How to use coconut oil for hair

Despite the variety of professional cosmetics for skin care, hair, eyelashes and nails, natural oils are gaining popularity. This is not surprising - natural formulations are absolutely safe, are used fresh, and most importantly, they are really effective. They collected the experience of a thousand-year history of female beauty, the power of nature is concentrated in oils. Today we will talk about coconut oil, which in recent years has just shocked the beauty industry.

 How to use coconut oil for hair

Today, coconut oil is the “Must Have” of a modern girl. It should certainly be in a beautician, because the oil is really universal. The composition perfectly cares for the skin, eliminates peeling, gives softness, smoothes wrinkles, makes the epidermis moisturized and shining.The oil is used to care for eyebrows and eyelashes - it gently nourishes the hair bulbs, strengthening them in their hole and stimulating hair growth. Oil is able to gently and safely remove cosmetics, without the effect of "panda" after washing. Coconut oil perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands and feet, it is able to cope with even the toughest and oldest cracks on the heels. Coconut oil can be used instead of expensive tanning cream. If you smear them whitish areas of the body, and then sunbathe, in just a few hours the tan will become monotonous, the skin will acquire a seductive bronze tint. Coconut oil is widely used for ingestion - it perfectly strengthens the immune system due to the large number of useful substances in its composition. Despite the many positive properties of coconut oil, it is most often used for hair care. This is a real elixir of restoration and nutrition for damaged, painful and dried hair.

Coconut Hair Benefits

Coconut contains more than 10 different fatty acids, which form the basis of the oily composition.In addition, coconut oil has trace elements, vitamins, phytosterols. Unlike other cosmetic oils, coconut is perfectly absorbed, does not leave a greasy film on the skin, does not stain clothes, and does not clog pores. With proper flushing of the oil on the hair does not remain greasy and the effect of "dirty hair". But how does coconut oil affect curls?

  1. Moisturizing and nutrition. Coconut oil is often used to restore and heal dry and scorched hair. Coconut masks are effective after aggressive coloring procedures - especially when bleaching and bleaching the strands. If the hair is burned out in the sun, if the curls become stiff after a perm, you definitely need coconut oil.
  2. Protection. A large amount of thiamine and folic acid makes coconut oil indispensable for extreme conditions. Coconut oil creates a thin, weightless layer on the surface of the hair shaft, it protects strands from ultraviolet rays, from chlorinated water, temperature drops and aggressive ecology. Coconut oil is a necessary condition for hair care for girls who live in megalopolises.
  3. Glitter, smoothness and shine. The oil contains nicotinic acid, which creates a thin indelible layer on the surface of the hair. Due to this thin film, the hair scales are smoothed, visually curls seem much more shiny and smooth. Coconut oil helps to get rid of the electrification of the hair, strands stop to push, look like a mirror. But a girl with curly hair reaches a special effect, coconut oil allows you to form a styling, makes the curls softer and more docile.
  4. Dandruff. Coconut oil contains special substances that have a powerful antiseptic and antifungal effect. Oil allows to cope with seborrhea, dandruff, dermatitis. After the first application of inflammation on the skin decreases markedly, you can get rid of itching of the scalp.
  5. Split ends. Since the oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the strands, it is actively used in the treatment of split ends. It is important to understand that it is no longer possible to reunite the split ends, but if you regularly lubricate them with coconut oil after cutting the ends, your hair will no longer split and split.
  6. Greasy hair. Most cosmetic oils can not be used for oily hair, because they will become even more greasy. But not coconut oil! It contains special fatty acids that get inside the scalp, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and reduce the production of secretions. Due to this, the hair no longer quickly become dirty, remain silky and crumbly for a long time.
  7. Against hair loss and for thick hair. Coconut oil contains many useful substances that easily penetrate the hair follicle, nourish it with essential elements and strengthen the follicles in the hole. With regular use of masks with coconut oil, the hair will no longer fall out, will become thicker and stronger.

Coconut oil is unique in that it is suitable for any type of hair, does not cause an allergic reaction and has no side effects. But to obtain high-quality results in the form of healthy and strong hair, you need to competently approach the choice of coconut oil.

How to choose coconut oil for hair

To get the real benefit from the product, you need to choose a quality oil.First of all, pay attention to how to obtain it. Cold-pressed oil is much more useful, it is not subjected to heat, which means that it has preserved all the most valuable. On sale you can find refined and unrefined oil - the first should be eaten, it is better cleaned. Unrefined is used in cosmetology, since it contains more useful substances, because such oil is not filtered. Crude oil may be cloudy - this is normal. The consistency of the product depends on the method of storage. If you keep the oil at room temperature, it becomes liquid. If you store the oil in the refrigerator, it hardens, this method of storage is more preferable. Try to buy oil producers from those countries where coconuts grow - this is Thailand, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, etc.

 How to choose coconut oil for hair

Some ladies, doubting the quality of the finished product, prefer to make butter on their own, especially since it is not at all difficult. To prepare the oil, you need a fresh and ripe coconut. The nut is chopped, the coconut pulp is extracted from it, crushed in a blender and poured with water at room temperature.Several times it is necessary to mix and knead the whole mass with a mortar so that the oil from the coconut chips comes out into the water. After that, the cooked porridge is placed in the fridge. For 6-8 hours, the chips will settle to the bottom of the can, and the oil will rise to the surface. After hardening, it is easy to separate it from water, then the oil can be left at room temperature, so that, for convenience, the composition can be poured into a jar of used cream. Store your own butter in the refrigerator.

How to apply coconut oil for hair

In the struggle for beautiful, healthy and strong hair, it is important to know the subtleties and nuances of using coconut oil.

  1. For the procedure you will need coconut oil, a comb with sparse teeth, a couple of towels, sponge or sponge. You will also need a hairdresser hat or just a food film to insulate the mask. In addition, you will need to wear an old T-shirt or jacket, because the stains from coconut oil leave greasy marks that are difficult to remove later.
  2. It is possible to apply oil both on pure, and on dirty hair. But remember that your hair must always be dry, this will allow you to precisely treat every centimeter of hair with oil.
  3. If you get the oil out of the refrigerator, it will be solid, you do not need to drown it on an open fire - the product loses its useful properties from high temperatures. Simply hold the oil in your hands or leave it for half an hour at room temperature; it will become soft or liquid.
  4. Hair need to comb, make a few partings. Take a small sponge, moisten it in oil and carefully treat the scalp. After this, we make the second parting next, again put the oil on the skin. So step by step, step by step, every centimeter of scalp should be processed. It is difficult to apply the oil to itself, so it is better to ask about it from someone close.
  5. After thoroughly treating the scalp, the oil should be spread over the entire length of the hair with a large comb, and finally finish moistening the tips with oil. So the composition is evenly distributed through the hair. If you have dandruff, you can treat only the roots, if you are struggling with split ends, soak them only in oil, it makes no sense to apply oil on the whole head.
  6. After applying, you need to collect hair in a bun, wrap it with a film and wrap up with a towel so that the effect of the mask in the heat will increase.You can keep coconut oil on your head for several hours; the longer, the better, but not less than an hour. The mask is quite comfortable - it does not flow, it does not sting, it does not itch.
  7. After removing the towel and film, do not rush to put hair under a stream of hot water. In a small scoop or cup, make up some water with shampoo, apply the mixture on your head, try to make oily hair. Then wash your head with water and shampoo several times. Thorough washing ensures no greasy, stuck hair.
  8. After washing off the mask, allow the hair to dry on its own, do not use a hair dryer.

To strengthen and restore painful strands, the mask can be made twice a week. After a month you will notice that the curls have become much more silky, crumbly and smooth. However, this is not the limit - you can enhance the effect of coconut oil with the help of additional components.

Coconut Hair Mask

Coconut oil is a universal product for hair of any type, length and condition. Therefore, it is used in various cosmetic masks.

 Coconut Hair Mask

  1. Butter, egg, honey, kefir. Mix the honey melted in a water bath with egg yolk, add butter and kefir, mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to the hair or only on the tips. The mask perfectly nourishes, restores, relieves dryness and brittleness. This is a universal mask for revitalizing dry and scorched hair.
  2. Coconut oil and red pepper. This mask is good against hair loss. For her, it is better to use not pure pepper, but its alcoholic tincture. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, chopped pepper is poured with vodka or alcohol, insist for 2-3 weeks, after which the tincture is filtered and mixed in equal proportions with coconut oil. The resulting mask should be applied to the scalp, leave for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo. After 5-6 procedures, you will notice that the hair will begin to grow much better, bald spots and balding will gradually tighten.
  3. Coconut oil, decoction of nettle and aloe. This mask should be used in the fight against dandruff and seborrhea. First you need to prepare a strong and concentrated decoction of nettle - pour three tablespoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for at least an hour.Aloe leaves need to freeze, chop and squeeze - after freezing the juice is separated from the pulp is much easier. Mix a mixture of nettle, aloe juice and coconut oil in equal proportions, apply the mixture to the hair roots, leave the mask for one and a half hours. The result will be noticeable after the first procedure.
  4. Coconut oil, gelatin and glycerin. This mask is suitable for hair that needs extra shine and volume. Pour gelatin with water, for better effect, milk can be used instead of water. When gelatin swells, it should be filtered through a sieve so that there are no small dense pieces, otherwise they will be stuck in the hair. After that, add to the gelatin coconut oil and glycerin in equal parts, mix the composition and distribute it along the entire length. This is a beautiful mask, after which the hair will become lively, crumbly and shiny.
  5. Coconut oil, egg white and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and get an incredibly effective mask against oily hair. Citric acid inhibits the activity of the sebaceous glands, egg white removes greasy fat, coconut oil nourishes the skin so that it does not need additional release of greasy fat. However, this mask should be thoroughly washed, 3-5 times with shampoo.After that, the curls will become crumbly, they will stay clean longer.

Coconut oil goes well with all the ingredients in masks, does not suppress their properties and retains its valuable vitamins.

Once on the Mediterranean resorts, do not forget to buy there real, high-quality and natural coconut oil. It can be used not only for cosmetic purposes - it is useful for treating the body, the oil is used in cooking to give the dishes a milky and nutty flavor and aroma. Use coconut oil to treat hair and forget about cosmetic problems forever!

Video: 15 ways to use coconut oil

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