How to gargle with miramistin

Miramistin is a broad spectrum antiseptic. Well known in Russia, it is used as an adjunct in the treatment of many diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

 How to gargle with miramistin

Especially pronounced effect gives when rinsing. Despite the seeming simplicity of the procedure, few know how to gargle Miramistin. In fact, everything is simple, you just need to strictly comply with the dosage according to age. Still, this medicine, not herbal tea.

The order of the right actions

To show the most positive result, follow some recommendations:

  1. Strictly observe the dosage of the drug. This is medicine, not distilled water!
  2. For use in adults and children over 14 years old, they are not diluted with water, they use whole liquid.
  3. You can not throw back his head. Infection from the throat along with miramistinom can get into the nasal passages and add to the problems.And there and close to otitis.
  4. Rinse carefully. It is not necessary, as in childhood, to let bubbles and strongly bubble throat. The effectiveness of the drug from these actions will not increase.
  5. Miramistin after rinsing do not swallow. Of course poisoning will not succeed, but the extra chemistry in the stomach is not needed. The manual says "be sure to spit," which means doing so.
  6. During the procedure, it is advisable to push the lower jaw forward. As with the pronunciation of the Russian sound "s" or English "r". Thus, the medicine will reach hard-to-reach places, rinse all parts of the sore throat.
  7. Miramistin should be warm. Cold liquid will only add to worries with a sore throat. Yes, and it should be stored at room temperature, and not in the refrigerator.
  8. It is not recommended to eat or even just drink for at least 30 minutes after rinsing. Otherwise, the person will swallow the medication film and there will be no effect. It is necessary to give time to miramistin to act on pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. This case takes longer than 5 seconds.
  9. Rinsing time from 3 to 5 minutes at least 3 times per day. Children need 20-30 seconds.
  10. The course is 4 to 8 days.If, during this time, relief or recovery does not come, then it is worthwhile to return to the doctor. He will prescribe another treatment.

The tips are simple, easy to follow. However, any pathogenic bacteria tend to adapt. At some point in the disease, the remedy ceases to function. To avoid this, it is recommended to alternate the Miramistin solution with decoctions or infusions of herbs. Well-proven soda-salt solution, the so-called "home sea water."

On a glass of warm water add 1 tsp. salt and soda and 2 drops of a simple alcohol solution of iodine. Mix thoroughly, then allow to stand for 10 minutes. During this time, undissolved particles settle to the bottom. Everything can be enjoyed.

A decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage is also well combined with the drug.

The alternation of these funds with miramistin gives an excellent result.

Council Complete with miramistin, as a rule, a certain attachment is always sold. There is also a dosage for rinsing. But usually it is difficult for her to measure the right amount of medicine. Saved ordinary tablespoon or teaspoon. Or a measuring spoon with risks and numbers from some otherfacilities. Using this advice, it will be difficult to make a mistake with the dosage.

Rinsing miramistin in special cases

Special cases are the use of the drug for children. The instruction warns that it is not recommended to use Miramistin until the age of 3 years. But there is no scientifically proven contraindication. Such advice is given rather for security purposes. It's just that children up to this age do not quite understand what their parents require with a bubble in their hands. Alternatively, liquids may be swallowed instead of spitting.

Although, if the child already knows how to carry out the process of gargling, then Miramistin can be used at a dosage of 3-5 ml at a time. Be sure to dilute the solution with clean boiled water, in a ratio of 1 to 1.

There are recommendations to lubricate the tonsils with a cotton swab dipped in miramistina. After the procedure, the child will quickly feel relief and will get better. Anyone who has tried it at least once knows perfectly well what kind of power the retching gag in a baby can have. Why torture a child? Rinsing is a more gentle procedure. If this is unacceptable, then only spray. It's easier nowhere.

CouncilThe independent choice of medicines for the child is absolutely excluded! Only after examination and recommendations of the pediatrician!

Another special case is pregnancy. Separate studies on the effect of Miramistin on the health of the mother and the unborn child have been conducted. About the use of drugs during lactation, too, nothing is known, there is no such information in the public domain. Although Miramistin is practically not absorbed from the mucosal surface into the blood, it is not worth the risk. Therefore, again - only on the advice of a doctor! Or rinse with herbs, nothing pregnant women to pump up chemistry.

The third special case is an allergy to Miramistin itself or its components. There is no question of any rinsing. Only a complete replacement of the drug for a generic with a similar mechanism of action and a different composition. Although science cases of allergy to the solution are not fixed, but anything can happen.

By the way, there is no complete analog. In addition to Russia and some CIS countries, an antiseptic with such an active substance is not produced. And the majority of Miramistina generics contain alcohol, therefore they are contraindicated in children and pregnant women.

Valuable advice

  1. The medication bottle is made of plastic. It is convenient to take it with you on the road without danger of cutting yourself with splinters.
  2. When inadvertently shaking or over-rinsing, the product starts to foam heavily. Do not be afraid, this is a natural physico-chemical property. Therefore, do not strongly gurgle throat when rinsing. The task is to envelop, not to beat the foam.
  3. If purulent ulcers appear on the tonsils or in the throat during an illness, this does not prevent the drug from working at all. On the contrary, the drug helps to better cleanse and speed the healing of open wounds, prevents the emergence of new ones.
  4. By the way, Miramistin does not anesthetize. Absolutely nothing. But it contributes very well to relieving inflammation, and with it the pain goes away. A slight burning sensation during application sometimes occurs. This is a feature of the solution, it quickly passes.
  5. The distinctive feature of Miramistin is to not change in the light, cold or heat. Of course, this does not mean that you can easily forget it on the street in winter or on the windowsill in summer. But a little warm up for rinsing - please.
  6. The drug does not have a strong smell or a pronounced taste.Therefore, it is ideal for children. After all, they are often capricious, even without an illness. And if you have a sore throat, the treatment turns into a nightmare.
  7. If the baby is less than a year old and he is actively zamkaet pacifier, then you can dip it in the solution and give it to the child. One way or another, Miramistin will fall into the mouth and be distributed along the mucous membrane along with the saliva. What was required to achieve.
  8. It is not recommended for infants to use medicine in the form of a spray. From the fright of the child can begin spasm. Instead of helping get trouble.
  9. Miramistin itself is a surfactant. Therefore, it is desirable to combine it with other drugs. Moreover, it is compatible with almost all known antibiotics.

And remember! Miramistin is still a medicine. Self-medication can aggravate the situation. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time.

Video: how and what to gargle with sore throat

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