How to cook broccoli: 2 ways

Many articles have been written about the great benefits of broccoli. The people are inspired and, with terrible force, begin to stuff this extraordinary cabbage with their darlings. But for some reason, the adults themselves do not like broccoli. And most of the children categorically refuse to use such a product. What is the matter? Why this delicious vitamin supplement does not win the hearts and stomachs? The answer is simple. Her wrong cooked.

 How to cook broccoli

Let's figure out how to cook broccoli so that she will like it.

General rules

The most important thing: the more broccoli heads, the longer it must be boiled. But you must make sure that it does not turn into unappetizing mush. In a puree you turn it yourself, when needed. And if you miss and digest, then instead of a nutritious dish you will get watery, foul-smelling slush without healthy substances.

Another detail: the boiling water for cooking broccoli should definitely be spiked.Not for full taste, but quite a bit. But sure! Because this way most of the minerals and vitamins are stored. They will go into fresh water much faster, practically nothing will be left in the cabbage itself. And salt removes the characteristic bitterness from the heads that few people like.

Broccoli should be placed only in boiling water. It does not matter if you are going to cook fresh or frozen cabbage. In both cases - only in boiling water. This is done in order to preserve the nutrients and nutrients, as indicated above.

The exact time of cooking, we do not specify. It all depends on the amount of broccoli and the size of the heads. But, the less time the heat treatment, the more vitamins will turn out in the finished dish. It would seem that this statement contradicts the very first, but! There is one trick. In order to cook broccoli as quickly as possible, be sure to divide it into small pancakes. What will it give us?

  1. The surface of the cabbage, in contact with boiling water, will increase. So it will cook much faster than one big head.
  2. Boiling time will decrease. So in the final dish will be a maximum of minerals and vitamins. Not in the water.
  3. Ready-made garnish looks much more aesthetic and beautiful when the roaches are small. Agree, huge caps in a plate do not add appetite.

By the way, frozen broccoli is not thawed before cooking. From the freezer, it is immediately thrown into boiling water. Otherwise, there is a great risk of getting an ugly mess instead of the original side dish.

And one more important rule: fresh broccoli must be washed before cooking. And it's not even easy to rinse under running water, but soak in salted at least 30 minutes. The fact is that small insects can lurk in the inflorescences. Soaking will allow them to surface. Then an unpleasant surprise at dinner can be avoided.

In the case of frozen broccoli, such precautions will be superfluous. The production has already carried out all the required cleaning measures.

Well, now let's consider step by step how to cook broccoli.

Fresh Heads

You will need:

 Boiled broccoli

  • 1 medium sized broccoli
  • pan
  • about 2 liters of pure water
  • 1 tsp common salt (no slides)
  • table fork
  • colander or skimmer
  • second pot of ice water

The process is step by step.Put the first pot on the fire, pour in water and add salt. Cabbage is pre-soaked, rinsed. Cut into small heads and remove the leaves. By the way, do not throw away the stalk. It is boiled together with the main mass, and then an amazing mashed potatoes or a delicious sauce is prepared on its basis.

As soon as the water boils, immediately poured broccoli into the pan. All, not one slice. Waiting for re-boiling and reduce the heat to medium. Strong boiling broccoli to anything.

Some sources call the exact cooking time. It varies from 2 to 7 minutes. But we will do easier. Remember there is a table fork on the list? Here it is, and will be an indicator. Why precisely plug, and not exact time? Because different housewives have different:

  • broccoli varieties
  • head sizes
  • volume of products
  • hardness of water

So just take the usual table fork and try to pierce any head. Does the pulp give in easily? So already done. Can't poke broccoli with a fork? Let him leave another couple of minutes. But no more, otherwise it will turn out a mess.

Now you need to quickly stop the cooking process. For this and need a second saucepan with ice water.Finished broccoli is poured into a colander, then immersed in cold water for a minute. Or even simpler: they throw boiled cabbages with a skimmer.

Everything, you cooked broccoli correctly.

Council Broccoli is boiled in a small amount of water. This is not macaroni. Cabbage needs so much liquid so that it only covers the cabbage.

Frozen Cobs

As a rule, in the production of such cabbage has already passed all the preparatory stages of processing. So, you do not have to wash, clean or cut it. You will only have to cut the package and throw the cabbage into boiling water. Further actions are completely identical to those described above. Boil, cook, check with a fork, cool.

The only difference is in the cooking time. Frozen broccoli is cooked a few minutes longer than freshly cut cabbage. She just needs more time for full warming and boiling. By the way, they do not differ in taste.

Council Immediately after cooling, smear the broccoli with melted butter and let it soak for literally 5 minutes. This side dish does not require other additions and is tasty in itself.Only by all means butter, not margarine or a substitute, otherwise you will ruin everything. Even hungry chickens will not eat this later.

Some hostesses cook broccoli in a double boiler. Well, the taste and color, as they say ... But this method cabbage does not acquire the saltiness, which is obtained when cooked in water. Yes, and an unpleasant bitterness in taste remains. So choose for yourself what exactly suits you.

Now you know how to cook broccoli, so that the child does not pick at the plate. And addict yourself, we are sure, of course, while observing our recommendations.

Video: how to cook broccoli correctly and quickly

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