How to dry lemon balm

For lovers of herbal teas, lemon balm is one of the most beloved ingredients. It is appreciated not only for having a wonderful fragrance, but also for its soothing properties. In order for dried lemon balm not to lose its beneficial properties that were in fresh grass, you need to be able to dry it properly. Otherwise, after you dry the grass, it will lose not only its benefits, but also its delicate smell.

 How to dry lemon balm

Getting started

First of all, if you want to prepare lemon balm, you need to collect it in the right way. If you miss this stage, then in the future you will not even help the correct preparation.

If you want to use healthy tea with a magical aroma in the winter, you need to know all the rules of collection. Melissa is sometimes called lemon mint. You can collect it from May until the very end of summer. For tea, as a rule, harvest the leaves of the plant. It is advisable to collect them early so that the lemon balm does not go to growth.If you do not have time to this point, you will need to pick a plant with a stem and dry it in the same form. With the stems of lemon balm can also be brewed.

If you go to the collection, take a sickle or sharpened knife. Tear off her hands can not. This plant has soft, but surprisingly strong stems. Trying to rip melissa with your hands, you remember her. A certain amount of valuable substances will leave the plant. It will lose its appeal.

Experts advise starting the collection after the dew dries on the swallows. But the heat wait is also not worth it. As a rule, this plant is harvested in 10-11 hours. It is very important to collect it for dry weather. Herbalists recommend harvesting this fragrant plant on a growing moon. Since, in their opinion, it is during this period that the maximum amount of useful components is concentrated in healing herbs.

Gathering lemon balm can last all summer. At the beginning of the season, young leaves are broken, which will be used to brew tea in the winter. Then the whole plant, which will be conveniently used for the preparation of medicinal infusions, is already disrupted. Melissa is growing fast. If you cut the escape, a new one will grow in its place.The main thing is not to pull them up with the roots.

Drying: basic rules and methods

When you have correctly collected the raw materials, taking into account all the recommendations, you can begin to dry it. This can be done in several ways:

  • Air dry.
  • Drain in a microwave or oven.

When using the oven, grass can be harvested in a very short time. Cut the plant and spread on a wide baking sheet. The oven must be maintained at a temperature of 40 degrees. During the drying process, leave the door ajar. The grass should lie in such conditions for about 2 hours, after which it is laid out in the open air to dry it. To dry melissa in the microwave, simply cover it with a cloth and turn on the oven for a couple of minutes.

Note! Herbalists say that to preserve all the useful properties, it is best to dry the herbs in the air, as the benefit is lost in the oven. But, if you do not have time or space, then you can dry it and so.

Fresh air
To dry lemon balm in the air, you need to find a suitable place, and expand it. In the process of drying it is necessary to carefully ensure that the grass does not deteriorate.If it thins or blooms, it will have to be thrown away.

What is the best place for drying lemon balm? It should be warm, dry, ventilated. But the sun should not shine directly on the grass. Melissa should be laid out as roomily as possible.

Grass to dry laid out on paper. But do not use a newspaper for this, as the paint contains hazardous substances. Grass is laid out on paper as spaciously as possible. Melissa should be regularly monitored by turning it over.

It should dry out about 7 days. To understand whether it is possible to remove the grass for storage, squeeze the leaves and try to break the stems. All parts of the plant must be fragile and crumble.

You can dry melissa bundles, tied about 10 stems together, and hanging leaves down.


When the collection and drying are performed according to the rules, you can put lemon balm in storage. To keep it fragrant and healthy, you also need to store it, following all requirements.

The ideal option would be a glass container, which closes the lid tightly. It is better not to store it in plastic containers. You can put lemon balm in bags made of cloth.But at the same time next to it should not lie products that have a strong smell. The room should not be damp or too warm. On the lemon balm should not fall the rays of the sun. If you fulfill all the conditions, it will remain healthy and fragrant for up to 2 years.

Video: preparation and storage of lemon balm

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