How to breathe when push-ups

A person breathes when he is sleeping and when he is awake, when he is working and when he is resting. Breathing is our life. Of particular importance is proper breathing during exercise. A technician is very much like lessons, but one of the most popular exercises that everyone does, or at least knows how to do, is push-up from the floor. And when performing it, it is important to follow the breathing technique.

 How to breathe when push-ups from the floor

Push up - universal exercise

Pushing up from the floor is considered a truly universal exercise. Many athletes include it in their training schedule. Novice athletes often do it at home, even in the school curriculum, students are taught how to do push-ups. But they do not always explain that one also needs to breathe correctly,because it will affect not only the effect obtained from the exercise, but also your well-being during and after it.

With the help of push-ups you can:

  • maintain health;
  • achieve the desired shape contours;
  • form strength and endurance.

Pushups help strengthen the back, chest, legs, arms and abdomen muscles. But this can be achieved only if you do not have contraindications for this exercise. These include people with cardiovascular problems.

What happens during exercise

When you wring out, there is a strong load of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract, as this exercise is related to strength. Such physical activities include metabolic processes. It is for this reason that in some sources you can see a comparison of the effectiveness of push-ups with running.

These exercises will have the greatest impact on the muscles of the chest and arms. From the method of push-ups from the floor will depend on which muscle group will be pumped. The main techniques and target muscles are:

  • Hands wide apart are the pectoral muscles.
  • Push-ups on fists with wide-set hands are the development of shoulders and triceps.
  • With your legs erect, you can improve the appearance of the upper part of the pectoral muscles.
  • When the body rises, with the legs down, you can pump the lower part of the chest.

With professional sports, this exercise will be the best supporting exercise in the absence of training.

Breath! Do not breath

The state of your cardiovascular system depends on whether or not you breathe during push-ups. If you do it wrong, you can get serious health problems.

 How to breathe when pushups

Breathing should be done while performing the most difficult part of the exercise, precisely when maximum effort is needed. It will look like this: lowering down - inhale, raising upward - exhaling. To do this, we take the position necessary to perform the exercise: we lower the body and inhale. Next, touch the floor breast. After that, you need to make a breakthrough and exhale at this moment. It is there that the greatest effort is supported by exhalation. You need to continue the exercise in the same rhythm.

This technique will help to overcome the load on the body at the time of the exercise. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Inhalation is an increase in intrauterine and arterial pressure, which puts pressure on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Peak load is a big challenge for the body. And if it is supplemented with another breath, the consequences will be unpleasant.
  3. When you exhale, you can concentrate better.

Errors in the respiratory technique when performing push-ups from the floor

Novice athletes make one, but a very serious mistake when doing an exercise - holding their breath. Besides the fact that it is fundamentally wrong, it is also dangerous. At first glance, it is easier to hold your breath and not to think about when to inhale and when to exhale, but this “saving” will lead to:

  • Lack of oxygen.
  • Weakness
  • In some cases, loss of consciousness.
  • Microtraumas of cerebral vessels.

Push up recommendations

  1. Having chosen this exercise for yourself, make sure that the back is always straight, the waist does not bend, and the muscles that are not involved in the exercise, do not strain.
  2. You do not need many push-ups at once, but divide them into approaches, then the effect will be maximum. For a start, it will be enough to perform three approaches ten times.
  3. You must first increase the number of pushups, then the number of approaches.
  4. Do not abuse the increase in the number of push-ups, it is rational if your goal is the formation of endurance. If you are trying to build muscles, it is better to use weighting and complication of technology, for example, push-ups with your fists or with your legs uplifted on a hill.

Properly push-ups - it's great, and even better push-ups, using the correct breathing technique. The result of the training and the state of your health after it will depend on how much you can put it into practice.

Video: how to breathe correctly when pushups

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