How to choose the right mascara

Owners of short eyelashes want to visually lengthen them, making the look more piercing. Girls whose hairs grow rarely want to thicken them to highlight their eyes. Hence the need to use mascara. Depending on the specific problem, the direction of action of the cosmetic product also varies. Carcasses are voluminous, twisting, lengthening. Let's talk about each form in more detail.

 How to choose mascara

The components of the carcass

To achieve maximum results when using the product, you need to consider the ingredients of the carcass.

  1. Wax. The component is part of a quality product. The wax helps the mascara stay on the eyelashes for a long time and does not crumble.
  2. Water. Almost any mascara contains liquid in the composition. The ingredient allows the cosmetic to maintain the desired watery structure.
  3. Melanin. Substance gives color to hairs.Melanin is considered a hypoallergenic component, which is part of the quality carcass. Also, the ingredient allows the product to remain more resistant to the eyelashes, while saturating the shade of eyelashes.
  4. Natural oils. Before you buy, specify whether the composition of the carcass natural oils. Components contribute to proper nutrition and strengthen hairs.
  5. Glycerol. Do not be alarmed if the carcass will contain alcohol or glycerin. Such ingredients do not adversely affect the state of the eyelashes. They only prolong the life of the cosmetic.
  6. SPF filters. Protective components contained in mascara help protect eyelashes from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  7. Lanolin. A special component is included in the composition of expensive cosmetics. Lanolin has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hairs, strengthening them. It prevents delamination and breakage.
  8. Protein. Some manufacturers of high-quality carcases add natural protein to the composition of a high-quality product. The component strengthens the hair structure, it also contributes to the rapid growth of eyelashes.
  9. Keratin. The component creates a shell when applying mascara on the eyelashes.Thanks to keratin hairs are protected throughout the day from environmental factors.
  10. Additional components. Give preference to the fortified group of cosmetics. Some manufacturers add flavors and green tea. If the mascara contains natural oils, other additives are not needed to create an aroma.

Choice brushes for mascara

 Choice brushes for mascara

  1. Plastic brush. Such a device with rare bristles, the appearance resembling a normal comb, can give an impressive amount of eyelashes. A significant disadvantage is the inability to separate the hairs after application.
  2. Silicone brush. The accessory is able to separate each hair when applying the composition. At the same time, the silicone brush does not lengthen eyelashes and does not give a visible volume. Ink with a similar device is more suitable for representatives with thick and long hairs from nature.
  3. Spiral brush. With the help of a device in the form of a spiral composition lays down an even layer along the entire length of the hairs. This brush is suitable for girls who have naughty and hard eyelashes.
  4. Short-hair brush. This accessory is suitable for short eyelashes. Hair can be easily dyed, also effortlessly, you will emphasize the corners of the eyes. The undoubted advantage of this brush is the fact that when applying mascara traces of the tool do not remain in the upper eyelid.
  5. Extension brush with a thick pile. The device has a different length of the villi, while they remain quite thick. The accessory is able to carefully paint over the eyelashes, as a result of which the hairs separate and acquire a visible length.
  6. Brush with a solid pile. The device is able to give an impressive amount of eyelashes. Also, the hairs are easily separated, despite their natural length and thickness. The brush with continuous pile is the most widespread and demanded.
  7. Curved brush type. If you use such a device, you can achieve an expressive and memorable look. The brush is able to raise the eyelashes, making them more rounded.
  8. Brush with a long nap. The accessory has proved itself capable of imparting impressive volume to the eyelashes. Mascara with the help of this brush lays an even dense layer along the entire length of the hairs.The device is able to separate each eyelash, while leaving it with the maximum amount of ink.

How to choose mascara

In the modern world of cosmetology there is a mass of various options of ink. Depending on the desired effect, choose the right product for yourself.

 What to choose mascara

  1. Mascara with lengthening effect. The components of a cosmetic product can lengthen hairs. When applying ink particles form the eyelashes, giving them an impressive appearance. The composition should contain fibers of viscose, nylon or silk.
  2. Twist mascara. Thanks to the curved brush and short pile, the desired result can be achieved. On the accessory pile has a short structure. With its help you can slightly raise the eyelashes and twist, despite the size of the hairs.
  3. Mascara with volume effect. Cosmetic gives an impressive amount of eyelashes. The result is obtained due to the special components of the carcass. When applying the components line up the extra length of the eyelashes, thanks to the sticky microstructure. Ingredients completely envelop hair with synthetic fibers or wax.
  4. Mascara with color effect. The cosmetics of the similar plan are developed for non-standard women who want to stand out from the crowd, breaking ordinary stereotypes. Buying a similar mascara, you can choose almost any color for hair. Gamma mascara manufacturers impressive. To use a cosmetic product with a color effect every day or not is up to you.
  5. Waterproof mascara. The composition includes substances that can withstand the effects of moisture. If you use this mascara in everyday life, you can not be afraid of sudden rain. Also with this cosmetic you can visit the pool, while remaining with an expressive look.
  6. Mascara with hypoallergenic components. If your eyes and skin are sensitive to various synthetic additives, many manufacturers provide cosmetics based on natural ingredients with a minimum amount of impurities. Causes of allergies can be preservatives and dyes, so you should carefully consider the choice of product. This mascara is especially recommended for girls who wear contact lenses.
  7. Mascara with a vitamin complex. The product includes a number of components aimed at strengthening and nourishing hairs. Mascara has a higher price in comparison with other analogues, while the composition of the product contains protein, melanin, SPF-filters, keratin and wax. It should be noted that it is necessary to give preference to just such a product. In the future, you do not have to restore additional eyelashes.
  8. Mascara with medicinal ingredients. This tool does not give any visible effect, as it is a colorless substance. Mascara is produced in the form of a thick transparent gel with a set of vitamins to restore the natural growth of hairs. Components have a beneficial effect on the state of eyelashes, protecting them throughout the day from the effects of environmental factors. Keep in mind that the shelf life of the product does not exceed 90 days.

Determination of carcass quality

When choosing a quality carcass adhere to practical advice. If you ignore the simple rules, you risk to purchase a product that is not suitable for your features, and you will simply throw money away to the wind.

 Determination of carcass quality

Consistency mascara

  1. Choose mascaras only in specialized cosmetic stores. If you look at the copy you like, take a sample or ask the tester for a consultant.
  2. These stores are responsible for the quality of cosmetics. They should provide the opportunity to visually inspect and test the tool.
  3. Open the mascara and apply the composition to a sheet of paper or hand. Carefully consider the structure of the substance, the paste should be homogeneous, without a hint of any clots.
  4. The trace of the brush should remain bright, clear and uniform. After that, conclude how the mascara will fall on your eyelashes when using the product.
  5. Also pay attention to the smell of the composition. It should contain impurities of light pleasant aromas. Discard mascara with a sharp unpleasant smell.
  6. Repeat a series of identical movements, reach out and return the brush in a tube of ink. Brand composition should not remain on the neck of the container, otherwise you risk to get your hands dirty during further operation.

Mascara Packaging

  1. If you understand the consistency of the product, focus on the packaging of the carcass.It should sign in detail the components included in the composition, instructions for use, information about the manufacturer, date of manufacture and expiration date.
  2. If the latter is about to expire, you should not buy the product even at a seductive price.
  3. The ingredients in the composition can adversely affect the condition of the eyelashes and skin. There is also a risk of an allergic reaction, even if you have not had one before.

Practical recommendations

  1. When using new cosmetic products, you should still familiarize yourself with the rules of using the product. This way you can use mascara for much longer.
  2. If the product served you faithfully throughout the shelf life, while there is still a significant amount of composition left in the container, it is better to replace the mascara with new one.
  3. Cosmetic should be changed 1 time in 4 months. Consider that the product is not allowed to use multiple girls. This factor is due to personal hygiene considerations, do not neglect this.
  4. Before first use, do not rush to apply a thick mascara.First, do a test for individual intolerance, after processing a few hairs.

Do not allow the carcasses to dry prematurely, each time you use the composition, gently unscrew and tighten the brush. Thus, the air will be evenly distributed in capacity. In case the mascara has dried out a little, it should be placed in a vertical position in a glass with 80 ml. hot water, wait 1.5-2 minutes, reach.

Video: how to choose mascara

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