How to clean amber at home

Amber jewelry and products at all times highly valued in the markets of women's accessories, semi-and precious compositions and even various headsets. Archaeologists, for example, with their findings confirm that this stone was used by people already in the Upper Paleolithic (during the time period that was 40-12 thousand years ago). In the overwhelming majority of cases, rough and slightly processed pieces were used, probably in order to show the power of one or another person in the tribe. Now this mineral finds its application even in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

 How to clean amber

Cleaning and full care for a variety of jewelry that contain amber, it is necessary to build on the properties of this semi-precious mineral. Since real amber is not artificial,is a common fossilized fossil resin of coniferous trees that existed about 100-30 million years ago, it becomes obvious that this stone is very fragile, and if it is carelessly handled, it can be easily damaged and split into many small pieces.

Important: It should be noted that at present there are also types of “artificial” amber, which are created with the help of resin trees growing now. The price of such minerals is much lower, and it is quite simple to distinguish them from the present, the fossil (there are even special manuals where the differences of one type from another are described in detail).

Ways to clean amber at home

There are a lot of ways to clean amber, each of them affects the mineral in its own way, so they should not take more than half an hour by the duration (of course, unless you have to clean a kilogram specimen).

The use of one or another method depends on the degree of variability of the mineral, its state and appearance, therefore the choice should be approached responsibly.So, there are the following ways:

  1. Cleaning with water. The easiest way to clean amber, which is suitable if it has lost its former brightness, having lain, for example, in a box for a long time. It is necessary to wash the mineral in any container, in any case not under the powerful pressure of water from the tap or shower head. For cleaning it is recommended to use the minimum water temperature; After completing the procedure, add some shine to the amber to dry it with a napkin or soft towel.
  2. Flannel and velvet cloth perfectly cope with the task of giving the mineral extra shine, polishing it. It is recommended to wipe with neat circular motions, without undue friction, even if it is on the surface of the dirt, because before this procedure it is recommended that you first rinse the amber well. If the described operations do not help to restore the color of amber, it can be rubbed with olive oil and stopped in such a state for the night.
  3. You can use ordinary salt for cleaning amber, which is used in cooking. It must be added to water at room temperature, then completely stirred until it is completely dissolved (enough teaspoon).After that amber is placed in a glass and left overnight; after, in the morning, it should be removed and wiped dry with a rag.
  4. Strongly polluted amber can be cleaned with paraffin wax and tooth powder. These two components must also be stirred until completely dissolved in water, in which you should then moisten a soft cloth or napkin. She should already wipe the mineral, then rinse the latter under water.

Tooth powder can be added not only to water with paraffin, but also with salt. In this case, you should know that in no case can you use toothpaste, as it contains elements that adversely affect the state of amber.

What can not be cleaned amber and jewelry made of it

Amber is often called the "sun stone" because of its ability to shine in the light of different reflections of orange, yellow and red shades. If any jewelry is made from a true mineral, it should eventually become cloudy due to the natural oxidation process that takes place in air.

 What can not be cleaned amber

This is due to the fact that while amber is in its natural position (that is,it is associated with other rocks), then the environment, firstly, is favorable for him (since the mineral was able to stay in it for millions of years), and secondly, it plays the role of a kind of protector from external encroachments.

As soon as a person removes a stone, he immediately gets into a new environment with new conditions, which contributes to his turbidity (sometimes the word "aging" is used). Moreover, it becomes very fragile, for example, it will not be difficult to leave a scratch on it with the help of even a pencil. That is why you need to know what amber to clean in any case impossible.

So, in order to clean this mineral can not be used:

  1. Steam generators, as they, directing steam under sufficiently high pressure, dilute amber.
  2. Aggressive chemicals, especially alkaline ones (professionals do not recommend using even soap).
  3. Alcohol, its solutions and various abrasive brushes; the latter will leave so many scratches and “wounds” on the surface that it will be impossible to get rid of them in the future.

Caring for amber jewelery and compositions

Rules for the care of jewelry containing amber, are quite simple.In order that the mineral retains its classic sun-golden shine, it is necessary, firstly, to be regularly cleaned with soft rags, napkins or small towels. This will allow it to preserve its color for a long time and will save harmful substances, dust, etc. from accumulating on the surface.

 Caring for amber jewelery and compositions

Tip: if the mineral has any pits, grooves and other irregularities on the surface, they can be cleaned with soft cotton swabs.

Yantar is recommended by many jewelers to be kept separately from all jewelry, either in a box or in a separate soft recess, since the slightest contact with the sharp ends of other jewelry and headsets can cause the mineral to rapidly aging (the appearance of a deep crack will cause air to penetrate into the mineral core, what will be the cause of the oxidation process, which can no longer be stopped).

If the jewelry is used, for example, as an accessory for an evening out, then you should pay attention so that when sprinkling perfume means they do not fall on the mineral. Various elements in their composition can cause a white film on amber.

Tip: if for some reason drops of some chemical product fell on amber, it should be wiped dry as soon as possible, even with a sleeve of clothing. Upon arrival home - to polish in the ways described above.

Amber in no case should experience serious temperature fluctuations, especially in the transition from negative to positive. This is due to the fact that the smallest particles of possible condensate can freeze at night on the surface and, as a result, increase in volume. Such cyclic processes can cause cracking and accelerate the oxidation process.

Video: how to distinguish amber from fake

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