How to fry almonds: tips

Sweet almond kernels are served as a snack and are used in many dishes. Most often, almond nut is needed in confectionery, but sometimes it is added to cereals and meat dishes to enhance the nutritional value and enrich the taste of food. In its raw form, almond kernels have a bitter and grassy aroma, and also contain substances that in large quantities can harm the body. Therefore, almonds must be roasted before consumption.

 How to fry almonds

Do I need to fry almonds

Of course, some recipes use raw kernels or almond meat, and bake or stir-fry the whole dish. But for even processing, never too dry the nuts. Roasted almonds acquire a noble nutty flavor with a characteristic spicy touch, and when consumed quickly creates a feeling of fullness. The protein in the nuts is curtailed, giving them a creamy crispy shade.

Is it necessary to peel almonds

You can fry the almonds with the films - they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and valuable dietary fiber. With main dishes, it is perfectly acceptable to use unpeeled almonds. But if the peel interferes or seems too coarse, when, for example, nuts are used for cream or decoration, it must be removed.

Almonds can be easily cleaned with boiling water. Pour a handful of grains with boiling water and let the skins go for 10 minutes. You can boil the seeds in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. After that, the almonds are stained with cold water, thanks to which the peel is easily exfoliated manually.

Good advice: do not drain the almond decoction as waste. Boil the skin for a few more minutes and use a valuable broth that has received plant juices to rinse hair or wipe dry face skin. Almond strengthens and nourishes the cells, has a pulling effect and helps fight dullness.

Almond Roasting Methods

You can fry almonds in several ways:

  • dry without oil;
  • caramelize in sugar;
  • fry in oil with spices, salt or sugar.

To fry the almonds for subsequent cooking, it is simply dried in the oven or in a dry frying pan for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. It is better to roast the almonds in small portions, spreading it evenly over the leaf and turning it from side to side so that it does not burn and is fully cooked. When the seeds have darkened, and a rich nutty smell has gone - it's time to remove the nucleoli. Do not bring the nuts to a copper-brown hue, prolonged roasting robs the nut of pleasant taste and beneficial properties.

After cooking, nuts can be triturated with salt or powdered sugar and served as a snack. Also dried almond nuts are used:

  1. For cream, sauces, or dough, mash the kernels. After processing the blender is obtained plastic fat mass.
  2. As a powder, decoration or filling of dishes, as well as in dough, cereals or salads in crushed form. For this, almonds must be crushed in a mortar or a blender for the condition of the crumbs.
  3. Whole or slices for decorating cakes, pastries, meat dishes.
  4. To create candies or toppings, nuts can be cut into cubes along the oblong core axis.To do this, use a special tool or a suitable knife, be careful and make sure that the nuts do not bounce off in different directions.

Almond Dessert
 Almond Dessert
To get almond kozinaki or sweets, you can melt the sugar in the pan with the addition of water and stir the nuts in the syrup until the liquid has evaporated. In the mass, you can immediately add spices - cinnamon, cloves, vanilla. To prevent sweets from sticking to the pan, you can add a little oil to the mixture. If you want the nuts to be crumbly and do not stick together - cool them by placing on parchment paper so that they do not touch. On the recipe they take 300 grams of almonds, 100 grams of sugar, 1 tsp. spices and 2 tbsp. water. Water can be topped up as needed. For completeness, add 0.5 tsp. salt to the mixture.

Salted Almonds in Oil
Important! It is not recommended to fry almonds in a large amount of oil. Almond Nut is a dietary product rich in healthy unsaturated fats. Adding oil greatly increases the calorie content of the dish and interrupts its delicate aroma.

However, there are recipes for roasting almonds in oil that you can try.To get a spicy salty snack, which perfectly saturate the body, you can fry almonds with spices. To do this, you need to heat it in a frying pan 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil, add to it 0.5 tsp. iodized salt and spices - 0.5 tsp. turmeric, a little coriander, cumin, allspice and other seasonings to taste. The kernels are fried in oil for about 5 minutes, mixing thoroughly.

For deep-frying, take half a glass of vegetable oil, heat it in a frying pan and fry the almond kernels for about 5 minutes, after which the almonds are removed, let the oil drain and pour the dried kernels with salt, shaking it and stir it evenly.

Video: how to fry almonds in a pan

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