How to wash burdock oil off the hair

In recent years, more and more girls prefer natural hair care products. One of the best oils that can heal and transform your curls is burdock. It has a great effect on the growth of new young hairs, so that masks with burdock oil help to cope with hair loss and baldness. Burdock oil fights split ends, restores dry and brittle hair, saturates the strands with vitamins. Often burdock oil is used in the fight against seborrhea and dandruff.

 How to wash burdock oil off the hair

The use of burdock oil is undeniable, it can be used in courses - weekly for several months. This will help turn overdried tows into flowing curls. But often the girls are faced with such a problem as washing the oil from the hair. Often it happens that after the mask with burdock oil on the hair remains a greasy film that is difficult to remove,hair appears greasy and loses its natural beauty. To avoid this, you need to know how to apply the oil, and most importantly - to flush.

How to apply burdock oil

The most important rule - the oil should not be much. Remember that from a large amount of oil benefits for the hair will no longer be. But the torment you just add yourself, if you use cosmetic oil is too abundant. For medium length hair, you will need no more than one teaspoon of oil. This applies to both individual use and as a component in the composition of the mask.

Apply the oil should not be a brush or, even worse, sponge. You need to take the heated oil (warm in a water bath), dip the fingertips in the oil and massage the scalp. If the goal of your treatment is only to eliminate split ends, oil should not be applied to the hair roots.

Important! Burdock oil can not be used for oily hair - this can aggravate the situation. In extreme cases, you can apply oil only on the ends of the hair.

To enhance the beneficial properties of the oil, you need to wrap your head with a package and a warm towel. You can not keep the oil for more than one hour - after that it will be much more difficult to wash it off.

How to wash burdock oil

After the mask is held on your hair for a while, you need to wash it off. But do not rush to expose fat curls under the stream of water. The fact is that the oil repels water, and, if you wet the greasy head with oil, the soap composition of the shampoo simply does not mate with the greasy particles of the oil. Rinse your head in this situation will be much more difficult. However, some rules will help you regain your hair freshness and friability.

For a start, shampoo with a small amount of water in a palm or small container. It should make a lot of foam. Apply this foam on your head without water. Try to foam the hair. If necessary, you can apply a small amount of water, just a little. When you lather your head, rinse with water. Remember, it is better to use hot enough water - it is much easier to wash off the oil.

After that, apply a little more shampoo on your head and wash your hair again. Make as many approaches as you need. Sometimes in order to wash long and thick hair, at least 5 shampoos are applied. After washing your hair, try not to dry the curls with a hair dryer - this will ruin the whole medicinal effect of using oil.

If similar shampooing doesn’t help you to get rid of unpleasant film and greasy deposits, you can use a few more of our tips.

How to wash burdock oil from hair

Some products have an excellent ability to absorb fat and neutralize oil.

 How to wash burdock oil from hair

  1. Egg yolk. On the hair with burdock oil, apply two beaten yolks. Carefully rub them into your head. Then rinse with water, after which you can rinse your head using your usual shampoo.
  2. Soda and shampoo. To get rid of shine, shampoo before washing should be mixed with baking soda. It is better to keep the following proportions - one part soda and three parts shampoo. This will allow you to wash your head with higher quality and much faster.
  3. Mustard. Dissolve a tablespoon of mustard powder in a liter of warm water. Rinse your hair with this composition, and then rinse with water and shampoo.
  4. Oatmeal. Oatmeal has an excellent adsorbing effect. But we will not smear porridge on the head. Enough to brew oatmeal flakes with plenty of water so that the liquid is sour consistency.This kissel and need to wash your hair after applying a burdock mask. At the end of the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo as usual.
  5. Lemon water. The oil can be washed off with acid, that is, lemon juice. To do this, dissolve the juice of one lemon in a liter of boiled warm water and rinse the hair with this composition after the first washing with shampoo. After that, wash your hair with shampoo again - the curls will become silky and crumbly.
  6. Rye bread and a decoction of herbs. Crumble a crust of rye bread in a bowl, pour boiling water over it. When the water has cooled, mash the flesh. After that, strain the composition through gauze and rinse with bread broth hair. After that, wash your hair with shampoo, and finally rinse the strands with a decoction of nettle and chamomile. This sequence of actions will help you get rid of the oil on the hair.

These recipes will help you wash the oil off your hair as quickly as you put it. The advantage of these “homemade” cosmetics is that they are not only cheap and always at hand. Most importantly, they are completely natural.

Burdock oil can transform your curls, make them strong and healthy.But in order not to be disappointed in the procedure, you need to know how to apply, and most importantly, how to flush burdock oil. Be aware and no problems can upset you!

Video: how to wash the oil off the hair

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