How to punish a cat or a cat

In fact, cats like dogs exist in a symbiotic relationship with humans. Moreover, they evolved in such a relationship, because, as you know, cats were kept in homes and in early Eastern civilizations. Therefore, cats perfectly capture human emotions and moods, often the animal represents with you at the hormonal level almost a single organism. At least some of the major changes in relationships and feelings of affection / hostility and the like are agreed with you. Telling these details to experienced cat owners (and indeed to everyone who has a furry friend at home) does not make much sense, you already know how well the cat understands you, and sometimes you can even talk to your pet like you communicate with a person. .

 How to punish a cat or a cat

Dependence on the person

It is also about discovering something new here, but to emphasize what kind of unity you represent with your domestic cats / cats.And, of course, as a more developed creation (although, let's be frank, sometimes there are doubts as to who has more developed abilities - the owner or the cat) are responsible for the less developed. Elementary example, emotional hygiene and behavioral features - these factors have a role, for the most part they are the ones who educate your animal and set the tone for its behavior. We are accustomed to consider cats as animals independent, and this is their truth, but also domestic cats are dependent on the mood of the owner and, based on this, build their behavior.

You yourself can pay attention to how cats react when you are restless and are in a stage of some emotional exaltation. If the house has a rather nervous atmosphere, a lot of fuss, then the cats also become vain, running around, scattering objects. At the same time, look at the cats of a phlegmatic host: they are calm as the Buddha, make only the necessary and measured movements. Of course, no one requires you to change your own character and personality traits (although changing for the better is probably always relevant), you just need to understand the elementary fact.If the house is calm, if your cat / cat is loved and properly smoothed, then the likelihood of a situation when you need to punish the cat / cat is extremely small.

As a rule, the naughty cat is not the result of his playful nature, but of the situation and the mood of the inhabitants that you support in your own home, therefore, in this matter, to begin with yourself is quite relevant advice.


However, there may be situations when you need to punish your pet. It is even better to change the word and say “not to punish”, but to educate, that is, to impart good manners.

To instill such manners, two main methods should be distinguished: psycho-emotional and physical. Often they are combined and operate in the complex. One way or another, one should understand the main thing: one should not make the punishment cruel, probably this fact should not be explained to those who decided to start an animal at home and take care of it, but still.

By cruelty you will not only achieve nothing, but you can also damage the animal. Besides,Your little cat with a high probability understands most of the prohibitions and actions that are not worth doing, but transgressing such prohibitions purely for psychological reasons, may require attention or something like that, but we will not go into details of zoopsychology.

Ideally, you perform an educative action in such a way that you simply and clearly make it clear: this action cannot be performed.

The most common methods are as follows:

  1. To threaten with a finger in front of the nose - more than effectively, animals don’t like it when they do it with an instructive finger.
  2. Raise the voice - just do not shout (the cry has no effect), but speak in a formidable and impressive voice, although here too, do not overdo it with psychological pressure.
  3. Towel - a universal tool that can make biting sounds from a sharp touch to the floor, can be used to gently slap the cat itself, the main thing is not to twist it and not to swing it.
  4. Spray and splashing water - they trigger reflex mechanisms, if you just squeeze a cat in the muzzle with a spray gun, then he will remember such a suggestion for a long period.
  5. Clicking in the nose or on the forehead - both options require softness, you only need to slightly mark the touch, but, of course, do not confuse such an effect with stroking.

These methods can be combined (for example, a formidable voice and a towel waving) or act separately.

Anyway, you need to perform the impact immediately after the offense, and only when you see how the cat / kitten nashkodil (a) in front of you, before your eyes, and not after some period. Otherwise, the animal may simply not understand for what kind of offense you are doing this to him. Therefore, act immediately after, or simply suppress negative behavior whenever possible, for example, use a voice - many cats react to the word impossible.

In conclusion, a few words should be said about your attitude towards the punishment of domestic animals. These actions (punishment) should not become an end in themselves.

If you break into a pet and especially if you enjoy physical or mental pressure on your cat / kitty, probably the problem is not in the misdemeanors of your pet, but in your psychological condition. Here the decision to turn to a psychologist becomes quite relevant.Perhaps to a zoopsychologist. Therefore, try before trying to control and educate someone else, carefully control yourself, because you are responsible for those who have tamed.

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