How to dye hair chalk for hair

What the manufacturer of cosmetic products does not come up with to attract another customer. A new invention of the world of beauty - coloring chalk for hair. Crayons are small colored bars, which under certain actions perfectly paint over some curls or the entire head of hair completely. Crayons for hair - a great alternative to aggressive chemical dyes that not only spoil the hair, but also change color for a long time. With the help of crayons, you can experiment, be bold and different - the hair color will be washed off when you first wash your hair.

 How to dye hair chalk for hair

Crayons can be used when you want to change the image for a while. Today you went to a party with red hair, and tomorrow you are again in a classic style in the office or at school. Crayons are in great demand before costume holidays, but in everyday life they are used only by the most courageous girls.Before you figure out how to use them, let's try to figure out what kind of chalks they are, what they consist of and how they affect our hair.

Crayons for hair

New-fashioned tool for temporary staining of strands became popular in the cosmetic industry just a few years ago. It’s all the fault of one French stylist who did not have time to prepare his model for the show and instead of the usual paint used an artistic bed. The show was successful, and the possibility of temporary harmless hair dye caused a sensation. Since then, bed cosmetic chalk began to gain its popularity.

Modern hair crayons are a coloring pigment and a binding basis. The basis used wax, vegetable and mineral oils. In addition, the composition of many high-quality chalk included vitamin complexes. They protect hair from negative impact, nourish strands with minerals, strengthen and restore painful curls. Therefore, crayons for hair are considered not only decorative paint, but also an excellent vitamin remedy for the treatment of damaged hair.

Crayons for hair can be dry or oily.Dried crayons must be wetted before application, or dissolved in water, after which strands are moistened in the same water. Fatty crayons are more convenient to use, but they do not hold on to hair as firmly as they are dry. Dry crayons are usually presented on sale in the form of a pencil, but fat ones are in flat boxes, resembling shadows or rouge.

How to dye hair chalk for hair

It is not more difficult to paint hair with crayons than to draw a picture on asphalt with them. First you need to buy a set of suitable crayons. They can easily be found in a cosmetic or any online store. The number of crayons in a pack varies from 4 to 48 shades. It is better to take large packs so that you can create palettes of several pigments - this is very fashionable and stylish. In addition, high-quality crayons remain suitable for a very long time, which makes the purchase even more profitable.

Before you begin the procedure of transformation, you need to prepare everything you need - the gloves, the crayons themselves and a couple of old towels that will not be discouraged to be thrown away. In this case, it is better to change into an unnecessary T-shirt, so that in the process of dyeing you do not stain good clothes.

  1. First you need to rinse your head thoroughly. Firstly, in order for the styling to be fresh and voluminous, secondly, the crayons are much better placed on clean hair. After shampooing, do not use balm or hair conditioner. An extra layer of additional agent may prevent uniform staining.
  2. Apply crayons better on wet hair. This not only facilitates the process of dyeing, but also makes the resulting color more saturated and deep. Therefore, after washing it is not necessary to dry them completely. Just blot them with a towel or lightly dry them with a cold jet. The exception is the bright tones of hair. Blondes need to completely dry their hair, otherwise it will be rather problematic to wash off the crayons later.
  3. We change into old clothes and cover our shoulders with an unnecessary towel.
  4. We divide the strands into several parts and twist the thin curls into a flagellum. After that, we take the chalk and just paint over it the twisted strand. You can paint the order several times to get a more intense color. Fashion trends recommend us to use when coloring several colors. For example, you can play on the palette of red-purple hues.We paint the very ends in red, then make a smooth transition to pink, after it - orange and red. You can finish the curls with purple pigment, which ends closer to the hair roots. It is very popular among young people to paint strands in different shades of green. In fact, it looks very stylish. Now, decide on a bold amber or hair like Katy Perry is not at all difficult - if you want, you can always quickly get rid of color.
  5. If dry chalks (in the form of a pencil) need to be painted over by the strands manually, then using greasy chalks is much easier. It is enough to just let the wet strand twisted into a bundle through a special box, which is adapted for such coloring. This process will not only quickly change the color of your hair, but also give you a lot of pleasure.
  6. The next stage does not require your special presence. Now you just need to wait until your hair is dry. After that, lightly shake off the strands so that the paint that does not mate with the hair flew off the hair.
  7. The next stage of transformation is the formation of hairstyles and fixing the dye on the hair.If you want to get curls, wind the strands only at the ends or from the very bottom. If desired, colored curls can be left and straight. However, so they look much less advantageous.
  8. The final stage is the fixing of the shape of the hairstyle and coloring pigment. Spray your hair well with a quality varnish so that the paint does not crumble and do not stain your clothes. Spray the varnish at arm's length so that the curls remain alive and do not stick together.

Many girls wonder - how long can this hairstyle last on the hair? It all depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the coloring crayons. Equally important is the structure of the hair itself. If the strands are thin and dry, the paint will stick better; if it is thick and heavy, it will crumble quickly. One thing can be said with certainty, for one evening hair just enough. On average, crayons are kept on hair from 6 hours to two days.

Color highlighting with crayons

Highlighting has always been in fashion. Strands of a contrasting color make hair bulky, and the face is lighter and more expressive. If you can not decide on the usual highlights, make a temporary staining of individual strands with crayons.This highlighting is perfect for women with the early manifestation of gray hair - crayons perfectly hide white hair.

 Color highlighting with crayons

It is quite simple to make such highlighting, but it would be better if you will not be able to carry out your plans independently, but with the help of, for example, a friend. Comb the wet strands and carefully take a few curls along the parting. Remember, the smaller these locks, the winnings the final result will look. If you have blond hair, you can dye small strands in pink, blue or brown. If you are a brunette, white, purple and purple shades look advantageous. You can make extravagant highlighting, like Jennifer Aniston. After processing, do not forget to dry and fix the strands with varnish so that the paint does not crumble.

After a complete transformation, the question arises - how to wash crayons from the hair. Make it easy, just wash your hair with familiar shampoo. Sometimes the dye may not come out completely, then you will have to wash your hair twice. This usually happens with light shades of hair - crayons dye them best. But after re-washing the hair, hair invariably returns to its formercondition After washing your hair, do not forget to use a balm or hair conditioner to restore the strands.

You should not make crayons for the hair yourself - sometimes for this purpose they use ordinary art bed and vegetable oils. The color of such raw materials will be much less saturated, moreover, such homemade paint quickly peels off. Use quality products to experiment with the image without harm to the hair.

Video: dye your hair with crayons

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