How to boil milk: tips

In the world of modern and convenient technologies, natural products are valued more and more. Pasteurized milk on the shelves of the store is ready for use - it does not need to be boiled. Just open the pack and enjoy the taste. Moreover, it does not deteriorate for a long time and is able to stand in the refrigerator for weeks. Have you ever wondered why production milk does not spoil for so long? Surely, in its composition and on the walls of the package there are special preservatives, which, as it were, freeze the properties of milk. The drink becomes dead - there are no nutrients in it. That is why many housewives are trying, as far as possible, to buy "live", natural milk from under the cow. However, there are risks. To milk was safe and usable, it must be boiled.

 How to boil milk

Danger of "raw" milk

The fact is that harmful microorganisms can get into the milk at any stage of its production.An unclean milkmaid can start milking a cow with dirty hands. The dishes in which milk is milked may also not be clean enough. In addition, microbes and harmful bacteria can enter the container during the milk transportation phase.

However, even if you have a cow in your home and you are absolutely sure of the cleanliness of the dishes and the hands of the milkmaid, you should definitely boil the milk. The fact is that a cow can hurt, even if it does not manifest itself externally. Any changes in the diet of the animal can also cause a change in the composition of milk. As the saying goes, God saves God, so do not drink the milk in the doubles. And especially, do not give it to children.

Boiling milk not only protects you from harmful microorganisms, but also significantly increases the shelf life of the product. If raw milk is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days, then boiled milk can stand for a week.

How to boil milk

This process is not complicated, and even the most inexperienced hostess can handle it. However, there are several nuances that will help you avoid sticking and running away from milk.

  1. Milk should be boiled immediately, as soon as you brought it home.The sooner you do this, the longer the product will remain.
  2. If you take milk from unverified vendors, check the product for quality. To do this, drop a drop of milk in a glass with cold water. If the drop immediately began to dissolve - the product is diluted with water. If a drop fell to the bottom - the milk is good.
  3. First you need to decide on the dishes in which you are going to boil milk. Suitable for boiling glass, aluminum and steel pan. In enamel ware milk will burn.
  4. Rinse the boiling tank and pour a little clean water (one cup) into it. When the water boils, add some milk to it. This is done in order to check the milk for freshness. If the milk starts to turn off, it is sour - it is better not to boil it. You can make pancakes or pancakes from such milk, and it is not recommended to drink it in its pure form. If the milk is not curled, you can add the rest of the product. Do not worry that you diluted the milk with a small amount of water - it will evaporate quickly.
  5. It is better to boil milk in a pan with high sides so that it does not run away.If the container is completely filled with milk, you can put an inverted saucer on the bottom. It prevents strong turbulence, which protects the milk from the "runaway".
  6. A pot of milk should be put on a slow fire and be nearby all the time. From time to time, stir the container so that the milk warms evenly. Before the milk starts to boil, remove the froth. Then, after boiling, you do not need to remove the foam - it collects the most useful trace elements.
  7. How much to boil milk so that it retains its beneficial properties, but all the harmful microorganisms have been destroyed? Boil milk for at least two minutes. When the liquid is heated enough and the foam begins to creep up, just lower the heat to a minimum. Milk should boil, but not run away. Two minutes is enough to get rid of pathogens and bacteria. If you want to get a more dense, rich and full-fat milk, boil it for at least half an hour.
  8. After boiling the milk does not need to immediately pour into the jar. Allow it to cool at room temperature, then refrigerate.

This method of boiling will allow you to prepare the product for safe use.

Useful tips and interesting facts

We have collected for you a variety of educational tips related to milk.

 How to boil milk

  1. So that the milk does not run away and does not burn, you can use regular butter instead of a saucer on the bottom. Just grease the edges of the dishes with them just above the edge of the milk and the liquid will not overcome this obstacle.
  2. If you notice small pieces of hay in milk (and if the product is natural, this may well happen), the liquid just needs to be drained through several layers of gauze.
  3. Do not move away from the stove while the milk is heating there. Find a lesson within the kitchen. So you do not miss the moment when the milk will be ready to "run away".
  4. Add some sugar to milk to increase its shelf life.
  5. Pasteurized and UHT milk, which is sold in the store, is not necessary to boil - it is already ready for use. The same applies to special milk bags for children.
  6. If you forget to check the milk for freshness and it is completely curtailed, do not despair.Boil the milk for a few more minutes, and then flip the liquid back onto the gauze. You will get delicious (absolutely not sour) cottage cheese and whey, from which airy and delicate pancakes are obtained.
  7. If you bought too much milk and you are afraid that you will not have time to drink it, prepare condensed milk from it! Natural, thick and incredibly tasty, as before. To do this, in two liters of milk you need to pour a couple of cups of sugar and cook over low heat for at least 3-4 hours.
  8. Stir milk regularly to prevent it from burning. In order to facilitate and speed up the process, it is possible to melt milk with sugar in a slow cooker. There it will not burn, it will not need to be watched so carefully. At the exit, you will receive 700-800 ml of a natural product without any preservatives, which can be given to a child without fear.
  9. If the milk is burnt when boiled, it should be immediately poured into a clean dish, which is then dipped in a basin with cold water. Add a pinch of salt to the milk and stir. This will save the drink from the rancid taste and smell.
  10. Store milk in an airtight container, as this product absorbs extraneous odors easily.
  11. Do not leave milk in the sun.Light deprives the product of vitamins A and E.

These simple tips will help you properly boil, preserve and consume milk.

Milk and dairy products are the main component in the diet of any person. Along with meat products, cereals, vegetables and fruits, milk is an integral part of human nutrition. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Drink milk and take care of your health!

Video: how to boil milk

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