How to prevent acne

Acne on the skin - this is one of the main causes of disorders. They look aesthetically ugly, contribute to the appearance of purple spots. Moreover, these tumors are seen not only on the face, but also the whole body. Acne can usually be found on the back, shoulders, neckline and even the buttocks. During puberty, to prevent their occurrence is almost impossible. But in ordinary life it is the power of everyone.

 How to prevent acne

Ways to Prevent Acne

  1. Rinse your face. The skin should be rinsed with water at least 2 times a day - 10-15 minutes after the morning awakening and half an hour before bedtime. Do not use hot water, better wash with cold. It closes the pores and increases blood circulation in the tissues, thereby improving the self-cleaning of the dermis. Rinsing of the face is carried out with the use of gel or foam directed action. Scrubs are not allowed to be used too often, it is strictly forbidden to wash with ordinary soap.
  2. Wash your hands. Since the hands are always drawn to the face, they must be kept clean.Moreover, there are people who manage to “pick” pimples or eels with dirty nails. So do not follow, carry out appropriate cleansing procedures, rather than squeezing. Wash your hands every 2-3 hours, especially if you often touch contaminated objects.
  3. Use scrubs. It is necessary to systematically peel the skin with scrubs or acid peels. The thing is that acne occurs due to accumulation of sebum, dead skin particles, dust in the pores of the sebum. Peeling is carried out in order to restore the natural skin self-purification, leveling the relief, prevent acne and acne. The use of scrubs should not be too frequent, because you will wash off the lipid layer of the skin and harm it. As a result, protection against environmental factors will decrease, acne will inevitably appear.
  4. Use chemical exfoliation. In some cases, people with sensitive skin can not use hard abrasive cosmetics. There is a need to use chemical exfoliation. Such compositions can be purchased at any store of professional cosmetics.The package must be marked that the composition contains B-hydroxy acids (BHA) or A-hydroxy acids (AHA). Choose any option.
  5. Follow the drinking regime. If you are seriously thinking about the prevention of acne, you need to take the habit of drinking plenty of water. Boiled or running is not suitable, use bottled or melt water. It will restore the water balance, smooth the skin, help cleanse toxins.
  6. Moisturize the skin. After each facial wash it is necessary to moisturize the skin. Otherwise, it will dry, and this will lead to a violation of the production of fat. That is, it will be allocated unevenly, clogging ducts. Therefore, if you want to maintain a smooth relief without cosmetic defects, choose a high-quality moisturizer for yourself. A serum or hydrogel will also work, but all the agents used should be directed at deep moisturizing the lower layers of the dermis. Read the corresponding markings on the packaging.
  7. Carefully consider the choice of caring cosmetics. All products should be perfect for your skin type. If dryness appears, it makes no sense to buy cosmetics for oily epidermis, and vice versa.Particular attention is paid to products designed for sensitive dermis. All funds must be hypoallergenic.

A few more tips ...

Remove makeup

  1. It is strictly forbidden to go to rest with makeup on the face. If you systematically resort to cosmetics, it is also worth taking as a habit to always take off makeup before going to bed. When the composition remains overnight, it clogs the pores. As a result, acne develops.
  2. Without fail, select a foundation for cosmetics. This product should not contain different oils. If for any reason you could not find the basis, use mineral powder. This powder will absorb excess sebum and does not pollute the pores.
  3. If you are not always able to get rid of makeup before going to bed, you should at least use special wipes to clean the epidermis. Use this method only as a last resort. Also, before going to bed, you should get rid of any cosmetic product.

Maintain hygiene

  1. An important fact is that it is necessary to monitor the hair, especially with high fat epidermis.This directly affects the development of acne in the forehead area. With sufficient production of fat, curls remain shiny.
  2. If the production of subcutaneous fat is broken, the strands are quickly salted and look dirty. It also causes acne. To fix this problem, it is recommended to wash your hair every other day. You need to maintain a balance between healthy skin and hair.
  3. Try to limit the use of hair styling. This rule also applies to mousses, gels and all kinds of sprays. Directional cosmetics heavily pollute the pores. This also causes acne.

Change pillow covers

  1. Make it a habit to wash and change pillow cases more often. Bedclothes quickly accumulate horny particles of the epidermis, as well as dirt that remains on the skin. Try to change the pillowcase every other day.
  2. It is necessary to stock up on several sets of linen, so as not to resort to frequent washing. Also, do not use strongly flavored detergents. Such a composition can adversely affect the health of the skin. Most often, so there is acne.

Avoid the sun

  1. Long stay in direct sunlight adversely affects the condition of the skin. Ultraviolet damages the epidermis, causing premature aging. Also, the sun can be one of the main causes of skin cancer.
  2. In addition, prolonged exposure to the sun provokes the development of acne and blackheads. Try every time to use high-quality cream directional. This composition should not clog pores and pollute the skin. Also worth wearing a hat.

Proper nutrition

  1. It is mandatory to consume a sufficient amount of purified water. A high level of fluid in the body will help avoid the development of most problems. Also, water helps to maintain clear skin.
  2. Try to adjust the everyday menu. Eat as properly as possible with the inclusion of healthy foods and dishes. Make a personal diet, lean on fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables. Do not forget to eat cereals and nuts.

In order to protect yourself from the appearance of cosmetic defects and subsequent unpleasant consequences, you must follow basic rules of hygiene.Wash your hands, do not touch them on the face, do not squeeze acne. Once a week, exfoliate with scrubs; wash in the mornings and evenings with foam. Change pillowcases, drink more water, be responsible for the choice of cosmetics.

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