How to prepare an aquarium for fish settling

Aquarium is considered to be a decorative element of the interior, it will decorate even the most unremarkable room. At first glance it may seem that the installation of the house does not present any particular difficulties: he poured water, lined the ground and that's it. However, like any other matter, the preparation includes its own characteristics that must be considered. Consider the important aspects in order.

 How to prepare an aquarium for fish settling

Stage number 1. Acquisition and installation of an aquarium

  1. First of all, you must purchase an aquarium that is suitable in size and size. As experienced aquarists advise, the optimum volume is considered to be a capacity of 35-45 liters. In such conditions it is easier to maintain the natural biosphere. If you live in a small apartment (studio, studio), you can stop the choice on an aquarium with a capacity of about 20 liters, but no less.
  2. It is important that the height of the dwelling matches its width.Such a course ensures a sufficient area of ​​contact of air with water. The liquid component will be filled with oxygen, which will ensure the full existence of plants and fish.
  3. After selecting and buying the appropriate capacity, you need to take care of its installation. It is worth remembering forever that in no case should an aquarium be placed on a windowsill, and the place should be located near natural light, that is, by the window.
  4. In cases where the selected surface is unstable (swinging, does not have thick legs, etc.), correct this mistake. Using a construction level, level the table / shelf so that the aquarium is installed firmly.

Important!It is strictly forbidden to lift or move a tank filled with liquid over the surface. For this reason, think about choosing a suitable place in advance, before the infusion of water.

Stage number 2. Aquarium cleaning

  1. After acquiring and choosing a place to install a house, proceed to cleaning the aquarium. This stage is very important, it cannot be neglected, approach the process responsibly.
  2. Put a soft towel in the bath or shower, put an aquarium on it.Rinse the container with running water at room temperature, avoid sudden drops of liquid with glass.
  3. Prepare a cleansing solution: rub a third of a bar of household or tar soap on a grater, pour boiling water over it, bring the mixture to homogeneity. Cool, then pour into the cavity of the container.
  4. Using a foam sponge, wipe the walls, bottom, corners. If desired, you can do without a solution. To do this, soap rag, handle housing inside and out.
  5. Rinse the aquarium with water to remove soap particles. Moisten the sponge and the walls with plenty of water, pour in baking soda so that the glass is completely covered. Leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour, then proceed to the cleaning.
  6. Wipe the cavity well and wash it several times. Fill the aquarium with water, retreating from the edges by 10-15 cm., Leave for 2 days. After the expiration date, pour out the water, repeat the last stage of cleaning with soda and soak again. Such manipulations will help to remove the remnants of paint and silicone, which are processed corners.

Stage number 3. Washing and placement of soil

 Placement of soil in the aquarium

  1. The best option aquarium soil is considered to be sand from the shoals of the river. In cases where there is no opportunity to lay the foundation of this kind, take any sand. The main thing is to wash it thoroughly, removing the remains of clay.
  2. To properly clean the soil, pour it into a deep bucket or basin, then open the valve to its maximum capacity. After the water becomes clear, complete the procedure. It is possible to facilitate the work, washing the soil step by step in small parts. At the same time it must be mixed with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  3. After washing, check the soil for cleaning: pour water into the tank with sand, wait 10 minutes. After that stir the composition, evaluate the result. In the presence of turbidity, washing should be continued.
  4. Proceed to the placement of the soil. Put it on the bottom of the aquarium so that the tank is 4-6 cm full. Make a slope to the front wall, creating a “marine” effect. Optionally arrange pebbles, decorative snags, earthen houses, etc.
  5. Do not lay the scenery close to the glass, so as not to accidentally damage it. Make sure that there are no stones with sharp edges in the aquarium, otherwise the fish may get hurt.

Stage number 4. Filling with water, installation of instruments

  1. Pour the previously defended water into a clean bucket, take a garden hose and lower one edge. Next, make a suction motion “in itself” so that water starts to flow out of the tube.
  2. Attach the second edge to the wall of the aquarium, a similar move will help avoid ground turbidity. Raise the bucket of water above the house to allow the liquid to drain faster.
  3. There is another option of filling the aquarium with water. To make it a reality put a plate on the ground, send a small stream of purified water to it, use a watering can.
  4. Install the filter by attaching it to the tank wall on the suction cups. Make sure that the device is working, then adjust the lighting. You can attach a fluorescent or special aquarium lamp above the tank so that the light falls from above.
  5. Cover the fish house with a glass plate that will protect the aquarium from dust and foreign objects. Wait 1 week, after this period the house is ready to move in.

It is easy to prepare an aquarium for fish settling, if you act in stages.In order to maintain them properly, it is necessary to prepare housing with all the requirements. Choose a suitable container, clean it, fill it with river ground. Fill with water, install the filter, lamp and protective glass. After a certain period of time start the fish, make sure they feel good.

Video: what you need to know to run the aquarium

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