How to choose powder for face

Every self-respecting girl is responsible for the choice of decorative cosmetics. The number of attributes of beauty includes powder - compact, crumbly, ball, cream and others. There are many options that provide us with modern manufacturers. Facial care should be complex, powder sets the tone for the entire makeup. That is why its purchase must be approached thoroughly.

 How to choose face powder

The composition of the powder

Despite the wide variety of makeup products, many girls prefer to refuse to use powder. Some of them believe that the composition clogs the pores and complicates the natural self-cleaning of the skin. However, this error is erroneous. Pores are clogged due to the use of concealers, the tonal base and the base, but not because of the powder.

Most often, this conclusion comes to women of old age.In their young years, powder was made on the basis of flour, lead, starch, but now such cosmetics are no longer there. Modern manufacturers care about the health of the skin, so they have excluded all harmful substances from the arsenal.

Today, cosmetics are made from white clay (or kaolin), talc without fragrances, calcium hydroxide. Some companies add zinc oxide to the powder, which protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of external factors (ultraviolet, wind, frost, etc.).

In addition, the product accumulates esters and natural oils, flavors, vitamin complexes and other useful additives. All this testifies to a certain naturalness of decorative cosmetics.

Due to the large list of ingredients that can be added to the powder, manufacturers make products for every taste and wallet. Also different shades of powder, each girl needs a different color. It is important that for the production there is no need to use aggressive preservatives.

There are so-called mineral tinting compounds, they differ from the usual powder. In the composition of such funds there are no oils, dyes, talc. Titanium dioxide is added to flatten the relief.To protect the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation, it is enough to add zinc oxide. The composition, giving color, are aluminosilicates and iron oxide. Mineral powder is made from minerals that are ground into powder, such as amethyst, tourmaline, aquamarine, citrine.

Types of powder

Before giving preference to one or another powder, study the possible options offered by manufacturers.

  1. Pressed powder. The composition is conveniently placed in a handbag and is easy to use. Needed in order to correct makeup throughout the day. Suitable for leveling the shade and completing the image, superimposed on the base with a tinting effect.
  2. Mineral powder. The most expensive, but natural. It consists practically of natural crushed mineral substances, which advantageously hide cosmetic defects and mat the skin. It copes well with deep wrinkles, suitable for all types of skin, rarely causes an allergic reaction.
  3. Glitter, or brilliant powder. Most often, the tool is used to complete the solemn makeup.As the name implies, the powder contains glitters in the form of a powder, which shine with advantage in bright light. Not created for problem skin, suitable for young girls with a perfectly even face.
  4. Ball powder. It has the most interesting and natural colors. Does not make the skin tone brick or strongly pink. A variety of scales favorably distinguishes the ball powder from all the others. Some versions of the tool are made of multi-colored balls. Hides flaws, does not allow bright light to reflect them, mattes the skin for a long time. It is used in combination with rouge of the same series.
  5. Cream powder. The tool is designed for owners of dry or normal skin with a relatively flat relief. The cream is easy to apply, has a moisturizing effect, quickly eliminates redness and fine wrinkles.
  6. Loose powder. It is a powdery composition, which is distributed over the face with a makeup brush. Powder should be applied over the tonal base in order to complete the makeup and even out the tone. The composition does not mask visible defects, but only mattifies the skin.
  7. Transparent powder. Recommended for use by professional makeup artists. Designed for young women with good skin, which is better not to expose makeup. At application it is necessary to observe a measure, otherwise the person will look pale, tired.
  8. Powder highlighter. Most often, this powder is used for contour makeup, during which a certain part of the face is favorably emphasized. Highlighter is necessary for lightening the cheeks, the area under the eyes, neck. Used on skin without defects.

Rules for choosing the shade of powder

  1. Do not forget that the powder must be selected on the basis of their own skin tone. Avoid common mistakes when trying to change the shade with a cosmetic. No need to apply light or darker composition.
  2. To determine the tone, it is recommended to use the probe and apply the tool on a small area of ​​the skin of the face. Use for such purposes chin or nose. You can do the same with your wrist. Do not assume that you can carry out the procedure "by eye".
  3. Consider, the choice of powder according to the number of shade can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer. The tone of the cosmetic is ideal for you only if the composition looks the same on the treated and untreated area of ​​the skin.
  4. If you put the powder on top of the foundation, give preference to one manufacturer of cosmetics. Basically, in the production of similar components are used, which are perfectly combined with each other. If you apply powder only in the evening, give preference to light colors. In this case, you will look younger and fresher.

Selection of powder by skin type

When buying powder, it is recommended to rely on your skin type. So you can choose the perfect cosmetic.

 Selection of powder by skin type

Mixed skin

  1. For this type, you can pick up a universal cream powder. The tool moisturizes the epidermis, eliminating oily sheen. Cosmetic composition in this case selectively affects different parts of the body.
  2. You will be able to see a satisfactory result if you pick up high-quality powder. Mineral powder can be applied to the combined skin.This tool is based on all-natural ingredients. The latter eliminate inflammation and dry the skin a little.

Sensitive skin

  1. Before applying the powder on the face it is recommended to apply a silicone cream. Such a composition will help the cosmetic to lie flat and in addition moisturize the skin. It is recommended to owners of sensitive type to purchase friable powder.
  2. The above remedy includes the minimum number of substances that often provoke an allergic reaction or irritation. Therefore it is recommended to apply powder on a mineral basis.
  3. To hide the flaws, it is best to resort to cream powder. Apply the cosmetic locally. If you are the owner of the skin with a variety of pigment spots, prefer powder with a sunscreen effect.

Dry skin

  1. Most often, powder for this type of skin is made in a compact package with a high content of cream base. This cosmetic fully nourishes and moisturizes the dermis.
  2. Plus, powder for dry skin protects the face from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.In the case of a crumbly cosmetic, it should be applied in a thin layer on a nutritional base.

Problem skin

  1. If you belong to the owners of problem skin, which often presents surprises in the form of acne and blackheads, you should pay attention to the mineral crumbly composition. The active components of this powder mask defects.
  2. It is worth noting that the mineral composition allows the skin to breathe. The unique structure of the product does not damage the epidermis, unlike compact products.
  3. Often, girls mistakenly acquire dense cream powder. Such a course is due to the fact that the tool supposedly better masks the defects of the skin. In fact, the powder is saturated with oils that negatively affect the state of the epidermis. After applying the remedies, the disadvantages begin to stand out stronger.

Oily skin

  1. Cosmetic for fatty type of epidermis will necessarily include components that contribute to the removal of shine. Thus, a suitable powder will keep the skin matte.
  2. Most often the resistant cosmetic product contains tea tree ester and salicylic acid.Such components perfectly narrow pores, neutralize excess fat production and disinfect the skin.

It is necessary to approach the choice of powder thoroughly, for this reason study classification and types of means. Before paying for the goods, ask the consultant for a sampler, apply the product to the brush, evaluate the shade, structure and other characteristics. Push off your skin type.

Video: how to choose the right powder

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