How to lose weight in the face, to appear cheekbones

Women want to change their appearance by mood, which is why beautiful ladies like men more than transfiguration. Often, the owners of plump cheeks want to get rid of the cute features, exposing chiseled cheekbones. The process requires strength, attention to detail and patience. Experts recommend to review the usual way of life and diet, perform face-lifting exercises. At the same time folk remedies are of no small importance, tightening masks fix the result.

 How to lose weight in the face, to appear cheekbones

Causes of rounding the contour of the face

  1. Some girls suffer from increased swelling of the limbs and the face in particular. The problem is the slow removal of fluid from the skin. Moisture builds up due to impaired kidney, liver, or heart muscle.Often, puffiness occurs due to the large use of salty and fatty foods. As a means of eliminating the problem, exercise and diet are used.
  2. Overweight is another important aspect leading to the rounding of the oval. As a result of constant overeating and a sedentary lifestyle, fat accumulates in the face area. An alarming signal is the appearance of a double chin. If we add to the existing problem of edema, the situation looks extremely pitiable. In this case, the helpers will be exercise and, again, a diet.
  3. In addition to the "acquired" reasons, the face may be round due to the individual structure of the skull. The physiological aspect is extremely important, it is it that determines your facial contour. You can rebuild the oval, because in this area there are a lot of muscles that undergo pumping. Enough to perform exercises regularly.
  4. Pregnant girls in the period of carrying a baby gain weight, so that the face is rounded. After birth, the skin sags, the contour of the face becomes blurred. All kinds of cosmetic products to improve skin elasticity will help to correct the situation.
  5. The most difficult case is considered to be age-related changes.When a person is aging, the dermis loses moisture. After a time, the oval of the face changes, since elastin and collagen are not produced in the past. Taken together, lack of water and loss of tonus lead to sagging. To make the cheekbones more expressive, you must use anti-aging creams.

Exercises to reduce the size of the cheeks

There are a set of exercises aimed at reducing the cheeks and the allocation of cheekbones. Consider them in order.

  1. Take the habit of chewing "Orbit" without sugar 3-5 times a day for 10 minutes. After 2-3 weeks, you will notice that the cheekbones are noticeably prominent. Do not overdo it, otherwise the lower jaw will develop, the face will become square.
  2. Tighten your cheeks as much as possible and smile so that they rise upwards. Hold the end point for a quarter of a minute, relax your facial muscles. Make 25-30 approaches.
  3. Retract the cheeks, press the tongue to the upper jaw. Say "yyy", fix your lips in this position for 10 seconds, then relax. Rest for 3 seconds, repeat the manipulations. You need to perform the exercise 18-20 times.
  4. Fold the lips with a straw, say alternately "aaaa", "yyy", "oh-oh-oh", "ee-ee", "and-and-and", "I-I -I". Draw each letter for 10 seconds, take a break of 3 seconds between them. Do not relax your facial muscles throughout the exercise.
  5. Squeeze the teeth so that the upper jaw is in contact with the lower one symmetrically (the latter must be slightly advanced.) Stand in that position for half a minute, then begin to stick out your lower lip, fix it for 10 seconds. Perform 10 approaches.
  6. Close the lips and jaw to tighten the muscles of the face (in particular the neck, cheekbones). Tilt your head up, smooth the second chin for 1 minute. Next, rest for 10 seconds, take the starting position, massage the cheeks with fingertips. Do not lift your hands from the face, the exercise is performed in a circular motion for 1 minute.
  7. Raise your head, strain your neck muscles. Extend the movable jaw first forward, then back, repeat steps 2 minutes. Now inflate your cheeks, imagine that you are rolling an invisible balloon in your mouth. Turn him under the lips in a clockwise direction. The total duration of the exercise is at least 5 minutes.

Nutrition to reduce face

 Nutrition to reduce face

  1. Make a daily menu based on the needs of the body. Since man is mostly water, follow the drinking regime. Additionally, you need to eat a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as prepare juices based on these ingredients.
  2. If you can not eat fresh fruit, buy frozen formulations. Prepare meals by means of a multicooker, an oven, a double boiler. Exclude from the diet fried, salty, pepper and peppers. In no case do not lean on fast food, pastries, starchy products.
  3. Eat 4-6 times a day in portions of 330-350 gr. (depends on body weight). Calculate on an online calculator what daily calories you are allowed to use. Get a notebook, write down all the food eaten in a day. In the evening, summarize the figures, exclude unnecessary. If you are overweight, daily reduce your diet by 50 Kcal. Such a course will lose weight in the face and tighten the skin.
  4. Do not discard protein and proper fat. Eat fish, lean meats (rabbit, chicken, turkey, beef, veal, pork pulp).Do not forget about seafood, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese (kefir, milk, cheese), legumes (beans, peas), cereals (oatmeal and flax porridge), bran (rye, wheat).
  5. Keep track of how much salt you use. If possible, prepare food without this component, so as not to provoke puffiness. If you have a swollen body and face, drink diuretic drugs (tea, decoction, special tools). Give up homemade rolls, canned food, smoked meats.

Masks for the formation of oval face

  1. Gelatin. The food component is an excellent source of collagen. As a result, masks based on gelatin perfectly tighten the skin. Mix 20 gr. composition with 35-40 ml. filtered water, wait for swelling (about 20 minutes). Spread the mass evenly across your cheeks, mandible, nasolabial folds and other problem areas. Soak the mask for half an hour, remove with warm water.
  2. Honey. Cool 2 chicken eggs, separate the whites, you will not need the yolks. Beat the product with a mixer or fork, add 25 gr. melted honey and 20 gr. gelatin. Allow the compound to swell, then cover the skin with it.Wait 25-40 minutes, remove the mask film in a circular motion. Wipe your face with ice.
  3. Clay. Dissolve blue, black, green or white clay with water according to the instructions. Apply to face, leave to dry. When the mask starts to crack, remove it with warm water. Wash, wipe your face with cosmetic ice cubes or frozen berries.

Practical advice

  1. Lifestyle. Reconsider the usual foundations, get rid of the pernicious addiction to alcohol and tobacco. Exercise, do physical exertion at least 1 hour a day. It is not necessary to sign up for the gym, it is enough to perform light exercises at home. Spend more time in the fresh air.
  2. Sleep. Choose a suitable pillow for rest, it should not be higher than 10 cm in the folded state. A smaller figure contributes to the accumulation of moisture in the facial area, more complicates blood circulation. Go to bed at the “right” time (from 10 pm-11 pm to 7 am – 9 am).
  3. Drinking mode. Record the amount of fluid that you consume per day. A man of average build requires about 2.5 liters. clean summer and 2.2 liters. in the winter.A smaller amount causes dehydration, more contributes to the appearance of edema. In this case, the water is complemented by herbal tea, fresh juices, skim milk products.

Get in the habit of doing exercises daily. Eliminate from the diet of junk food, eat fractional, impose small portions. Prepare masks, follow the daily routine, follow the drinking regime.

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