activates the body's immune activity.
  3. Animal fat. If the child began to hurt, you can rub it with any animal fat - badger, lamb, goose. Fat keeps warm for a long time and warms up well. Smear the chest, throat, back and wings of the nose to prevent the development of respiratory diseases.
  4. Inhalation. If the nose is stuffed up, you can make inhalation. To do this, boil potatoes or cook herbal decoction. You can add essential oil of eucalyptus or peppermint to the liquid - it perfectly removes swelling and opens nasal breathing.
  5. Nutrition. If the body is at the initial stage of the disease, it must be relieved from digesting food. That is, the food should be light so that the body throws all its strength against the virus. Chicken broth, vegetable puree - that's what the patient needs.
  6. Garlic and onions. If you feel the onset of a runny nose, you can put garlic pieces in your nostrils for 10 minutes. Place saucers with chopped onions around the room to suppress the virus.
  7. Rinse. If you start to sore throat, you need to rinse it as soon as possible. Early response will suppress the development of bacteria and microbes, and prevent the development of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Gargling can be a decoction of chamomile and calendula, furatsilina solution and hlorofillipta, sea water (salt, soda, iodine).

These are simple, but effective and time-tested tips that will not allow the disease to settle in your body.

In order not to get sick, during the cold season you need to strengthen the body with vitamins. If you have a small child, avoid crowded places, before visiting the clinic, apply oxolinic ointment for prophylaxis to the nasal mucosa. This also applies to pregnant women - their immunity is also weakened. If you are forced to contact a sick person, wear a mask. In the cold season, try to dress according to the weather, do not rush to undress in the spring. Changeable spring weather can make unforeseen rains and snow - do not put off warm jackets ahead of time.Get flu shots before the fall season. They will save you from such a terrible and dangerous disease, and simple ARVI will help you to transfer much easier. Avoid drafts, moisten the room, spend more time in the fresh air. Strengthen the immune system proper nutrition, physical activity, hardening. And then no cold you do not fear!

Video: how to treat a cold

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