How to brew tea tiguanin

Tie Guan Yin is a Chinese natural tea that is exported to all European countries. All the properties of tea that is in red and green, combined in Tie Guan Yin, and it belongs to the category of oolong. From the poorly fermented teas, it is well-known and popular, which is why, when a person discovers the brewing ceremony for himself, they choose it.

 How to brew tiguanin

If Te Guan Yin is brewed in compliance with all the recommendations, you get an unusual, indescribable taste, expressing notes of spices and fruit. This is affected by the essential oils that are in the tea leaf. They say that this tea has five flavors that open gradually. It is sweet, bitter, sour and spicy, but, and the fifth taste can be felt only by a true connoisseur of tea. They can be any person.

What is needed for proper brewing Tie Guan Yin?

  1. Tea has an exquisite taste, an indescribable aroma. Choose it only needs fresh and proper storage. Vacuum packaging must be intact and not broken.
  2. In the brewing process, purified water should be used. Otherwise, the taste of the tea will be spoiled.
  3. For this process, choose a container specifically designed for brewing tea leaves. This will help to feel the importance of Tie Guan Yin and bring it to the mysterious world filled with the customs of such ceremonies. In the absence of a special container, then, of course, tea can be brewed in a mug.

Tips for brewing tea Tie Guan Yin

To brew this tea, you can use different containers, but most often it is a cup, a kettle, a flask, a bowl with a lid.

To make the tea tasty, fragrant, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. For a cup of 150 - 200 ml. take 10 grams of tea. One teaspoon of tea will be enough to brew in a mug.
  2. Water should be 90 degrees.
  3. Before the main process of welding do the welding preliminary. Tea is washed to wash away the dust from it.Now the tea leaf is ready to brew.
  4. With each subsequent welding process, the process time must be increased. This is done until the tea leaves stop dyeing water and giving off taste.

These are only tips, everyone chooses for himself the process of welding the one that he likes more.

The process of welding Tie Guan Yin in the circle

Each person treats tea in a different way, someone pays a lot of time to the tea ceremony, and someone just wants to drink tea and brews it in a convenient container. Not necessarily in order to brew tea, take special dishes. Even such an unusual and interesting tea can convey its aroma and taste, if you brew it in a mug.

  1. The first thing to do is to take clean, filtered water and bring to a boil. Wait a few minutes, when the water cools a little and becomes 90 - 95 degrees.
  2. In order for tea to reveal all its aromas and notes, you need to warm up the mug in which it will be brewed. It is enough to rinse it with hot water.
  3. One teaspoon of tea is poured into a mug.
  4. Fill with water prepared in advance and leave for half a minute, you can stand a little more.Then all the water is poured - this is called zero brewing. This tea can not be drunk, this process has cleared the tea leaves, as if waking them up.
  5. The tea leaves are again poured with warmed water and left for a couple of minutes to brew tea and open completely.

The correct process of welding Tie Guan Yin

Usually, the definition of proper brewing, many people understand the use of tea utensils for this purpose.

Water must be used clean, without gas and various impurities. Heat it up to 95 degrees, bring to a boil it is not necessary. It is believed that boiled water should not be used for tea brewing, as it is lost in the process of boiling its vital energy.

Tea dishes
Dishes must be heated. Her rinsed with boiling water. This will allow the tea to brew evenly. Still all the dust particles, which will be at the bottom of the dishes, will be removed.

Washing of tea or its zero welding
On one mug in 150-200 ml fall asleep 1 tsp. tea, poured it with water 90 - 95 degrees. Wait half a minute and drain all the water. Zero tea leaves are made, tea leaves are washed from dust and possible impurities, tea leaves began to open.

Tea leaves first Tie Guan Yin
In carrying out all the above processes, the aroma and filling of the room had already begun to emanate from the tea. If drinking tea occurs in a circle of friends, then pass the mug of tea in a circle, let everyone inhale the aroma of tea leaves. And if you make tea for yourself, then enjoy, breathe its warmth and dream.

The first brew is to pour the raw water with the desired temperature and let it brew for one minute, then pour the drink into all the tea cups.

Tea leaves second Tie Guan Yin
For tea brewing, the second time is done in the same way as the first. Water leaves pour tea leaves and let stand for a minute. Optionally, you can increase the time of brewing. After the second brewing time, tea leaves open up new flavors and taste. These are wonderful moments of pleasure that a drink gives.

Brew third
The brewing process is similar to the previous one. But, each time tea gives new notes and tastes. Leaves a pleasant aftertaste and sensations. You must be able to enjoy tea, inhale its aroma and surrender completely to your thoughts in such beautiful moments of tea drinking.

Brewing fourth
This time, tea is brewed in the same way, poured with water and allowed to infuse for a while. You can try different ways and options, come up with an individual way of welding Tie Guan Yin for yourself. Put a little more or less tea, leave it for a different period of time, and he will reveal his secrets.

Tea leaves fifth and others
Tea should be brewed until it will delight with its color and taste. With each subsequent brewing time of this process is worth increasing. After each brewing, the tea leaves convey a completely new taste and aroma, they do not repeat. Usually it is brewed up to ten times, but each independently decides when it is enough.

It should be said that Te Guan Yin tea, like other varieties of oolong, does not have specific rules for its use and brewing. The main goal of tea drinking is to enjoy the smell and taste of tea. Such ceremonies should take place in a relaxed atmosphere, you should like the company. This will help to relax, relax, collect your thoughts and even restore strength and lost emotions.

Brewing tea is not advised to do before going to bed,This is justified by the fact that caffeine is activated in its leaves, which negatively affects the nervous system. But, if the desire to drink tea for a good mood or to cheer up, then in this case - you can drink. In principle, this tea can be drunk perfectly at any time of the day or night, the main thing is that a person should enjoy it.

Video: how to brew Tie Guan Yin

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