How to choose a delicious, ripe watermelon

Summer is the season for fresh fruits and vegetables. However, in a temperate climate, not all the gifts of nature have time to mature and grow, so you have to feast on imported products. In this case, there is a chance to run into a poor-quality product, because unscrupulous sellers go for any tricks so that fruits and vegetables can be sold as quickly as possible. This also applies to watermelons, the season of sales of which is limited to several months a year.

 How to choose a watermelon

What are the varieties of watermelons sold on the markets of the CIS countries?

Residents of warm regions, where watermelons are a familiar melon crop, know perfectly well what a ripe juicy berry looks like (watermelon is not really a fruit or a vegetable, but a berry). But residents of central Russia from the north-western regions of the CIS may make a mistake when choosing a sweet delicacy.And we are talking not so much about the taste of the product, but about its health benefits. After all, overripe or immature watermelons are toxic, and it costs almost nothing to poison them. What varieties are most often sold in the markets of Russia and neighboring countries?

  1. Astrakhan watermelon. It is the most popular and sold variety grown in the south of Russia. He appears on the shelves in late August, it is easy to distinguish by the dark green stripes on a light green background. Astrakhan variety is the most transportable, it is stored for a long time and does not rot from the inside. Therefore, these watermelons can be seen incredibly large sizes. Their form is rounded, slightly elongated downwards. The flesh has a bright scarlet color, seeds are not very much. Watermelon juicy and fragrant. The ripeness is determined by the contrast of the color of the stripes closer to the tail: the more mature the watermelon, the greater the contrast.
  2. Melitopol watermelon. Ripeness is determined in the same way as that of the Astrakhan variety. It is grown in the south of Russia, Ukraine and in Moldova. Can be stored for a long time, up to 4 months. It has a peel about 1.5 cm thick. The flesh is dense and juicy.
  3. Raspberry sugar (Crimson Sweet). Externally, the watermelon is similar to Astrakhan, but the skin is not matte, but glossy. This is due to the fact that the variety is classified as early ripe, and it appears on the shelves in the middle of summer. In terms of weight and size, it is inferior to the Astrakhan counterpart, but in taste it is just as good. If the market claims that at the beginning of July, you see an Astrakhan watermelon, it will most likely be the variety Crimson Sweet. It will not withstand long transportation and long storage. But on the tables appears one of the first.
  4. Madeira. This is a watermelon of the American-Dutch selection. Differs rounded shape and low weight. It is quite possible to buy a whole watermelon weighing 2-3 kg. The variety is early ripe, so its skin is not thick, the pattern is characterized by dark green stripes on a yellowish-green background.
  5. Skorik. It belongs to the early varieties. It is distinguished by a round, like a volleyball, shape and a deep green color, on which dark broken bands can be seen. The taste of watermelon is unusually tender, not cloying, there are few seeds and they are small. The variety is grown in the south of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.
  6. Charleston Gray. This foreign breeder has an unusual elongated shape, and looks like a zucchini. Strips on the skin does not have a uniform color, light green. Charleston Gray is grown in Ukraine, it appears on the shelves of Russia at the end of August. The flesh is bright, red, the taste is sweet, thin, not cloying. Watermelon is good because longer than other varieties stored in the refrigerator in a cut form, without losing consumer qualities.
  7. Chill. This amazing variety can be seen in supermarkets even on New Year's Eve. It is stored for up to 5 months after cutting. It is easy to distinguish by color characteristics. The skin of a watermelon is thick, painted with a “cheetah” pattern. The bands are not the same as those of the Astrakhan watermelon. Rather, it is light green spots on a dark background. The flesh is not red, but pink. Cultivated variety in Ukraine and Moldova.
  8. Light. The variety has a monochromatic dark green color without stripes and spots. The skin of the watermelon is thin, the flesh is tender and juicy. The dimensions of the watermelon are small, on average, the fruits reach sizes of 1.5-2 kg.

How to distinguish watermelon nitrate from a good watermelon

The farther the region is located from the growing range of watermelons, the greater the chance that nitrate watermelons will be sold on the markets. To extend the safety of the product and its appearance, suppliers make harvesting of unripe berries, removing them at the stage of dairy maturity. As a result, watermelon has a beautiful appearance with all the signs of ripeness. But this is achieved by far not the most noble methods. By injection into the pulp of the watermelon, nitrates are injected to accelerate the ripening process. How to determine which watermelon in front of you, matured naturally or stuffed with chemicals?

 How to distinguish watermelon nitrate from a good watermelon

  1. Knock knuckles on the watermelon. If a dull sound is heard, as from tapping on a deflated ball, you have a nitrate fruit in front of you.
  2. When cutting a watermelon, a naturally matured specimen will crackle, and a stuffed one with chemicals will be cut silently.
  3. The clearer and more contrast the stripes on the watermelon, the more likely it is that it has matured independently.
  4. In natural watermelon, the flesh is thick and light red, bright. A light pink and translucent shade indicates that the product contains chemicals.
  5. A good watermelon has an earthen stain of yellow color, on which it lay, ripening under the sun. The nitrate fruit has no such stain.
  6. Well-defined whitish streaks indicate artificial ripening of watermelon.
  7. Wipe a piece of watermelon into a glass of water. If the water does not turn pink, it is good. A change in water color indicates the presence of nitrates in watermelon.

What to look for when choosing a watermelon

 What to look for when choosing a watermelon

  1. The areola of an earthen patch in a ripe watermelon should not be large. If the spot occupies a large area and has a bright white-yellow shade, this indicates a prematurely cut fruit.
  2. Most of the nitrates are located near the crust, so the presence of pale pink flesh under the crust indicates the presence of nitrates.
  3. With the same size of watermelon ripe fruit weighs more unripe.
  4. Buy sliced ​​watermelons is prohibited. If you see a piece of watermelon wrapped in cling film, do not be tempted to buy. It is better to agree with your neighbors that buy a watermelon and divide it in half at home.
  5. In the case of food poisoning after tasting watermelon, report this to the seller.
  6. For children under 3 years old, watermelon should be given in small quantities and only after you are convinced of its quality.If the watermelon contains nitrates, an adult may not notice, but for the child everything can do very badly.

Conclusions: choosing a watermelon, pay attention to the following:

  • band contrast
  • glossy peel
  • no stains and blotches
  • ringing when knocked
  • ground spot size

Video: how to choose a watermelon

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