How to clean the TV remote

Any equipment that is regularly used requires proper care. TV remote does not fall into the category of exceptions. Every day, his household is touched by his hands; dust accumulates on the device, which penetrates even into the inner part. Sometimes it is enough to wipe the remote outside. But what to do if strong pollution has already accumulated inside? Let's figure it out together.

 How to clean the TV remote

Quick cleaning of the TV remote

  1. If you currently have batteries inserted in the remote control, remove them for the duration of cleaning the device. Otherwise, they may stop working or will interfere with the process itself.
  2. First, the area around the buttons is cleaned. To do this, arm yourself with medical alcohol or vodka, cotton swabs, cosmetic sponges, and a toothpick.
  3. Moisten the disc in alcohol solution, then blot the surface around the buttons with it.You can use the wands for convenience if the buttons are too close together.
  4. If in the place where the buttons were inserted, the specks were clogged, arm yourself with a toothpick and try to push the garbage out. It is important that contamination does not penetrate inside the device. Otherwise, indiscriminately remote control is not enough.
  5. After thoroughly cleaning the area of ​​the buttons, you must wipe the entire console. Similarly, moisten a cotton sponge in alcohol or vodka, squeeze a little, wipe thoroughly.
  6. Change cosmetic discs as they become contaminated so that disinfection can be carried out completely. You will not only eliminate the dirt, but also kill possible bacteria on the surface of the console.
  7. If desired, a special liquid solution can be used instead of alcohol to cleanse electronics and other similar devices. The composition is sold in a store specialized in household appliances.
  8. Do not forget to wipe the remote inside the battery compartment, as well as the cover itself, which covers the batteries. For convenience, use cotton swabs in those places where the sponge will not fit.
  9. After completing the cleaning, leave the remote control for 10 minutes in order for it to dry completely and stop smelling of alcohol.Reinsert the batteries, but first make sure that the space under the batteries is completely dry.

Cleaning the TV remote from disassembling

This cleaning option is extremely time consuming, but more effective. The thing is that before the procedure, you will need to disassemble the device, decompose it into separate sections. If you are not sure of your actions, use the above (simple) method of cleaning outside.

Step number 1. Disassemble the remote
The interest in how a device is built is always present. Especially in men. But when disassembling, you should be careful and remember the sequence of actions so that you can return everything back.

First remove the batteries. Then arm yourself with a small screwdriver and unscrew all the screws that hold the two halves of the device (front and back).

If the case does not open, it means that you did not unscrew all the screws. You can also try to separate the parts with a knife or a thin screwdriver.

Step number 2. Separate the buttons
Then everything will go easier, the console will open, you will only have to disassemble it into separate parts (board, buttons, etc.).
Separate the buttons from the circuit board is not difficult, they are not attached. Put the silicone plate aside and place the board on a dry napkin or towel.

Step number 3. Clean fee
In order for the cleaning to succeed, and the console to retain its working capacity, it is necessary to choose cleaning products and materials, thanks to which the procedure will be carried out.

Water is absolutely not suitable, give preference to special means for cleaning oxidized contacts. Vodka or medical alcohol is also suitable. This composition is sold in a store with electronics.

Spray the product on the board with a thin layer. If alcohol is used, they need to moisten a cotton swab or a thick paper towel.

Well wipe all the elements of the board from two sides, then place on a napkin and leave to dry. As a rule, any electronics cleaning solution or alcohol will quickly evaporate.

Step number 4. Clean the buttons
The remote control buttons are the easiest to clean. To do this, use a soap solution, because alcohol can make rubber buttons hard. Mix the dishwashing gel with warm water and whip into a foam.

Dip the buttons into this solution and let it “soak” for 10 minutes. During this time, dust and grease stains, as well as other contaminants, will disappear.

Then you can arm yourself with an old toothbrush or paint brush and rub the elements well.
After all the manipulations rinse the buttons under the tap, wipe off and leave to dry on a clean napkin or towel.

Step number 5. Put the remote back
When all the cleaning activities come to an end, it is necessary to assemble the console in the previous state. You probably remember what is suitable, repeat the steps in the reverse order.

First, install the buttons in the printed circuit board, then insert this design into one of the console halves. Put the case together, screw all the screws on the previous places.

Make sure the remote is fully assembled, then insert the batteries. If possible, buy a cover on the device, so that in the future you do not need to carry out such a complex cleaning with disassembly.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a special case, make it yourself “in the old manner”. To do this, wrap the remote with plastic film or put on a tight transparent bag.

There are several ways to clean the console from the TV on its own - fast without parsing and with preliminary separation of the device into parts. After manipulation, try to protect the remote with a case, do not touch the device with dirty hands. Treat it carefully, so that the device performs its functions and serves you for a long time!

Video: how to quickly clean the TV remote

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